KC Mayoral Race Pushback: How Serious Is the Ethics Complaint Against Deb Hermann?

TKC declared Deb Hermann the front runner in the Mayoral Race on Tuesday and now the arrows are already flying her way.

Prime Buzz downplays the ethics arguing but sums it up by noting the "complaint says Hermann has transferred more than $14,000 from an old campaign committee she controlled to her new mayoral committee. That transfer, the complaint says, violates the city’s campaign contribution limits."

Helling reported the ruckus and doesn't give it much credence because of a precedent in State Law. However, a political insider noted the following to TKC and I think the perspective about the state of ethics in KC is correct:

"The real story here is the mess that is the Municipal Ethics Commission. Since the city's new campaign finance law has yet to be tested you cannot assume that state law will prevail. She could have really messed up, but how does this screwed up Commission get to the bottom of it? Check out the city ordinance---if commission decides she violated the limit they HAVE to send it to the city prosecutor."

My guess is that ethics in City Hall will remain a joke. Especially since the Ethics Commission at City Hall ALMOST NEVER MEETS!!! HOWEVER, if there is to be a crackdown on City Hall ethics I really wish it would start with Mayor Funky's wife basically running his office which is the joke that makes all ethics complaints in Kansas City pale in comparison.


  1. I'd hit that like it owes me money!

  2. Simon Angilda... Google it.

  3. Burke's been a busy little beaver... that's so what.

  4. Please . .. it doesn't violate any laws, and the practice has existed for eons.

    Of course, it is easy for someone to file a complaint, simply use the words "violates ethics laws," then sit back and watch people talk about it. This is legal(?) process as smear campaign, nothing more.

  5. I think someone finally took a bite on a Glorioso tidbit. Tony, you crazy man.

  6. Burke bit Deb in the ass.

    That is the big story and it looks like there is more coming.

    It was fun while it lasted Deb.

  7. Deb is not so clean after all.

  8. Much ado about nothing. A claim without substance, so it has no effect.

    Nothing asserted repeatedly is still nothing.

  9. Look . . . if the practice is permitted, it cannot violate the ethics laws. EOS

  10. This has Steve Glorioso written ALL over it. Glorioso has used this tactic in the past.

    Burke is using Pat O'Neill. Not his style.

  11. Pat is just running media. Which has been lame as fuck.

    The complaint came from Burke's people.

    I agree it's not something that O'Neill would run. It's all mike.

    Or have you even seen the complaint? And you're just bitter over years of getting beat?

    Everyone at The Hall knows it's Burke.

  12. The "age old" practice was not subject to NEW rules about campaign donation limits.

    The real question is switching fund between committees counts as a donation.

    It should because then candidates could easily eschew the rules by simply using PACS to provide all of their money and bypass the contribution limit.

    OR they need to make a special rule to that claims that a single candidate can transfer fund between THEIR OWN committees.

    IF the law relies on a judgment from The State of Missouri then Deb is safe but Kansas City's contribution limit is contrary to Missouri law.

    What's apparent here is that the Kansas City ethics code is weak.

    Thank you Tony for raising these issues!

  13. Miss Sweetie Pie7/1/10, 6:58 PM

    Dear Steve Glorioso,
    You do use your phones to the max. Dear, could you please carry your own water? Honestly, dropping huge hints to get the unsuspecting listener to leak your info is old hat.
    Yes, you have a tough sell with the regrettable Mr. Jim Rowland. He is working for you as he gathers Heavy Contractors money just to pay your consulting fees. Now that is a fine trick!
    As for Deb Hermann, shifty ground regarding campaign finance. But she is supposedly on top of the political game. No excuses.

  14. Sweetie Pie has it right!

  15. Deb need continuing education

  16. A Burke hit. Definitely. This is just the sort of legal mumbo-jumbo he loves. Not that he's good at it.

  17. All BS. Lets talk about how to move the city forward and spend less time digging dirt.Im afraid the Co-mayors have put everyone in a Funk.Grow up people.

  18. Agree Deb doesn't get along with Black people.

    No arguing with that.

    Too bad Deb.

  19. People who call Deb a bigot = ignorant assholes. Educate yourself or shut up.

    Ignorant assholes = Burke. He floated this story and now he is backpeddling like crazy. He knows he crossed the line.

    Well Mikey, will you collect your petition signatures just to have your wifey tear them up again? That's assuming you can even GET enough signatures to run.

  20. Deb doesn't have any issues with people of color or ethics; I suppose some people are hoping that if they claim that she does early and often people will believe it. But it won't make it true. Period. Race-baiting is as bad as racism and certainly not ethical. If I disagree or dislike someone who happens to be African-American, it isn't due to skin color.

  21. Anon 10:38 said it well. Deb is certainly not a bigot, racist or whatever else you want to call it. The race card gets played far too easily and often in this town. Deb has never played it, and does not tolerate it when it is played on her, nor should she.

    As for this reported potential ethics violation, the law states Deb has done nothing wrong. Candidates roll over their funds from one active account to another all the time. It is perfectly legal and acceptable.

    This is what happens when you are the front runner. All of the also-rans, has beens, and wannabes attack you. Hang in there, Deb! You're our future mayor!

  22. Hasn't the U.S. Supreme Court already ruled that campaign finance laws that limit campaign donations violate the First Amendment?

  23. Byron. That is an excellent point. This is all just red meat.

  24. Deb is a bigot?? That's funny. I saw some time ago on TKC that she hated gay people too. Seems like if you Google her name, none of that stuff pans out. I bet she has faults (as we all do) but nobody here has found hers yet. Also, is Mike Burke the one trying to make it look like Steve Gloriso is making the false accusations? He's a piece of crap. A petty piece of crap. Always has been; always will be. Did his wife really tear up his petitions?????

  25. The gates are open, here comes the dirt.

  26. Byron, if that is the case, the KC ordinance limiting contributions is invalid, so why don't you file a suit.

  27. Deb = major milf

  28. Mike Burke more than likely did not float this pile of turds. Smells like Gray and Glorioso doing it on the cheap. Dragging a spouse into the fray is also cheap and shows fear. I doubt Deb Hermann would approve of these low, scum ball tactics. If she has any control of her volunteers she must stop this type of politicking now. Mrs. Burke is not gloria squitiro, for the record Tom Hermann isn't gloria squitiro either.

  29. having attended many city council meetings, I can say I have heard the black council folks express very bigoted view points, usually under their breath and have never heard Mrs. Hermann do that.

  30. The ordinance incorporates the definitions from state law. State law says the transfer from one committee to another is not a contribution (if both committees are controlled by same candidate) so is not subject to limits. Thus, it is not a contribution as defined in the ordinance, either.

  31. This was Burke-created smokescreen. Glorioso is probably just pissed he didn't think of it first. I heard his wife tore up his petitions, too, but don't know if it's true.

  32. Glorioso has been shopping this for a week. TKC, you idiot, way to take it for Pat Gray!

  33. The Brutus column is penned by Glorioso... watch for future slams from that drivel. Bring back Puck... at least he made sense.


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