Fred Rejects Firefighter Cash

Prime Buzz: Arbanas makes clear he returned $2,500 to firefighters

TKC Alternate Title: Big Money Fred Tells Homies To Hold Back


  1. That is why Arbanas is the best choice. Do you think Riley would have done this? Not no, but HELL NO.

    Riley brow beats people & companies until he gets funds from them. So wrong just so wrong.


  3. Look over Riley's disclosure reports. All the companies have business in front of his committee. Pay for play is Terry's game. Asks for big contributions. Now he's complaining he hasn't raised enough. Then Riley complains about Park Dept. commerical with Arbanas it it. Its pulled and then Riley moves up his "Back to School Rally" to this Sunday from the middle of August. Double standard here. I'll vote for the ethical guy---Arbanas. Don't need the mess at City Hall brought over to the County.

  4. We need a real Irish for the job. Riley seems to hyave all of the traits of the Irish. Vote for Riley.

  5. Fuck your talk of Ethics. Vote for Fred because he is a nice guy and you like him but don't give us your bullshit talk and then back somebody who has been on board for 38 years. That's just stupid and shows the personal attacks from Deb and all her shitty little friends who live in Clay County.

  6. Seen it first hand - He bullies and threatens anyone who get crosswise with him. He need a double dose of anger management counseling. His emotional state is totally out of wack.

  7. Way to go Fred! You come across as kind of an old fogey at times, but this sort of action has changed my opinion of you. I hope that other politicians will start distancing themselves from Louie Wrights IAFF Local 42 as you have done. Louie and Sherwoods reign of corrupting the political landscape of this area is quickly coming to an end. ll of the politicos who have recieved either a Taxpayers endorsement or an IAFF Local 42 endorsment should be viewed as being in the same cauldren of filth and dirty politics as Sherwood and Louie.

  8. Kim Carlos never turned back any money, she just redirected it to a third party account, which she controls.

  9. The Rizzos should have followed Fred's lead and never have tried to sell out our County government in exchange for endorsements.

  10. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!


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