We've talked about Will Royster and his Republican leanings and affiliations. Now TKC has talked to quite a few Democrat officials today and understood that a recent mailer is PISSING A LOT OF PEOPLE OFF!!!

Of course, The Royster Camp is going to deny any affiliation but the mailer has their campaign sign on it and from what I've heard they would have a HARD TIME disputing this IF it ever came before the MO Ethics Commission. Basically, it was explained to me that the burden of proof is on the Royster camp in this instance.

(click image for bigger view)

Also, the ad acknowledging that "Since there are no Republicans Running" is stupid because the Northeast runs MORE THAN 80% DEMOCRAT!!! Additionally, this advert just raised the suspicions and alarm button of almost every Democrat in the Kansas City area.

(click image for bigger view)

The association with Steven Tilly is exceptionally troubling because it demonstrates that Royster might not be a team player with Kansas City Democrats when it comes to contentious issue in Missouri House and this strategy doesn't play well with Democrats doing their best to win back House Seats.

Put simply . . .


I'm really struggling to encapsulate and accurately depict the rage over the Republican Royster advert. Whoever this ad came from, they simply didn't to Royster any favors and didn't do their homework regarding politics in Kansas City's urban core.


  1. We are going to send Republican Royster back to his Gladstone Boulevard "mansion" on Tuesday. May he he can have a nice conversation with Reagan's corpse, the loon that he is probably talks to him every night before bed.

  2. Rizzo is the only choice in this race. Royster is just all over the place. Can't put my finger on him.

  3. This is so far from the realm of sanity. This is just sick.

  4. I think that's a great mailer. Voters in NE could care less which party is in office, they want their economic situation and community to improves. Great work Royster!!! I'm voting for you now! Having the support of both sides of the aisle will be get things done for Northeast. I think Royster will win.

  5. Bullshit. That mailer isn't making anyone mad. Whoever wins will need to have connections on both sides to get shit done. Great piece Royster. I'm glad you reached out to all voters in this race. It shows your leadership. I'll take someone who can get bipartisan support to get things done anyday over someone who just wants to play party politics.

  6. Nice post Moreno. Guess you have become a Republican consultant now. Hate labor and pander to the Right wing nuts.

  7. Tony doesn't that piece have Reagan and Truman on it? Thought so. Excellent move Royster. Keep on crying hacks. You are just pissed because electing Royster will put into office a solid pro-labor democrat that can reach across the aisle and get things done. Royster will win big.

  8. I think the people of Northeast want jobs, safe neighborhoods and good schools more than they want partisan politics. They'll need a leader with support on both sides to get that. All the best can do it. Which is just another reason to the long list of reasons why Rizzo isn't in office.

    As a Democrat I'm happy to vote for a Democrat rep with common sense!! Go Royster!

  9. Northeast Progress7/31/10, 10:13 PM

    Royster will stomp Rizzo Tuesday. The District knows that Rizzo is all talk and no work. Where was he after his promises in 2004? 2006? 2008? LOL Nowhere! The voters aren't stupid.

    Royster is the clear choice in this election and you hear it everywhere.

  10. Excellent piece. He's going to need bipartisan help to get anything done in that snake pit. It's obvious now that Northeast will be a lot better off with Royster who apparently has leadership support on both sides. Great work Will.

  11. Agree with above. Nice piece. Royster wins.

  12. I love it!! This guy is smarter than I thought!! Nice work Moreno.

  13. That Royster quote on the Reagan side is solid. I like it !! Looks like we have our choice for the 40th!! Go Royster!

  14. Does Moreno charge by each blog comment? If so Royster should keep his checkbook open.

  15. This is why Royster will lose badly. He doesn't know the district. He has pissed off every democrat in northeast. Goodbye Will Royster.

  16. Nice piece Will.

  17. I doubt he mailed that piece to all voters. Apparently JJ has never heard of micro marketing. I'm glad Royster will win.

  18. Yep 10:48! I like it. Great strategy piece Royster and Moreno! Looks like the underdogs are about to win!!!!!!

  19. yeah, this looks like a real mailer that wasn't made by another campaign. Good work Tony Rizzo, hope you get a biscuit for that one.

  20. Another Midtown Mom7/31/10, 10:59 PM

    Unfortunate, Why doesn't Will just run as a Republican. I bet he wouldn't do that bad.

  21. Will Royster is an absolute nut. This just shows how crazy and out of touch he is. I'm voting democrat so that means I'm voting Rizzo.

  22. Rizzo's in a walk.

  23. Chris Moreno campaign strategy:

    1. Lose all the endorsements
    2. Piss labor unions off
    3. Lie about everything
    4. Deny that candidate is crazy
    5. Lose the Kansas City Star endorsement
    6. Ask 80% democratic district to vote Republican
    7. Win election
    8. Oh yeah, piss off immagrants and minorities(very important)
    9. Send bill for 20,000.00 dollars.

  24. I am friends with Will Royster and will be voting for him, and hope he wins, but this was a very stupid idea. I'm a lifelong democrat and if I didn't know Will personally I would be very upset about him being in bed with the Republicans.

    But I'm not as upset with the mail piece as much as I am upset with the entire campaign. I don't know who this Moreno is or who is running his campaign but they completely screwed it up. Will is a good man and he or someone else has not done a good job at all getting that across. Good luck Will, I think you will need it, but I'm pulling for you.

  25. Great micro targeting mailer! Homerun! Rizzo gets at best 40% of the vote.

  26. Chris Moreno and I don't agree on a few things but I think he ran a great campaign and this was a great way to close. Excellent work Royster camp.

  27. I like how JJ Rizzo and Pat Gray's boys are on here blogging about how it's bad to work with Republicans given that Jeff Roe gets half his salary from Cambridge.

  28. The People of KC7/31/10, 11:23 PM

    When you have to lie on your campaign ads you deserve to lose.

  29. Will Royater is not a crediable candidate. Nobody believes I him. Why couldn't he get one endorsement, just one.

    He will be lucky to get 30 percent.

  30. Great mailer. I disagree. As a board member of Holy Cross, I can tell you that this is exactly what we wanted to see from our representative. Put the political gridlock aside and just work to improve Historic Northeast. That's all we want. I'm voting for Royster.

  31. stop giving Royster the credit for all my far out there mailers. you know i did the original republican hit (tee hee i'll hit anything with a swingin' di....) and also the far out weird Funkhouser hit (Serrone and i were doing a coke line), i want credit for this one as well!

  32. Tony is a nice saddle for Henry8/1/10, 12:26 AM

    TKC, do you get paid by the piece from Rizzo? I estimate 5 more Royster pieces before the election is over. maybe i am too low.....

  33. STOOPID democrats8/1/10, 12:30 AM

    what a bunch of losers you whiners are....would you prefer the republicans not vote on a democrat ballot? that means they show less and less turnout on the republican side and less and less attention will be paid to this area by republicans. How is this bad again? I fucking guarantee you that Rizzo would love to have EVERY republican vote for him in this election. You know he has already asked all the illegals to with his Univision commercials.

  34. did rizzo set the stage for this one with his ridiculous "hit" piece with ZERO explanation of why Royster was a republican? Will didn't say he was like a republican, JJ did. Will just capitalized on that discussion and focused on the voters, like a good candidate. JJ just focuses on Will (and completely ignores his own experience, which is VERY likely for a FOURTH time candidate) and guys with man weiners looking for a special italian spice.

  35. JJ doesn't like man weiners. He likes ducks. He loves the special wax gland and the way they quack at him.

  36. He Is Awesome, Way To Go Will!

  37. JJ, I am so sick of your attack mailers on Will. You either have a staged photo of you with old people, or an attack piece. I have yet to hear you say ONE concrete thing you have accomplished that benefited the Northeast. I have seen others ask that question and never heard your answer, or a supporter answer it. Your website doesn't list any. I supported you in the past, but its clear you are just in it for yourself, not for us.

  38. Someone explain how JJ is not a predatory lender? He listed his employement for the past 5 years as TMJJ, a company that his dad owns, that was named after himself and his brother, and that does business as KC Title Loans and Credit Motors? You must be a Bushnell to not see that connection.

  39. Wait, isnt is a bad thing to be a bushnell, like you're a dumbass or something? ooooohh, i get the point you were making......

  40. What has JJ done for Northeast since running in 2004? It's about to get reaaaaaaally quiet in here.

    Because he hasn't done jack.

    Community first JJ. That's why Royster will win.

  41. Sleep well candidates. The world spins round without you, governing itself without your egotism or hubris. Nature does not need politics.

  42. I'm glad Royster is able to work with both sides to get things done. That is what Northeast needs. It's also shameful that Mike Sanders and Victor Callahan would send out a mailer attacking Mr. Royster.

  43. I REALLY this is a bold strategy by Mr. Royster. I see him at the Northeast Chamber and really like what he has to say. This is great! Putting community first. Missouri needs leaders like this that can reach across the isle. Good job Will.

  44. Opposition to almost every house member in Kansas City? I think Kansas City needs more leaders like Jason Kander and Will Royster that can reach across the isle to get things done.

  45. Moreno you should really give his money back. A republican mailer in a 85 percent district. Rizzo will take 85 percent anyday can't you add you idiot.

  46. Did Henry (11:07) just admit Will Royster was going to win. Great freudian slip Henry.

    This Royster campaign deserves to win. They really bogged down the old man Rizzo. I feel bad for his mistress. It will be like that scene from Munic, when Eric Bana almost kills that poor woman having sex.

  47. you guys are such morons; you keep mentioning its an 85% democrat district, but everyone totally forgets the other 15%. The cost of one mailer to reach out to the 15% is worth it. Great move Moreno.

  48. There is no way that mailer went to the entire district and if the Rizzo campaign really thinks that, they are complete idiots.

    Bold but great strategy Chris. You are braver than I thought.

  49. JJ, great mailers you keep doing! Keep doing the dumb ones where you attack Will, in a vague way. The less you talk about your accomplishments (i know, i know, hard to talk about nothing) the more people realize you are a SHAM for running for 4 elections in a row.

  50. Wow. This is a big gamble by Will Royster and Chris Moreno but I like it! Way to shock the Rizzo campaign, guys!

  51. 13th Ward Democrat8/1/10, 7:52 AM

    As a good Democrat in Northeast that has been loyal to the party for years, I have to say the mailer by Callahan and Sanders attacking Will Royster was sad. They actually had to spend money to tell voters JJ Rizzo is "NOT" a predatory lender?

    I didn't get this mailer by Will but I'm glad he sent it. I'm tired of these guys coming in and trying to put this punk kid in office. Good for Will. He'll be able to get things done for Northeast.

  52. Hey that mailer has both Reagan and Truman on it. It's actually pretty nice to show the history of political importance Northeast once had because of the Roysters. Great mailer. It makes me think about the good old days. I don't live in Northeast but if I did, I'd vote for Will.

  53. Jarriel19 (JJ Rizz)8/1/10, 8:10 AM

    I'm going to take a break from blogging to go to mass up north of the river. I need to so that I don't feel as bad soliciting male sex online each week.

  54. One of a Few NE Repub's8/1/10, 8:54 AM

    finally someone who doesn't ignore us. i already was going to vote for Will because i know him and of his involvement in the area, but i can say its refreshing to have a democrat who doesn't want to punch republicans, but rather reach out. i don't speak for everyone, obviously, but i think this will be a great thing to get other republicans to vote for Will

  55. Great move by this campaign. I agree this is VERY bold and brave. I like it!

  56. I don't care what party affiliation people have, so long as they actually do something for our neighborhood. I know Will Royster has been out there doiing real things already, and by reaching across party lines, I know that for the first time in decades, we'll have an honest and effective rep in Jeff City.

  57. This is a Democrat district and the Royster family have stronger Democrat ties than almost any in Kansas City history. That said, I'm so glad to see W.E. reach out to our votes. Our voices deserve to be heard too! I have received 15calls from Republican friends in Northeast and we are going for W.E. Royster!

  58. The Democratic Party in Jackson County has been corrupted by Henry Rizzo, Mike Sanders, Victor Callahan and their sexually perverted appointees; and the REST of the Party has just sat back and done nothing to clean house. I think Jason Kander and Will Royster are the best hopes for JACO because they are smart, unafraid, dedicated former military guys who gave oath to the Constitution rather than to corrupt politicians and the pervs who enable them.

  59. I couldn't agree more 9:22. The Royster's are a legendary Democrat family and it is an absolute disgrace to see Callahan, Sanders and other Democrats attack them via mail for a Rizzo. Our party deserves better than him. Was there any Democrat official that stood with the Roysters against these bullies?

  60. I was curious to see when the last time it was that a Northeast Dem reached out across party lines. The last time that I saw any evidence of it, was back when Bill Royster (Will's father) represented the (mostly Italian) Community. Back then, Northeast turned out tens of thousands of votes and Northeast was respected. Will's dad has a memorial built to him at Concourse Park -right in front of the fountains - because of his dedication to Northeast. I think Will, has the heart and courage to do the same good for his district as his dad did. Got my vote!

  61. I listened to Will Royster at the Chanber of Commerce meeting. John Rizzo didn't think it was important enough to show up and support the Local Chamber. That says alot, but Royster said even more: He not only has a plan, but he's actually already doing it. Not just for Italians, but for every race that lives in Northeast. We all got to live together, so we might as well do business together! Will Royster is loyal to the Chamber. He's got me.

  62. If John Rizzo isn't a payday loan guy, then what exactly does he do?

  63. It's time for the days of the bar owning, predatory lending, ex-con Rizzo family to lose control of Northeast. The community has waited years for someone to stand up. John Burnett started fighting back and now he and Will, will finish it. Thank you John and thank you Will! WE NEED IT!

  64. Tony, the only House Member that is going to be "at odds" with Will Royster is Mike Talboy, who thinks Henry Rizzo is going to pay for him to eventually run for City Council. Talboy is behind John Rizzo's campaign, and is your source of legitimacy from Jeff City. I wish I could see the look on Talboy's face when he goes to Royster to ask for his vote as Minority Leader!

  65. Italians for Royster8/1/10, 9:39 AM

    Rizzo likes to make everyone think he's one of the guys. The truth is we all know he used to get slapped around for acting up and was nothing but a C team driver that ran errands here and there. He's done nothing but give our community a bad name. The Sons of Columbus are watching and waiting for this race to be over. Our community is ready for a guy like Royster, who's father was more true to us than Henry ever will be.


    and now, he wants John.

    NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

  67. It looks like the Kander caucus is going to have a new veteran. Jackson county needs more guys like Kander and Royster. Who else will step up in other districts? It's time for a revolution to clean up our party here in Jackson County! Let's throw out the felons, crooks and perverts running it now.

  68. The World seems to be so small when you consider the Rizzo mind-set. Will Royster has a bigger view, and greater expectations than what John Rizzo seems to have. Will has seen more, and obviously done more than John; so it's no surprise that he wants to do more.

  69. Sylvia and I have lived off taxpayer dollars for 25 years. We even tried paying Lindsey for awhile but that didn't work out when they found out her real last name. Now I'm asking for you to vote for Johnny Joe. Our family deserves your taxdollars paying for everything we have.

  70. DAD! I'm losing control of this campaign! You better do something or I'm never running for something you ask for again!

  71. Henry! Do something! Buy little Johnny Joe another truck or something! If he loses, he'll be living in our basement again!!

  72. All this for a $29k job? Obviously there's a lot more at stake in those gravy jobs than taxpayers think.

    Are they like waiters? They make $3 an hour in wages, and $150k in tips from powerful customers/vendors?

    Where are these people FROM? Louisiana? Chicago?

    This whole campaign stinks to high heaven! I don't see y'all got ANY ethical choices!

  73. And yet again, Radioman nailed it to the wall!

  74. Not Radioman8/1/10, 11:40 AM

    Radioman, I don't think you should lump Royster into the same bag of crap with the Rizzos. The only twists and attacks in this election that I have read, come from Rizzo mailers and TKC. You should probably actually meet Royster and talk with him prior to tossing out ethical judgments.

  75. Moreno/Royster is not in opposition to every Dem House member in KC. The campaign just pulled the rug out from under Mike Talboy. Talboy was meeting with Royster in Jeff City over a year ago, and even helped hook him up with Morino. Then he sold out to Henry Rizzo as if the whole world wouldn't find out about it. TKC and Talboy are both shills for Henry.

  76. I just read all of this. It looks like Will Royster is well positioned to become one of the most powerful Democrats in The House. That ought to help get things done for Kansas City and Northeast.

    If Talboy tried to screw Royster, that was a dumb move.

  77. Tony, I've noticed that you tout John Rizzo, but you don't substantiate any reasons why. Are you operating this blog as an advert for the Rizzos?

  78. Rizzo made a wager that the conservative vote in Northeast didn't matter and he alienated us. I believe Royster as locked down a huge victory on Tuesday by taking the high road after Rizzo's ridiculous mailer labeling republicans as dangerous and uniting most of the neighborhood in a race where both sides have been previously been extremely negative.

    Attention John and Tony; I don't believe the 80% Democrat stat is accurate. Even if it is, Northeast has a large Catholic population with traditional views, and a lot of the voters are retired. In an election where "Vote Yes On Prop C" gives skeptical Medicaid recipients an opportunity to reject Obamacare, that is the type of Democrat that will be voting on Tuesday.

  79. Hey Kansas City Star readers rep.... this is what people want on a story comment page.... The days of media filters is dead....and so is the Star....sad, because we could REALLY use a good newspaper these days...

  80. TKC is a great newspaper....if by that you mean a spot for corrupt rats to pay for positive press or negative attacks on opponents. Notice when Tony gave JJ his "man of the week award" he also listed restaurants but but a note saying he wasn't paid by the restaurants, but clearly omitted that about the JJ Jizzo award?

    As good as it sounds Tony, you first endorsement ever was not a black irishman, it was a closet gay italian sausage heir.

  81. Hey Guys! Love ya! And great discussions all around! I just made my next campaign video and wanted to know what you guys thought!

    be honest! and stay sexy hot, you wonderful boys!

  82. Henry and JJ fell right into the plan of Chris Moreno. He has to be eating this up. I haven't always agreed with his face to face trash talk in this race but I have to admit Moreno maximized on a major error by Rizzo. Bravo! Bravo!

  83. If there is anybody that knows how to win in Northeast, it is Chris Moreno. He just proved, that if you run a race in Northeast against the Rizzo family you have to have someone not scared to bring a bat to a knife fight. Chris Moreno didn't back down from threats and tricks. There are a lot of Democrats that are going to be watching the election tomorrow night.

  84. After reading this, I have to agree that Henry has been bogged down in Northeast trying to save his son. If he loses or even comes close to losing, it is because Chris Moreno and Mr. Royster have him stuck on this thing. I have to give them credit where credit is due. They didn't backdown from this fight.

  85. Crystal, Theresa, Genaro, Moreno and Will have really formed a new group of Democrats that Jackson County should be proud of. Good for them! I never thought we would see the day!

  86. From an outsider perspective, I have been shocked at how many Democrats fell in line with Henry while behind his back they have always bad mouthed him. You have to give Chris Moreno, Theresa,Genaro, Crystal Williams, and Will Royster serious credit for not just talking the talk but walking the walk.

  87. They need to take away the I Internet privileges at the insane asylum. It's getting out of hand.

  88. Did anyone else see the car that was filmed "stealing" henry's sign? That's the same car that has been parked outside of JJ's house. License Plate Ke3 J9e. Enjoy.

  89. Then how would TKC make money for cigarettes? He uses those to pay off bubba so he doesn't get bullzeyed in the showers.

  90. Rizzos are the king rats of scurrying. Their campaign strategy is simple, unfortunately effective, and about to blow up in their faces (not Jizz JJ) because Royster is a real opponent who knows the residents and has been serving them for years. The false candidates and distraction ads and off-focus news stories won't save them.

  91. Hey Columbus Park, think about how great it will be Aug 4th when JJ returns to the northland once and for all and you never have to worry about being bullied for supporting the candidate of your choice. Vote Royster and get rid of the sewer rats that continue to dirty the real italian heritage that doesn't get told in the movies.

  92. Serrones suck.

  93. The Rizzo name has done nothing for Northeast other than get people drunk, bully them and rip them off with predatory loans. Wait, they have also reposessed cars and homes. How can one forget that?

    Bottom line, they are about to get a loud message from Northeast. Go back to Independence Henry! You are "Northeast" because of 24 highway. That's about it.

  94. I have decided to look online after getting numerous mailers from both. I like this Will Royster. Despite the negative ads by this Rizzo kid, Royster is the obvious choice.

  95. I'm a lawyer and ran into John Burnett not too long ago at a political function. He said that he will be voting for Will Royster but that he thought it was going to be tough for him to win. He is even coming to the realization that Will Royster will probably lose. He is more concerned with Henry Rizzo then John Rizzo and even had nice things to say about the young man.

    I think he is the ultimate authority on who will replace him and he thinks it will be John Rizzo.

  96. 1. Not a true story, but C- for creativity.

    2. John Burnett is no authority. Ask any average NE resident if they even know 1 thing he has done for NE. He is similar to JJ except grown up, professional, can get a job, actually has potential, and not corrupt.

  97. Yeah, let's listen to the uninvolved lawyer about what he thinks.

    The big deal about Will Royster is he is actually wanting to go to Jeff City to truly help his district - not his professional resume, not his family's ability to grow their corruption - when was the last time NE had that? Ever? How many districts in the state anywhere have that? Win Will, please.

  98. No it's a true story, John Burnett thinks John Rizzo will win and your attacks aren't helping your cause.

  99. ...I want that pic of Will on my ceiling over mhy bed!

  100. Hey, 6:37, John Burnett will never say anything nice about JJ Rizzo after his 2006 campaign said that HE is in the Porn industry and that his daughter is a stripper. Nice .

  101. Hugh Chardon8/1/10, 7:34 PM

    Henry are the taxpayers still subsidizing your mistress Angela?

  102. JJ thinks JJ is going to lose, and that's why he is going to great lengths to destroy Will the person. He can't attack his qualifications or his intentions, so he just looks for ways to destroy the person. JJ is a scared baby. Don't forget the powder JJ, it helps keep down the Jizz Rash.

  103. So was that political event you saw Burnett at in Iowa? Because he's been gone for a week. Nice try though. Focus on spell checking your campaign lit Payday JJ.

  104. I don't understand JJ, he is such a weird little Rizzo. He can't handle himself speaking in public, even after 3 previous elections. It explains why he doesn't do anything in the community, they will see him scurrying. He is a true Rizzo rat. I don't see why more people don't talk about that. He's still cute though. Call me JJ.

    I am a tranny. 816-564-1715.

  105. Will Royster is going to beat Rizzo worse than Burnett beat both JJ and Henrys repo man (for that title loan shop he doesn't own)after he tried trash talking him. John Burnett is the man! Henry Rizzo fears him

  106. long shot posting on here but i found you here last time! im LOOKING for a
    I'm lookin' for James - 19 (63rd/north antioch)

    JAMES...i forgot ur last name! we hung out alot last year you DROVE a Golden Nissian Altima/or Maxima....One or the other! u were a server down on the plaza someplace!? u use to pic me up and we would hang out and drink( my favorite drink was smerinoff) watch movies!!!! IM WANTING MY FRIEND BACK! lets hang out again! Im back in Town!!! u were tall skinny! cute as hell! we would walk in the rain? remember!? ohh and u lived n an older apartment complex.? if ur him reply with picss! wanting to hang out soon!

  107. Oh darn! I thought I was on KC craigslist.....I mean a friend I had over was, sorry about that last post. Vote for me! Yeah baby!

  108. My conversation was two weeks ago.

  109. ooooooooooohhh, the magical burnett speaks.

    He told me JJ was a closet gay. No big deal, just why get married to a cocktail waitress then? Who knows, but must be true. Wizardly Irish Wonder Burnett spoke it.

  110. Just curious, candidate Rizzo said in the Star that worked for TMJJ for 5 years, what is that? Are they a marketing firm?

  111. JJ had two socks on his hand one called JJ and the other called John Burnett! LOL Whatever you gotta do to pep yourself up and get the old man out of depression JJ !!

  112. I have yet to receive a mailer from JJ laying out what he has done for Northeast since 2004 when he promised us he would turn water into wine. Lay out what you've done JJ. Hopefully that English major taught you how to spell "nothing".

  113. I'm glad Will Royster put this mailer out to Republicans. With a Republican majority, Northeast needs someone who can reach across the aisle. If more Democrats did that, Kansas City would be in a lot better shape today.

  114. The Second Smartest Lawyer in Northeast After & Bryant, Esq.8/1/10, 9:02 PM

    I'm a lawyer and I just shared an intimate moment with John Burnett. It was better then you could imagine.

    He told me JJ Rizzo is going to win. His mother's respect. But lose to Will Royster. Badly.

    Also, John Burnett guessed correctly that Barack Obama would win in 2008 so I wouldn't question him.

  115. 9:02pm aka JJ keep telling yourself that so that the big loss will hurt even more. Good luck with that coming to Jesus convo you and your old man are having tonight about your future employment at TMJJ.

  116. TMJJ is a title loan company the rizzos own and run, for all you dumbfucks out there.

  117. Ok I know this isn't craigslist, but I really want a guy, any guy, named James. I don't even care if you are republican. I just need me some Jay Jay James! Vote for me! Yeah baby!

  118. I really enjoyed writing to the Star to suggest their readers would find some value by looking at all of your petty shit.

    To my complete surprise, The Star's political website kept me on their front page all day Sunday. For many hours. They either liked what I wrote, pointing to THIS WEBSITE and its HANDLER WARS, or nobody reads the Star.

    Not sure. Won't presume.

    But it IS my view that this room is a totally insane pissing contest for JXCO and KCMO politics. Some of you obviously noted my Star comments for you used some of the same words, and were even motivated to write to a larger audience.

    We know how inside baseball this blog is... only media and politicos actually read it.

    But frankly, I think you've all behaved badly and you know you have! We'll find out on Tuesday if your REINDEER GAMES won the day for your candidate, or killed off his/her chances.

    This will be pretty fun, because I think many of us have an insight to these campaigns not seen before. In many respects, THIS election will be a test for the handlers and consultants. Because THIS year, we have your number!

    Wonder if consultant careers will be made and lost this time?

    What are you going to do if you lose? You have no skills! Wendy's?

    But for the victors, you might land a cushy $50k + job with the city or the county in another department? Reward for being successful in an election?

    That's how county government works--patronage and reward. In the real world, maybe not so much. In the real world, it's about being PRODUCTIVE!

  119. TMJJ is a used car lot, you dumbfuck. That's why nobody would print your petty, far reaching, bull shit. That's why your camp has lost every endorsement. That's why your going to lose the race, and that's why Chris Moreno is going to be blogging from the sprint store next week right before he goes in for his job interview selling cell phones to teenagers.

  120. Lots of defensive insecurity in the above comment. Ease up on the lines, JJ.

  121. Right, TMJJ is a used car lot. We got it JJ, no worries big guy. Wink Wink. No worries. We believe you. If anyone asks, we'll let them know for ya.

    But you should probably get your "used car lot" off of, and every other payday lender search engine and also the Sec of State's website since they all have it listed as a title loan business and a predatory lender. You should probably also have your "used car lot" take down the payday and title loan signs on the window. Also don't forget to not hang out in the business because you will end up on photos.

    Ohh and since you mentioned the car sales "business", make sure Henry doesn't get nabbed again for fraudulently claiming insurance on "stolen" cars.

  122. The Democrats -- the party is synonyous with corruption -- have pretty much run Jackson County into the ground.

  123. It would be great to get a Republican elected. The Dems are clearly all crooks.


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