The Jackson County election cycle has simply turned FILTHY and i'm thinking the direct correlation will be even lower voter turnout than usual.

Thanks to a regular TKC reader for a link to the video version of "The Usual Suspects" advert that speculates on a possible federal probe.

Seriously, this kind advert pretty much wipes out all most all of the progress made by Jackson County during The Mike Sanders epoch.

Meanwhile, most of The Star newsies are taking this weekend off with the exception of the top two ideologues.

Barb Shelly offers only (self)righteous indignation over negative campaigning without any context of the sleazy Crystal Williams tactics.

And Yael Abouhalkah is already declaring victory and doesn't want to even give readers an opportunity to vote . . . Just like he doesn't tolerate any negative comments.

Meanwhile, TKC is busy this weekend, linking everything and calling out garbage from pundits and politicos alike. Natch.


  1. Great stuff. Can't believe you describe it as turning "FILTHY".

    JXCO deserves better than this Gang of FIVE, don't ya think?

    Hope voters take the lead here and vote incumbents out all the way to the fall election!

    The downtown courthouse needs to be hosed out, sure enough. As well as the 29th floor across the street.

    Until that happens, Kansas City on the Missouri side will continue to decay. Enough already.

  2. Does this mean Yael is over at the Star? Looks like Barb Shelly is doing his bidding now. Did the Star pull Yael off the beat because he is trustworthy after the Funkhouser screw up?

  3. Forget it Radioman, its Chinatown.

  4. I like this.

  5. I got my mailer just yesterday, so I now know what it looks like. I'm not sure which camp actually did it. If the endorsed candidates (or their supporters) are behind it, it's a stupid attack on incumbents and seems to be primarily based on their age and experience. Guess who votes? Older people, and I predict they'll be pissed off by the mailer--especially those who have been laid off and can't find a job because of their age and being "overqualified." If the mailer was done by those supporting "the usual suspects," it was a work of genius. I'm taking it with me Tuesday and voting for the usual suspects on my area's ballot.

  6. Look at the Missouri Ethics Commission website. The "Citizens for Good Govt. Assoc." recieved money from Riley and mystery.

  7. Tony, you are hired by Henry Rizzo to run HIS blog. You sold out to people who disrespect, buy, and manipulate our Latino community. You are a sell-out.

  8. Look at Missouri Ethics Commission website to try to find where the tens of thousands of Dollars for the Rizzo campaigns came from (the money given by the corrupt Local 42 bosses).

    Not reported. That's "Ethics".

  9. This is even better than the mailer.

  10. I think most ALL of these commenters are very closely associated with the candidates they support.

    Probably on salary.

    So much for partisan comments! Why? Because 'ordinary voters' just don't find their way in here.

    You're ALL goddam handlers, aren't you? So why are you spending your time HERE? The REAL voters are out THERE!

  11. I'm not on a salary and I think Henry Rizzo sucks and so does Tony now for supporting him.


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