So, the Crystal Williams camp talks of Reform . . . We've got Will Royster touting his integrity all over town. Take them out their word if you want, but the people who support them are just acting the same old kind of ugly that has defined Kansas City politics.

Check this Saturday afternoon story from KMBC:

Camera Catches Campaign Sign Theft: Henry Rizzo Signs Removed From Neighborhood Near Downtown

Neither camp commented. Kansas City political tricks stay the same during this silly season.


  1. Good on Dan for going with this one.

  2. HEY that's the same white car that has been parked at his sons home! HENRY RIZZO IS STEALING HIS OWN SIGNS!!! That's pretty funny.

  3. Will, go back to bed, it will all be over soon.

  4. JJ taking a break to blog from Clay County?

  5. This race is ugly. I wish there was an alternative to Crystal.

  6. Hey, 7:12 - then man or woman up and run for office.

  7. Who campaighns this hard for a 29,000 a year job. Something is corrupt.

  8. This is a Theresa Garaza action. He mother was a lover to a mobster. Theresa thinks of herself as the next great poliitcal boss of KC.

    It is fucking dirty.

  9. Tony, you are bad for Latinos. You're a mouthpiece for people who hate us, buy us, and manipulate us. "Us" is YOU.

  10. Time for a new Latino Blogger. One who won't sell out to those who scam our people.

  11. They do not vote7/31/10, 11:26 PM

    Fuck the Latinos.

  12. So who doesn't have the BALLS to ask the driver of that car, and the guy who uplifted that sign WHY he did it, and how come somebody filmed it and sent it to a goddam TV station?

    What was up with that RIZZO people? What was your objective?

  13. I heard from a friend of my brothers neighbors sisters aunt that she actually saw the ENTIRE rizzo family stealing signs and can verify it was them because they all had on name tags! Seriously people, common sense goes a long way - use some! The Williams campaign is obviously desperate because STEALING is juvenile and plain stupid not to mention, ah, unethical. Maybe cyrstal should be using the excess cash she has from Mr peanut to buy the signs?


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