Glenn Beck Talks Violence In Kansas City

More Tea Party hypocrisy . . . Angry white dude on the radio and TV alludes to violence and it's carried throughout big media . . . Meanwhile every person of color is held accountable for the rantings of some guy on the street.

TKC Reference Point: What If The Tea Party Was Black?

Alternate TKC Reference Point: Blondie "One Way Or Another"


  1. KCPD is one of the worst Police Departments in the Nation. While the overall violence rte has dropped in other cities, it just continues to rise in KCMO and has been doing so for YEARS.

  2. Who in the world feels safe in KCMO with 68 murders already this year?

  3. Somebody needs to show KCPD how to put a stop and go button on their videos.
    Evey time you go to their website the that stupid video plays for the millionth time.
    They need to go to you-tube if they don't know how.

  4. If Glen Beck was black, Bill O'Reilly would say he needs to be immediately fired.

  5. Chit..I agree with Radioman...

  6. Then you'll LOVE this:

  7. Is Beck angry because he's white? Am I? NO. I think many people are angry because this government has created a fiscal situation that will crush our children long after we are gone. Because this government has created an "us-against-them" mentality that encourages a sense of entitlement while fostering violence. Because this government, in its hypocrisy, refuses to prosecute racial hatred (Blk Panther blatant violation of Voting Rts Act)by any black person, while shrilly crying racism at others withoiut foundation, supported in this by the liberal media (Example: CNN STILL criticizes Fox for its supposed role in covering the Sherrod tape, when it has been shown Fox aired nothing until after her firing). Are Beck and people like me racist? NO. Are we haters? NO. Are we scared for this country? YES. With good reason.

  8. Wrong AGAIN Radioman.

  9. Glenn Beck came to town for a few short hours and ruled this town. It was what everyone was talking about.

  10. tony-parkville7/31/10, 4:40 PM

    Radioman needs to get a life!

  11. Glen Beck can carry on like he does and he'll end up causing a civil war in this country. He's doing everything he can to inflame people over small differences. Obama is a raging leftist? Ridiculous. Obama is a bought and paid face for the mega-corporations.

    The Black Panther Party violated voting rights?

    Ugh, the BPP hasn't been around for over 30 years. I think you are talking about the "New" Black Panther Party, which is a miniscule fringe group which hasn't violated anybody's rights. But in the 24-hour hate cycle organized by pundits like Beck, you have to create new enemies to scare people with.

  12. To Anon 8/1 12:43: Unlike me, you cite NO examples to support your claims. Why don't you grab the US Code and actually read the Voting Rights Act, which contains a provision stating "No person. . shall intimidate, threaten [or attempt to do so] any person.. for attempting to vote.." Brave people, black and white, sacrificed much for civil rights, including the right to approach a polling place without fear. Call these thugs what you will. They freely used the Black Panther name and were caught on tape doing exactly what Federal law prohibits at a public polling place. "Hasn't violated anybody's rights"??? Do you so easily brush off Federal violations when committed by someone whose politics you disagree with? Thank goodness people of your mindset will be even more disgruntled come November.

  13. The tea party movement has one agenda... get rid of the minority influence and take us back to the fifties.

    Publicly, they whine about deficits, but that's as genuine as Republicans whining about gay marriage.

    Republicans are about regaining the POWER to preserve their WEALTH and the

    Tea Partiers are about race.

    Yet neither can say those things outloud.

    If the tea baggers were TRULY about deficits, they'd be out cutting the defense budget and foreign aid. Same with the Republicans who also speak with false tongue.

  14. Radioman, there are times I agree with you but this is not one of those times. Labels ("Republican, Tea Party") are important only to those who want to maintain the current irresponsible status quo crushing our country with debt and growing the government unnecessarily while small business suffers and jobs are lost. Wanting smaller government and lower taxes is not a selfish or greedy ideal of the wealthy. And "cutting the defense budget" may not be the wisest place to begin reducing spending. How about the many other bloated government programs reduction of which won't threaten our security? How about the 600,000 census drones, four of whom have already come to my door? One of them admitted to us they knew they were being hired to inflate employment numbers, As to your charge that the Tea Party is racist, can you give any examples?


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