Just received the most disgusting political mailer I've ever seen for as long as this blog has been reporting on local politics.

Disclosure statements note that the advert was created by Citizens for Good Government. Prez. Jerry Knight and Jerry Hernandez Board Member with Gaylord D. Salisbury serving as Treasurer. The crew that put this together are certainly part of the reason that almost NOBODY VOTES within the Kansas City Metro area and I'm already getting calls, texts and e-mails from neighborhood people who find this advert shameful.

Candidates Theresa Garza, Crystal Williams, Terry Riley and Curt Dougherty endorsed by the ad should refute this silly attack campaign in order save at least some of the dignity in local politics.

Worst of all, the ad goes after Scott Burnett . . . Which is just lame because pretty much EVERYBODY likes Burnett and the guy spends time building houses in Thailand with Jimmy Carter.

Also, they totally misunderstood and misused The Usual Suspects reference and failed to realize that all of the main characters were ultimately likable and were the most captivating part of the movie. The cinematic masterpiece is one of TKC's faves and it's sorta funny that it's now in play in local politics.

And for the record: Denny Waits is a dog advocate twerp and not anything close to Keyser Söze.

Nevertheless, the ad really is a new low in this race and makes me realize that so-called reformers throwing stones demonstrate very little evidence that they'll provide real change from the status quo.


  1. For Jackson County. Kind of Clever.

  2. I'm shocked! Just shocked!

  3. Great Stuff! I thought that was an ad for a MOBSTER MOVIE!

  4. Now I know, they were all actors in Al Pacino's "CASINO"!

  5. twice the usual number of suspects

  6. Not as bad as calling Republicans dangerous. Who's the artist? I dig it.

  7. More scurrilous slander from Yael, no doubt.

  8. Where is Tarwater - I'm confused - I understand why they left out Grounds - but Tarwater?

  9. "Hand ME the keys", and I'll lock them all up

  10. Actually I kinda liked it. I don't think it contained any false information and the cartoon resembles them correctly..One think I know, I'm not voting for the usual suspects.

  11. Fake photo. 5 out of 5 criminals are not Caucasian. Maybe 2 of 5 on a bad day.

  12. The suspects should thank them for such a bad mailer. And i think Tony is right Crystal and Theresa should deny it. Its going to cost them both votes.

  13. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7/30/10, 7:03 PM

    Crystal is blowing her campaign and Nutters money i love it.

  14. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7/30/10, 7:03 PM

    Crystal is blowing her campaign and Nutters money i love it.

  15. Obviously this almost anonymous group is deeply connected to the candidates, seeing as they got TGR's name wrong (then again, so did the KCEB for a time).

    It's the same stuff that the third party groups for Dougherty are doing to Waits, only with better drawings.

    At least they had "paid for by" on their stuff, one of the pieces I got in the 51st didn't have that. Granted, it was for a candidate who couldn't remember how long he's been unemployed for and was given a county job by Sanders for some unexplainable reason

  16. This is John Burnett and John Carnes and Pat Gray. What a surprize.

  17. Shame on them.

  18. Burnett is not liked by me, and I am in his district. He is a Rizzo lap dog and admits he. He told me he opposed soap/soda mainly because it would make good campaign fodder for Royster and Henry wouldn't allow it and he can't do anything Henry dislikes. What a puss.

  19. Chris nice try you know Burnett just endorsed Royster his wife is his treasurer. YOU ARE A IDIOT and its why Royster is sucking

  20. Theresa lays in bed with Nutter and Eastern Jackson County boys. What a fool Nutter is , i am sure its the medicine

  21. Hey Pat enjoy your trip and Terrys money.

  22. Check out disclosures to see who one of the contributors is to this group, none other than scumbag RILEY. And all indications others who were endorsed are involved as well - they are just hiding where the funds were distributed. You just never know who you can trust. It's a pity you have to sink this low Carnes, Coe, Burnett (John that is) Garza & Williams are the blame. This is noted.


  24. Saving what's left of the dignity of Jackson County politics? You've got to be kidding!
    And I'm glad that a county legislator is building houses in Thailand, but has he spent much time in KCMO?
    Is it possible to find people with LESS interest in the real needs of the JaxCo residents?

  25. elBryan, I dig your comments. Seriously, now that you are seeing the stuff that the Rizzo Camp is throwing out there. Tony is not only a mouthpiece for Rizzos, but he has completely gone "Royster" on himself - and on our Latino interests.

  26. John Joseph (JJ) Rizzo Profile on Kansas City Star Midwest Democracy Project

    TMJJ located at 4206 Truman Rd.

    Henry 2002 financial disclosure

    KC Title Loans

    Property Records

    TMJJ Inc, KC Credit Motors and KC Title Loan all cited in court case Williams v. Kansas City Title Loan Inc.

    State of Missouri List of Pay Day Loan Companies (See page 16) Listings

    Better Business Bureau tying KC Title Loan and KC Credit Motors together with Tony Rizzo

    Dan Tarwater (who used county letterhead to attack Royster's Campaign and CC'd JJ Rizzo) and Henry Rizzo Business Connection

  27. Get A Towel Tony7/30/10, 9:08 PM

    Tony make sure before they leave your bedroom, they toss you a towel and the money you were promised.

    You have officially lost serious credibility with this Rizzo stuff.

    It's one thing to be against a candidate, it's another to sell out.

    What was your price anyways?

  28.! What a cool mail piece! Right on!

  29. Agree! And, that goes for all the candidates that were endorsed on the mailer. Ha Ha to all that are bhind it. Let us see who will be laughing Tuesday evening. Carnes how much time did you spend in jail?

  30. Everybody likes Burnett? Do you mean Drunk Scott, or Sober Scott? That's because everybody doesn't know what a crook Burnett is - Sugar-daddy Rizzo keeps him in his pocket like a used kleenex.

  31. Hank the Tank7/30/10, 9:12 PM

    Did Moreno create this? This kid has some nerve. I can't wait til I see him. I hope it's right after I get done releasing some of my stress with Angela. DAMN I HATE THIS KID!

  32. Angela? Is she the one that smells like a smoky bar?

  33. Scott Burnett spends time in Thailand getting drunk.

  34. I figured it out: Tony gets two Dollar meth from Henry Rizzo's "operations" in Northeast via John Rizzo...and in exchange, Tony writes wildly supportive material for the Rizzos, while he is in his meth-induced state of mind.

  35. "Two Dollar" Tony Botello7/30/10, 9:28 PM


    Absolutely disgusting.

  36. 7:40; we're talking about Scott Burnett, not John. One of you made reference to Ingrid being Will Royster's treasurer. You know this, right?

  37. Garza is to blame for this what a great democrat. Williams is toast now thanks Theresa. Did Steve Boo okay you attacking other democrats.

  38. you all are idiots. the county has never been so smooth since Shields left. Give it a rest - all of the sitting legislators need to be reelected.

    Gray, Carnes, Williams, Riley and Doughboy you all are a piece of SHIT and need to be grounded. Just remember what goes around comes back into your own

    And, Garza Ruiz you are not kidding anyone. Keep siding with this group and it will come back to haunt you. Huh - wasn't it Waits that gave you a job when you needed it? You will crap on anyone and keep right on smiling.

  39. ok this is what the mailer meant to me. I just checked my trash and guess what it was in there. Didn't even know that I threw it out with all the other pieces of crap mail that I received today. Gosh, I'm so honored to have been included on the selected list to receive this worthless piece of shit. I didn't even notice it so keep wasting money.

    GO forward with the incumbents may you keep the county going in the right direction. And as for all you crazies - keep posting because it really does keeps me laughing. Thats the only reason why I sneak a peek when I'm bored.

  40. Pat Gray is spending your money Terry . You got took it's a terrible piece .

  41. Theresa is in on this mailer? If so - Wow does she have people fooled.

    She is so nice to Waits, Arbanas, Burnett up front - always cutting up with them. Who's fooling who here? So guess that means she will fool anyone maybe even Nutter.

    And, I know for a fact that she worked in Waits county office while she earned her degree and on the same committee with Arbanas since becoming a legislator and thought they got along well.

    Speechless that she would slap them around like this. Is her ego getting in the way of basic judgement?

  42. Pat Gray, Stevie G. and their aide, Jeff Roe, have to be cashing in as we speak before they lose their ass come Tuesday. Spend it boys!!! Just make sure to duck your john, Henry, and that two your man slaves on here don't over charge for the dirty sanchez.

  43. Scott Burnett allegedly received county contracts to remodel facilities and provide new phones. Henry Rizzo leaked that to the press which led to his ethics violation.

    So I'd say he slightly makes this mailer but it is nothing compared to the actual felons on here.

  44. Why are we allowing Scott Burnett on this mailer? His scandals had nothing to do with the crimes that Henry and I committed. This is bull. I'm The Bishop. I don't deserve to be on the same mailer as petty crooks like Burnett.

  45. Bishop v. Freedom7/30/10, 11:27 PM

    Did anyone else see the Bishop's county (campaign) headquarters across from Freedom Inc? It was packed. What is Freedom worth these days?

  46. This is friggin hilarious!!!! Although I do agree, should have been Tarwater instead of Burnett.
    Good Gravy that is funny stuff.

  47. You are right Craig it's funny not a political mailerl.Theresa go get another John.

  48. Why are there so many sexual overtones in these many threads? I thought this was about Quest for Power, not selling out for sexual favors.

    Am I naive on this or are you politicos just trying to be hurtful, playing on people's fears to get even and conduct psychological warfare on your opponents' operatives??

    This mostly seems like ego battles between handlers, and not any notion of bringing the best government to the city and county of the center city as possible!

    I think you're egos have all run amock. And you've lost sight of the real objective here, which is to provide good, responsive government to your fellow citizens!

    I think I can understand why a lot of poeple read all this petty shit and don't bother to vote for the juveniles running for office.


  49. Radioman-even if you're just being sarcastic, you nailed it again.

  50. Garza Ruiz is so in on this that the mailer screwed up and listed her as "Theresa Garza" and not "Theresa Garza Ruiz"... eh??

    this wasn't even the worst mailer in my mailbox today

  51. Loved the mailer. It's about time someone made Jackson County voters know who the bad guys are.

  52. The mailer is a joke . You would love it Moreno because you have no idea what makes a good mailer.It looks like a joke parody instead of hit piece. Another screw up look for a job cause you are getting fired again. Mayby you can work for Carnes.

  53. inaccurate text ~ amusing cartoon

  54. Whoa....lots of pent up anger and digression over this cartoon. I think it is hilarious.

  55. Ain't no secret7/31/10, 10:38 AM

    Garza's door-to-door crew asked me if I wanted a Terry Riley sign for my yard last weekend.

  56. Double standard, hypocrite garza recruited candidates to oppose incumbents then is shocked that she has a viable opponent! guess what Teresa, you're also an incumbent and part of the problem! Negative campaigners should never be elected or reelected - wake up voters

  57. Theresa is a double dealer who just got caught. I was behind a black pickup thats was putting up Riley and Garza signs.

  58. She'll get what is coming to her. Once the incumbents are back and the fun they will have. She won't even know what hit her of course she will complain like she does when not getting her way. She is burning many bridges.

  59. here come the threats again, just like a bunch of Rizzo thugs.

  60. Everyone seems to want to pin this on their favorite enemy. Look at the committee, look at the names. Their past connections are to Carnes, Building Trades and Victor.

    Anon 8:18 COE !!!!! get serious, she doesn't have a dog in this fight nor the energy to deal with this crap.

  61. Carnes and Coe are in the same category - their names belong together. When you think of one, you think of the other, tied together

    Don't even throw Building Trades and Callahan with the two above mentioned creeps. You said it "past connections" they are so far above the two C's

  62. I got my mailer just yesterday, so I now know what it looks like. I'm not sure which camp actually did it. If the endorsed candidates (or their supporters) are behind it, it's a stupid attack on incumbents and seems to be primarily based on their age and experience. Guess who votes? Older people, and I predict they'll be pissed off by the mailer--especially those who have been laid off and can't find a job because of their age and being "overqualified." If the mailer was done by those supporting "the usual suspects," it was a work of genius. I'm taking it with me Tuesday and voting for the usual suspects on my area's ballot.

  63. Will the real Theresa Garza Ruiz please stand up?

    You are on each side of the fence - doesn't work that way. I hope Waits get the last laugh out of this one. you are toasted!!

  64. Burnett has been looked at numerous times for contracts with the county. Once Henry falls, I predict Burnett will resign.


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