WTF? Royster Cites Rizzo Endorsement: Clever Campaigning OR Family Attack Ad?!?

There are two ways to look at a recent mailer from The Royster camp in the Missouri House District 40 Race . . .

It either gives a nod to how political statements change over time.

OR . . .

It takes aim at a guy's family in what has become a BRUTAL KANSAS CITY POLITICAL FIGHT!!!

My usual answer to questions that require comparison is: "Why can't it be both?"

To wit, Will Royster is touting Jackson County Legislative Chairman Henry Rizzo as a reference.


Who knows . . . But what's obvious to me is that the Royster campaign has become too bogged down in running a campaign against their opponent's (John Joseph Rizzo) family rather than discussing some of the important issues in the race that affect Northeast . . . And that's probably why they have found themselves on the losing end of so many local endorsements and maybe the election.

Check the ad in its entirety after the jump:



  1. Chris Moreno screwed that campaign up bad. Maybe he can get a job with the afl-cio later. Oh no he screwed them too.

  2. TONY IS A LIAR!7/30/10, 6:50 AM

    TONY! You did NOT show the ad in its entirety! Did you leave the entire JJ section out because you know a side by side comparison doesn't work?! At least be honest that here is a section of the ad. What a d-bag man.

  3. Royster is a SLEEZEBAG!

  4. i love how none of the comments have to do with the Rizzo Quote - camp Serrone doesn't have a good response to a GREAT play by Royster. There is no response to JJ's dad praising Will.

  5. Tony man, show the full add when you say you are going to. Why didnt you?

  6. I received this mailer too, and actually I believe it is the best one from either candidate to date.

    I will say that it's pretty low rent to use a decades old quote from your opponent's dad, sort of like the DePasco resolution that the candidates were arguing over at the forum.

  7. Moreno is stupid.

  8. Vote Libertarian!

  9. Actually, it's impossible to find a discussion of any issues in any of the campaigns!
    And after most of these people get elected, their lack of seriousness continues, which is why not much progress is being made in behalf of the residents who live here.
    We keep getting whatever we'll put up with.

  10. What goes around7/30/10, 8:11 AM

    Moreno deserves to be out of work after the cruel way he treated Chyanne Lockhart Cardarella before he got fired from the Missouri Democrat Party.

  11. Royster is so stupid he beats jj Rizzo up lies about him and then fakes a endorsement from his Father. His credibility is now below 0. Wht don't you just vote Rizzo too.

  12. Moreno you should give his money back.

  13. Moreno you should give his money back.

  14. Moreno you should give his money back.

  15. Moreno the clown7/30/10, 8:58 AM

    A fold out mailer has not been used in Northeast since Truman The reason is it's ineffective. Another Moreno screw up.. Chris thinks he is in Lee Summit. And he has no idea about Northeast voters.

  16. Tony show the entire ad or put a disclaimer on being in the tank for Rizzo's.

  17. elBryan...Not7/30/10, 9:30 AM

    elBryan, when DePasco AND Henry Rizzo praised Will Royster, it was not contingent on anything but Royster's outstandiing service. I saw your cartoon in the Northeast News, and I think you miss the point: JJ Rizzo has, for three previous elections, touted a manufactured mentorship by Ronnie DePasco. DePasco, however, didn't want JJ Rizzo in politics (he barely tolerated Henry, but he needed him at the time). DePasco genuinely saw Royster as a public servant and a proven leader. That's why Royster stated facts.

  18. The bottom line is that Royster ACCOMPLISHED something that EARNED the praise of Senator DePasco, Representative Henry Rizzo, Representative John Burnett.

    ALL SIDES AGREED that Royster is a leader worthy of praise.

    Nobody ever said that about JJ Rizzo.

  19. Tony the Babysitter7/30/10, 9:33 AM

    Hey Tony why won't you show the other half of the mailer with JJ Rizzo's resume? Tony the Babysitter.

  20. 8:01 it is possible to find discussion of issues. Royster discusses issues at every neighborhood meeting, every Chamber of Commerce meeting, etc. His campaign also makes specific points of action on each mail piece. And the Northeast News, printed his specific points. You are a lazy voter - that is, if you even vote.

  21. I just want to say, I think it was an insult to my family to put my resume on the mailer. It was filled with lies! Specifically, that I ever worked anywhere else other than my dad's Title Loan shop.

    So in honor of me rejoining the auto business overseeing the repo wing of the business, I am offering 789% interest rates. That's right 789% if you show up before 5 when I need to go North of the River.

    You honestly think a Rizzo is going to stay in Northeast at night?

    Plus, my dad wants his truck off the avenue by 5


  23. I was at the forum. I think my favorite part was when Royster brought up (what would have been) DePasco's endorsement, and JJ's head about blew off.

    JJ, just because both of your names end in "O," does not mean Ronnie would have supported you. He could barely stand your father as it was.

    My guess is that he would have kept his mouth shut, like most of the Italians actually living in Northeast still, and voted for Royster quietly.

  24. Tony, why don't you REALLY show this ad in its entirety?

  25. Because Tony is a black pussy with bleached hair. Its bad that he didn't show it all, its worse that he lied and said he was showing it in entirety. And its stupid that a commendation by a county legislator is considered so controversial on a campaign ad.

  26. Because Tony is a black pussy with bleached hair. Its bad that he didn't show it all, its worse that he lied and said he was showing it in entirety. And its stupid that a commendation by a county legislator is considered so controversial on a campaign ad.

  27. Hey Tony, what DOES Henry's cock taste like when you are giving him BJ's? Can you still taste your mom on him? Or does he nail her after you pump him once so he'll last longer?

  28. Homerun piece by Royster. I agree that this was to date the best mailer yet. I'm calling Royster to win 65% 35% if not more.

  29. Rizzo is on the ropes again and looking to be in bad shape. The voters will deliver a 10 count come Tuesday.

  30. Tony why so defensive of the Rizzos? I'll take Hip Critic's advice and support Royster. He's the real deal.

  31. I am going to laugh my ass off when Will Royster and Chris Moreno kick JJ Rizzo and Pat Gray's out of Northeast for a long long time.

  32. Running for office in Jackson County is hazardous conditions.

  33. Will Royster is a loon. Banned from the plaza. Arrested for theft, and delusional to boot. He should lose pretty handily

  34. Thanks Will for the endorsement of the Rizzos you beat him up and then want to use their name . You are a first class idiot.YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW STUPID YOU LOOK .

  35. 4:16 I just had lunch with Will Royster ON THE PLAZA. You are an idiot.

  36. 4:34 I don't think the endorsement if "of the Rizzos", but by Henry Rizzo, honoring Will. Duh.

  37. You cant bash someone and then use them for your purpose and its ok . What a dumb move. People are not that stupid. You just endorsed the Rizzos. They should have you work for them on election day.

  38. 9:30; When you take a Rizzo or DePasco quote out of context and misrepresent it as an endorsement it lacks integrity. I'm not disputing the facts.

  39. How is taking word for word Rizzo and DePasco's quotes from their resolution, out of context?

    The fact is leadership is a key issue that voters want when electing someone. Rizzo and DePasco honored Will Royster's leadership.

    I think it is just breaking JJ's heart to know the facts.

  40. If Henry Rizzo didn't want the public to know that this Royster guy is a leader, then he probably should not have drafted a public document honoring him with such wording. That's common sense.

  41. It's hardly worth repeating this point because it's apparently lost on some of you, but let me give it one more shot:

    Henry Rizzo and Ronnie DePasco both bestowed honors upon Will Royster. There's no disputing that.

    But to use those quotes as endorsements is tacky. Henry OBVIOUSLY endorses his son; DePasco can't be reached for clarification. I'm sure Royster thinks he's being cute, but he doesn't need to exploit these points to win.

    Furthermore, we've all heard the story; Royster was appointed COMBAT Commissioner but was never allowed to serve in the position. We're not disputing the fact that he may or may not have accomplished anything had he been allowed to serve said role, but once again, adding that to your resume when it pretty much means NOTHING is not being straightforward with the voters.

    Royster doesn't need to play these games to win this race. It is disrespectful to the voters' intelligence. That is my beef with the guy.

  42. Royster is a burned out Bi-polar ex pilot that is on a mental disability. You would have to be to endorse your opposition.

  43. Toadie is hidden in a Bushie

  44. saying Royster endorsed his opponent by showing a quote from Henry Rizzo is as ass-dumb as saying Royster voters would pick O'Toole.

    Henry and JJ aren't the same thing, says the Rizzo camp, so why the beef with will using a separate quote from Henry?

    How is Royster getting votes for his qualifications in civic government the same as voting for a guy who wants to erase the existence of government?

  45. I'll pick Royster and his craziness over JJ and his total inability to know what's going on any day. Royster's problem has been shown throughout history to still make GREAT leaders; Rizzos problem has shown to make great muppets.

  46. Just For Tony7/30/10, 11:00 PM

    since you have a pervert man boy crush on JJ (see, i thought you would like this video of him. He even put in the right language for you to understand better!

  47. El Bryan I received the same mailer you are trying to rail on and it is obvious that Will Royster is highlighting a public, stated fact about his leadership in public service.

    Also, I was in the meetings with the county with Mr. Royster when Northeast was trying to get a member on the combat commission.

    Will Royster was appointed, it is important, because Northeast deserved to finally receive a member. Will also was calling for a public accounting of all taxdollars in combat.

    That may be why they violated charter to get him off of it...

  48. Politics 101 you never mention your opponent in a good light. You mention him and then try to use his name for creditability. Are you stupid or what. If you ask people to not vote for him you can't say it's all right to get a star from the father. The Rizzos are laughing so hard .

  49. Royster don't worry the pain will be over soon.

  50. thats what i tell JJ on saturday nights....


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