It's really shameful that the corporate goons at The Star are pushing their candidates JUST LIKE BLOGGERS but hiding behind so-called "journalistic credibility."

I don't mind linking the latest advert from the Arbanas Campaign because I think it's condescending, a bit insulting and the "for goodness sake" line is a thinly veiled rally cry to people who aren't really voting on the issues.

But The Star's once sided reporting, blogging and linking policy simply is SIMPLY DISGUSTING for newsies who aspire to practice "objectivity" but are just as biased as everyone else.

I revel in my opinions and I think Terry Riley's upfront Internet Campaign is speaks much more strongly than the thinly veiled attacks from Arbanas supporters.


Also, I can relate to his grassroots complaint that he just doesn't have campaign cash like Arbanas.

Riley looks sharp in his Internet video and touts his strongest accomplishments while taking a few well-deserved shots at Arbanas. Sadly, Fred is a good guy but in person it's clear that he's just a nice old man that can't compete on the same level as Terry in a debate - That's just a fact and that's why people won't see Fred speaking for himself. The lead out line is also clever as Riley reminds us Arbanas has been in office for 38 years.


  1. Terry should win. I'm voting for him but I don't have much hope.

  2. The whole crowd is like a swirling mass of sea snakes. It's no wonder Jackson County is still such a mess!

  3. Tony, I am amazed that you have not looked at Terry's disclosure reports. It reads like a who's who of the business's and comanies that have to come before his company to get things pass. Pay for Play. If he had the money he would be on tv also and he has not sent one mailer out telling us what he would do--just negative against Arbanas. The Heavies, J.E. Dunn and alot of others have contributed big bucks to Terry. Now he sounds like a whiner...he got upset on the Parks Dept. commerical being on yet he moved up his school program just in time for the election. Double standard here. Can't have it all his way.

  4. Terry is a white guys kind of black guy. He the shit and WILL WIN!

  5. Yeah? The Heavies are pushing Jim Rowland real hard. If we continue to have low voter turnout we will have special interests controlling EVERYTHING.

  6. Wait, Terry had a chance to debate Arbanas last night at the Lee's Summit Chamber of Commerce candidate event and Riley was a no-show. I specifically went to see them discuss issues and debate eachother. I guess it was in Eastern Jackson County and Terry couldn't find his way.

  7. It's funny to hear you discuss "journalistic credibility" since you fucking have none.

    How much did Patsy Tuohey pay you today?

    The Star is not taking money from political candidates. Everybody knows you are.

  8. Hey, 6:56 - Lee's Summit is 70% Republican - why would Terry waste his time? Arbanas is a DINO for sure. Let him stick a golf club up his Republican ass.

  9. No thinking person will vote for Terry Riley.

  10. Riley wins.

  11. what an idiot.

  12. what an idiot.

  13. 38 years in office, hum, how long was Ted Kennedy in office? Did Riley bitch and moan about Ted Kennedy?

  14. 8:14 Oh now that's a good one. I'll take Fred another four years. He is more deserving then give it to a scumbag crook named RILEY

  15. We're seein some serious desperation here huh?

    Really doesn't sound like either one of them are suitable... which goes to show ya that County governments just always manage to draw riff raff.

    Can Jackson County people vote "NO"?

  16. What's the Internet? Can I charge a commission on it?

  17. Schools first, right Terry. That explains why you moved into a what $300,000 or $400,000, or even $500,000 house in Silvertooth in the Lee's Summit School District?

    Let's also talk about how much money your mentor Cleaver has raised for his re-election. Then you bash Arbanas. Let's talk term limits and length of service for Cleaver as well.

  18. It's official. This Terry Riley guy is hillarious! He deserves to win. There could be a whole series of online videos about this 100k.

  19. Riley lives in Silvertooth? No kidding. Isn"t that an Equestrian Community? La Te Da Copy contracts pay off.

    Question: Why are the Heavies having Mike Sanders and his staff to find an opponent for Jan Marcason? What did she do to them? Straight from the horseys mouth but he doesn't live in Silvertooth.

  20. And you aren't pushing your candidates Tony? I can care less who wins those races, but you are clearly attacking the people running against the Rizzos. So stop bitching because you grabbed your ankles too my friend.

  21. I like the video. Good job. BTW Does the county have anything to do with any school district directly? Didn't get the point exactly. What about the county?

    The "time to go" was seriously witty.

    Who did the commercial? They deserve credit.


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