A very knowledgeable TKC TIPSTER interrupts my gawking over Denise Milani and writes his important analysis of local murder stats today:

"So far in 2010 49 black homicides and 14 Asian/white/Hispanic homicides. In 2007 at this point we were at 33 Black homicides and 16 Asian/white/Hispanic homicides. So, "homicide surge" of past two years continues to be almost exclusively in black neighborhoods."

Unfortunately, this subject doesn't get much play in the mainstream media despite the fact that when suburbanites are killed media usually goes into a frenzy.

Developing . . .


  1. KCPD got better things to do, Like write tickets for jaywalkers. This homicide rate has been like this for YEARS.

  2. Thank you Tony for keeping this issue at the forefront. Our city officials continue to ignore the problem.

  3. African Americans begin with just as much god given goodness and intelligence as all of us. It's their culture, especially the decimation of the family unit that is destroying them. When 70% of children are out of wedlock and most fathers are nowhere to be found, it's understandable what's occurring. When most of the highest profile Black leaders serve mainly in their own self-interest it's understandable. When Black Ministers preach the past and not the effect that poor character will have on the future, it's understandable. All this leads to a lack of discipline at the home that results in millions of young people running around with little education and nothing to do but goof off and intimidate....then crime and violence.

    Now the Hispanic effect on work opportunities and political influence. All of this while the current President and his cronies run around acting like regular elitist politicians.

    Being Caucasian, it's impossible to imagine the despair that many older African Americans must feel while they witness this.

  4. White IS a color. Besides, isn't the majority Black in KCMO anyway.

  5. Not much mainstream media coverage? A you kidding? These victims get their names on TV Every Night?

    Maybe, however, they're more color blind than you are... they don't keep columnar lists by color. So are they the ones out of the mainstream or is it you and Alonzo?

    Everyone already knows WHY the breakdown numbers are as they are... except you, maybe. The answers are already in the comments here. Why all the hand wringing again, Tony. Don't ya do this about once every two weeks?

    Keep in mind, with fifty murders, your percentages of error are plus or minus about 30 percent.

  6. No one at city hall cares about crime victims. There are pensions and health care benefits to worry about. If that's not bad enough there is no building going on therefore no TIFs to hand out. Things are terrible for the powers that be - no time to worry about citizens.

  7. I'm voting no on the Public Safety Sales Tax.
    KCPD has been Under Performing for years. They also have problems setting priorities, Jay walking should be less of a priority than the Homicide rate.

  8. What RadioMan???? "Keep in mind, with fifty murders, your percentages of error are plus or minus about 30 percent".

    I think they have DEAD BODIES to back up the 50 murder count so how do you get a 30 percent margin of error?

  9. We need to replace the current Police Chief with someone that can show real leadership ans initiative to fight crime in Kansas city.

  10. 7:11's comments were all right on the mark. What passes for leadership in the black community is appalling and has been for years. It consists mostly of ego-driven people either still living in the 60s, or loudmouths who have made good livings for years blaming whitey and extorting various governments.
    And what passes for leadership in official KCMO is equally ridiculous. It's hard to believe that nothing can even be tried to curb the crime in KCMO, even as it becomes more violent and random.
    It's hard to see how anything else good can be accomplished south of the river as long as two residents are murdred every week of the year.
    Anon 7:11 should run for the dity council.

  11. Vote No on the Public Safety Sales Tax. Quit rewarding POOR performance.

  12. The percentage of error isn't the body count itself, its just futile to run percentages between blacks and non blacks when the count is half a hundred.

    If they had the number at 600 or higher to deal with, then percentages would be fairly accurate. This is a statistical issue. Nothing to do with the body count at all--just having to do trying to make comparisons of subsets (black and non black) of the small number (50). Hope that helps.

  13. Thank you 7:43 for your kind suggestion that I run for office. Sorry though, wrong zip code. I live in 66206. Not everyone in Kansas is out of touch.

  14. To 8:08 Anon
    As screwed up as KCMO is, you could probably run for office from 66206, win, and they wouldn't find out until the end of your second term! It would be only eight years!!

  15. 7:11 got it right.

  16. All true, but Denise Milani's tits still make me smile. There are other physical reactions, as well, but I won't get into that.

  17. KCPD sucks as a police dept. supposedly protecting kc.

  18. Radio Man go back and reread a college stat book a sample size of 30 or greater.

  19. Kansas City has a shitty police department that is for sure.

  20. KCPD sucks as a police department.

  21. kkkK ccC ppP D s-s-sucks....geeze mr broken record up there.

  22. I don't agree about KC's police dept. I think they do a great job. Just because they can't keep people from killing each other is a reflection on the perp and the victim, not the cops.

    I definitely agree with 7:43. Certainly the older black leadership (especially Alvin Brooks) is mired in the 1960s, and as for our political leadership, we might as well have the Easter bunny or Santa Claus. They'd be just as effective and a heck of a lot cheaper.

  23. Tell Ernest that his no one cares about 'his' stats.

  24. So, what's the issue here... not high enough?

  25. 8:54 I used to do some media polling for elections and took a week's class in it. The universe in this case is too small to draw decent statistical percentages.

    Forget textbooks. Most everyone in the real world knows that the first thing industry has to do is UNLEARN all the crap kids learn in college.

    That's why they don't let 24 year old know-it-all grads run the world! Maybe after twenty or thirty years real world experiences... Today, college, whether in the technologies or what, only winds you an ENTRY LEVEL JOB!

    Today's management textbooks will have been long since retired by the time their readers land midlevel management jobs.

    Wanna read what's trendy? Skip the classes and just go to the management section at Barnes & Noble. Ya don't need grad students reading the old textbooks to you in class.

    Get the degree, but don't take yourselves too seriously for awhile.

  26. Many police departments around the country have been faced with the same issue and have been able to reduce the homicide rate in their cities. (Washington DC is a good example, as well as New York).
    KCPD lacks the initiative and leadership to reduce the homicide rate in Kansas city.

  27. Radioman did you get a degree and if you did what year and what was your major?

  28. I have a BS in BS. Does that count?

  29. Anon I'm sure Radioman ca speak for himself.

  30. I know on good authority that MediaJunky is 7:11 and he may actually run for office someday.

  31. KCMO is 33% African American.

  32. DC's crime rate is lower because all the criminals all have day jobs. They're in congress & the white house.

  33. I don't see what the problem is. If anything these little thugs aren't killing each other fast enough. For every one that gets shot the parents squirt two more out, now thats a real problem. Maybe if the parents put as much effort into RAISING a family as they put into making one things would be different. I don't know how you can blame the police for this since the only time they are welcome there is when they have to mop up somebody elses mess. Why don't you expect the parents to be the baby sitters. If you want to blame anybody blame them for the apathy they are all to ready to display.

  34. "Snitches get stitches"

    It takes only a very, very small segment of the the community, pushing attitudes like this, to affect the ENTIRE COMMUNITY.

    And so it has.

  35. KCPD sucks as a police department.

  36. its the police im a 21yr old black male in kc i was gunned down by a white man in 2007 in south kc grandview mo and the detects didnt do shit the bad thing is i spent my 18th birthday in the hospital and got shot on martin luther king b-day the cops want niggaz dead they think we gone make ourself disappear but we aint watch yall crackers start dropping like flies ya'll daughters and sons then look back at this post an think what ya'll could have done to help know a white bitch once asked me did i wanna hear a joke she said whats the diffrence between black people an apples i said idk tell me she said apples look better hanging from trees.


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