Obama Hate Stronger Than Self-Interest

From The MO Record . . .. Yes On Prop C: What You Won't Read In the Kansas City Star


  1. Take your Meds Patrick7/29/10, 7:23 AM

    Other things you will not read in the KC Star along the same lines as the crap in the MO Record.

    Santa Clause is a pornographer

    The Easter Bunny runs rackets with The Tooth Fairy.

    The Kennedy Assassination was carried out by the ghost of Abe Lincoln.

  2. It's not hate...it's disgust with a gov't which feels that due to a charismatic election they can make lifestyle altering changes for the public.

    Americans are who they are due to self direction (aka personal freedom) and the O'Bama administration sees Health Care in another way while redistributing the economy.

  3. How much did Patrick pay for this placement? $50?

    Answer: yes, m/l

  4. Sorry, Tony, the hater and racist smear simply isn't sticking.

    What else do you have in your character assassination bag of tricks?

    By the way, be thinking hard about how you are going to spin the November election results. The Democrats are going down hard.

  5. not “penalize citizens for refusing to purchase private health insurance or infringe upon the right to offer or accept direct payment for lawful healthcare services.”

    BULLSHIT! Taxpayers are penalized if people do not have health insurance, as the MAJORITY of people who do not are not the rich or middle class who COULD afford it but choose not to have it but the POOR who cannot afford it and end up going to taxpayer subsidized hospitals or clinics!

    Stupid, racist, fucking Repukes and rich white folk who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about! (and I am white)

  6. Obama won in a race that was not even close. His platform called for health care reform. Why are people so surprised we have health care reform? It didn't go as far as I think it should have, bnut something is better than nothing.

  7. Then you won't be surprised at the results of the November elections, right?

  8. The current ilk of "protestors and teabaggers" screaming in the name of "freedom and liberty" are either racist and stupid, or chickenshit. None of these groups or anything resembling these groups organized or protested the 10 billion a month Iraq/Haliburton tax payer dollars being spent since 2003. Patriot Act?, Warrant-less searches?? Torture?? Budget surplus of $128 billion down to a 750 Billion dollar deficit??
    Not a peep was heard.......

    Either through stupidity, or total chickenshit fear of retribution from the Bush/Rove machine, these people were too busy watching reality tv to address the real consequences of the conservative/republican administration.

    Repeating soundbites from Rush and Glenn doesn't solve any problems..Reform and oversight have to be implemented with service of the country in mind. Obstruction and partisian bullying solves nothing for the citizens of our country.

    Oh, and I finally noticed that Esperanza Gomez's blog is in Spanish.

  9. The Tea Party movement emerged in the last years of the Bush administration, in my opinion. Many conservatives were very concerned about some the things Bush did.

    I also remember local talk show host Chris Stigall really hitting Sam Brownback because of his soft position on illegal immigration.

    The deficit has skyrocketed under Obama, and all of his policies seem to hurt the economy rather than help it.

  10. "The current ilk of "protestors and teabaggers" screaming in the name of "freedom and liberty" are either racist and stupid, or chickenshit. "

    Now that's not fair. Why can't they be all three?

  11. According the Congressional Budget Office, the healthcare reform is slated to REDUCE the deficit by 124 BILLION dollars in the next 8 years.


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