The Latest KCPD Crackdown

KCTV5: KCPD Conducts Violent-Crime Sweep

The Star: Two-day sweep in KC nets gun and drug seizures, 73 arrests


  1. We don't need police sweeps every few months with officers in their tactical uniforms roaring into neighborhoods. We need a community policing presence all the time where officers get to know the neighborhood and actually get cooperation from residents in curbing the bad guys.
    Most of the people arrested will be back on the streets in no time, and the whole mess will start again.
    How about an actual ongoing PLAN for addressing crime and violence instead of theatrical reactive efforts every five or six months?
    Since the KCPD know that August is a violent month (although the last seven haven't been very safe either) why don't they try some preemptive creative approaches?
    68 murders and counting in 2010. Where are the council and police board?

  2. Exactly. If there are criminals out there and you know where they are arrest them as soon as you find them. Don't do it every six months. Of course doing your job daily never generates the publicity that comes with ten heavily armed cops busting down a door.

  3. Complain all you want-I'm thrilled with these crime sweeps. True-some of the criminals will be back in no time. However, two of the previous sweeps got several of those criminals out of our neighborhood permantly-now the houses they lived in on our block are occupied by hard working, family oriented people. What more could you ask for?

  4. God, first you people bitch because you say the police are not doing there jobs, and now you bitch because they are out busting people. Get off your lazy asses and help them out, snitch on the bitch thats busting caps in your neighbors. Bitch, bitch, bitch.

  5. The police can't stop someone from getting pissed and shooting one of their rivals(drug or gang). Sweeps target problem areas and problem people in those areas. The urban core is never going to be crime free. Too many dirtbags.

  6. The big crime sweeps are simply a PR tool. It gets the media attention but doesn't really solve most of the underlying crime.
    We need to get the cops out of their patrol cars and on the sidewalks. Corwin for some reason has an aversion to true community policing.

  7. 7:56, you are correct. This is just PR. When they aren't doing one of these sweeps, they must not be doing their job.

  8. More PR because for years this has never happened but since the Public Safety Sales tax is coming up BETTER start LOOKING like we do our jobs.
    Just more BS from the boys in Blue.

  9. The real issue is the violent crime in KCMO that has been increasing for years. And KCPD is clueless in stopping it.

  10. Violent crime in kc is out of control. KCPD has been UNDER PERFORMING for years now.


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