Basically, it seems that officials are playing for time on this one.

Do the math on the somewhat reasonable suggestions from Troy Schulte and see that Kansas City will almost certainly run out of time on the new redistricting before looming election deadlines come to pass.

KC city manager suggests citizens committee to help with redistricting


* The council would appoint representatives to a seven-member advisory committee by Aug. 6. The mayor would appoint the chairman, and the others would be appointed from each of the six council districts.

Once again, this process pretty much ensures NO MINORITY REPRESENTATION and could be stopped easily.

* The committee would first meet in early August and would hold a minimum of three public hearings — in the north, central and southern portions of the city.

This process is going to be FAR TOO POLITICAL to get done by Labor Day and this move basically ensures they'll run out of time.

TKC EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS: Yesterday, I chatted to a rather important Missouri Politico on this one . . . Basically he said, "This is all talk. As soon as they actually DO SOMETHING on this issue they'll be taken to court quickly in order to halt the process. The Charter simply isn't in line with State and Federal election laws that advise waiting until Census data is certified to start redistricting. It's the Charter that needs to change."

So, the meetings should be fun because they'll basically ensure that a bunch of people will show up telling the Council to STOP.

And in retrospect, politicos like John Sharp noting the lack of data along with community leaders Clinton Adams, Michael Fletcher and Gwen Grant basically and publicly warning of the prospect of legal action during this rushed process are doing voters in Kansas City a favor by warning of consequences of what could be yet another horrible City Council Decision.

Developing . . .


  1. This is so dumb. Why don't they just put a charter change on the ballot in November that conforms the charter to the federal law concerning voting rights? That would solve the problem, but no, we have to watch them go through this unwarranted political drama for several months. No wonder people are upset with local governments!

  2. This council should have been on this two years ago. This administration has been distracted primarily by all the Co-mayors antics. Thank goodness its almost over. There should be positive change at city hall soon.

  3. Sharp was the one that promoted this stupid local charter requirement. Of course, he will fail to mention that when he is presented the oppportunity to complain. I got this intel from a guy who bought WWF tickets from him on Craigslist.

  4. This just shows how bad the whole city council is. They have known about this for 2 years and thought it would not happen or go away. This just more bad management.

  5. This should be handled like a Base Closing Commission: A body of experts from outside the area, several public hearings where even the Northlanders can wear their white sheets proudly, then the council should have to approve or disapprove the plan as submitted without amendment.

  6. I got my own parking space, that's all I care about.

  7. Oh sh*t, here we go. If Gwen "gotta get paid" Grant gets involved the Redistricting plan will include a big contract for her. She is a much bigger leach on the taxpayers teet than Kim would ever dream of being.

  8. Ed Ford is really worried about something. John Sharp is toast. Sanders Brooks is gone. All the council people that have something to worry about are the ones pushing re-districting?

  9. 7:27 i agree. No-one on the council is safe. Sanders Brooks,Sharp,Ford,are toast. Curls, Gottstein,have work to do.


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