El Bryan Rejects Anti-Republican Mailer And Describes Northeast Life

Here's a guest post that I thought was worthwhile because it comes from one of my favorite comic artists, he wasn't afraid to put his name on it and it certainly is a minority perspective: A Libertarian in Local politics.

Thanks to Bryan Stadler for contributing this reaction:

I got home today and found the attached mailler Paid for by Friends Of John Rizzo waiting for me in my mailbox.

My wife has voted for Rizzo the previous three times he has run. I have never voted for Rizzo but was contemplating it, mainly because Royster voters would probably be more likely to vote for Sean O'Toole, the Libertarian candidate, but also just because I really like him personally a lot more than Will Royster.

As you know,there is NO Republican candidate in this race, so many conservatives will be voting in the Democrat primary, but John Rizzo has just alienated all of us, not to mention that the flyer didn't even say anything intelligent.

Seriously, Royster is a Republican because he lives in a large gated home? That's so absurd.

But worst of all, Republicans are dangerous? We live in NORTHEAST. We hear gunshots every night. Honor roll students are shot in front of their siblings outside of their homes. People find dead bodies when they're looking for batteries to recycle. Everyone I know who lives here has had their car stolen at least once. I didn't realize there was such a rampant Republican base here in the neighborhood.

I'm seriously pissed off about this because up until this point the candidates have been criticizing each other. Any baseless attacks toward other individuals have been limited to anonymous posts on your blog. But "Friends Of Rizzo" spent money to print these and mail them to people in the neighborhood insulting our intelligence and treating us like we're not welcome here.

I know you support Rizzo, but this is such a sloppy political move from a family that's been in politics for nearly three decades and I wanted to share it with you.



  1. I live in northeast and like the add. Royster lives in a gated Mansion . I am sure that's normal in one of most poverty stricken areas.I think he meant that he has no touch with the regular voter .

  2. Don't like the ad but I also don't like Will.

  3. The ad is GREAT! Probably wouldn't play in JOCO, but they all watch Faux Noise.

    Glad this election is almost over.

  4. My wife and I got the add, and we are very conservative voters. It helped persuade us who to vote for. If Will is a conservative democrat, thats perfect for us.

  5. I don't get the big deal about the mansion; hasn't that always been in Will's family, an important democrat family in the NE and Kansas City? I bet you 90% of ALL the historic mansions in the Northeast are occupied by democrats. JJ just gave a middle finger to all of them.

  6. It's entertainment. That's all it is. This is the forth election for John and the only thing I can say is that he never quits entertaining us. Fir those who dint know, Will Royster is a defendant of the Scarritts, the people who built the gated mansion. He didn't buy it.

    But really folks, everything is relative. I too live in an old house on Gladstone Blvd. and I suppose if you are living a few blocks away it looks like we live in the lap of luxury. But we drive old cars because everything either gets stolen or vandalized. We go out for leisurely walks in the evening with with six in the clip and one in the chamber and only feel uncomfortable when we forget to pack a second clip.

    Regardless of who wins this election, these things are not going to change overnight and I seriously doubt if there is anything a state rep can do to help other than get out of the way.

  7. So democrats should boycott $200,000-$300,000 homes in the area and only live in the slummy areas? Yeah, advocate for that you moron! Then all the big houses will be filled by EVIL republicans!

  8. If I lived there I would pack too. The picture of the house is very small so I can't tell if it's really Herman Munster's house.

  9. Isn't that the same gate Henry Rizzo allegedly paid local loco Jim Sullivan to drive through? There was a brief article last week in a local paper about the court case.

  10. It's both insulting and disturbing because it makes stupid assumptions, attacks people for having money, and referes to Republicans as "dangerous".

    If you look up the property tax receipts with Jackson County, you'll see that the Rizzo family has numerous properties that, if liquidated, would amount to a lot more than Royster's home, so the Rizzo's are no proletariats.

  11. El Bryan is not very bright. He looks simple answers to complex questions and seems to think its cute to contrarian.

  12. Thats just the property in their names, not to mention their hidden stuff.

    and don't be surprised by JJ's inability to say something intelligent. When has he ever?

  13. JJ, you are screwing yourself with all these dumb ads; Will is a republican@ Will supported Funkhouser; and the ENTIRE CITY COUNCIL, when Funkhouse was mayor, cut funding to Old Northeast (which JJ was a board member of) so Will is responsible for the downfall of the NE community? You are like a special olympic retard JJ...really special

  14. Moreno Should be out of work Aug 47/30/10, 7:46 AM

    "You are like a special olympic retard JJ...really special"

    Moreno you really have to stop using disgusting terms for Developmentally Disabled people to make fun of someone you are being paid to liable.

    Using terms like "retard" is a measure of your character Chris Moreno. We have heard you say it, and we know you use it in blog postings again and again.

    This comment not about your client or his opponent, it is about your lack of character Chris Moreno.

  15. If the Rizzo team is sending an anti-Republican ad to El Bryan, then they are just doing blind mailings -- without the benefit of voter Identification or Targeting efforts.

    Lousy campaign.

  16. 7:48, I'm not a registered Republican and I vote in the Democrat Primaries.

  17. Bryan, there is no such thing as being a Registered Anything in Missouri - we do not register party membership.

    Furthermore, you said yourself that conservatives like yourself vote in the Democratic Primary in the Northeast.

    7:25 was right.

  18. The District is 90 percent democrat Moreno so democrat the Republicans never file a candidate. You got out gunned and screwed again. And btw there is polling going on and Will can have those results on Tuesday.

  19. you smell like......retard.

    stop crediting moreno or royster with my comments that make fun of the circus people

  20. It would be great if he were a Republican.

    Question: In a heavily Catholic district like this (and I think Rizzo is a Catholic, don't know about Royster), how can they be pro-abortion?

    Why would any Catholic (actually, why would any Christian or other person of faith) vote for a pro-abortion candidate?

  21. Another thing 7:46am7/30/10, 9:02 AM

    Don't come back with any more whinings about lack of political correctness. you are reading a blog that is probably considered NSFW by most employees because it is soft core porn, and it is terribly offensive to women in the way it portrays them simply as sex toys (i wish!). Not to mention the many racist comments tony espouses and the racial divides he identifies, highlights, and helps build bigger. So stop with the hypocritical comments, unless we are talking about your weiner, which your wife said she feels like she is a child molester when she has sex with you because you have the schmog of an 11 year old boy.

    Haha! Grown man has a boy weiner!

  22. Again you idiot polling will tell you 80 pro- choice.And Will profile says he is pro- choice

  23. There's a lot of "gated" homes in the Northeast. If you don't have a fence and a gate, they'll steal your air-conditioner!

  24. Pro-choice? Just think what an abortion actually is.

    At Children's Mercy and places like that they're battling to save the lives of premature babies. Down the street, there's a "doctor" killing them and throwing them in the trash.

  25. Lives like a Republican? Did you hear how much Chelsea Clinton's wedding is costing? Did you read how many rooms are in Al Gore's mansion? How much money did Obama make last year? Did the treasury secretary pay his taxes? What about Charley Rangel?

  26. Royster made his money honestly, in the military and the airlines, without stealing cars from Latinos, blacks, and Viets who coldn't afford the 1000% interest the Rizzos charged them for "juice".

  27. John Rizzo's whole campaign has been vapid. Just like his previous three. Talks vaguely about what he WILL do. What he WANTS to do. Never about what he HAS DONE, or ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED.

    John bankrupted Old Northeast by sitting on the board and passively watching it drift into icebergs. His daddy kept the County money flowing, but only to prop up a corrupt user and taker of tax payer Dollars (and to provide John a shallow resume' bullet).

  28. Gotta love blaming Will Royster for the collapse of Old Northeast. Rizzo's got balls to do that, considering HE was on the Board: $40,000 in unpaid FICA Taxes; three lost law suits; $1,500,000 in defaulted property; $70,000 COMBAT money that NEVER hit the streets (paid for insider salaries).

    This is why Henry pressured Sanders to do anything to keep Royster off of the COMBAT Commission - Royster would have exposed the corruption. People in the Rizzo Camp would have gone to jail...again.

  29. The City pulled funding for Old Northeast when the Board couldn't account for expenditures. Cindy Circo and Deb Hermann were smart enough to pull the City out of the scam.

    Henry Rizzo saw a scam, and jumped in with taxpayer Dollars to prop up JJ.

    JJ and Henry sank the boat. It's funny, but not surprising, that JJ is trying to pass the blame to everyone else.

  30. So....Democrats only live in trailors?

    John Rizzo, you are an idiot.

  31. Daddy didn't pamper me7/30/10, 10:03 AM

    I think it is racist and bigoted for someone to assign successful white people to the Republican Party, and assign people of color and poverty? to the Democratic Party. That's stupid. I own a small business, and I've just got to the point where I can move to the Boulevard. Fuck you, John - my dad didn't give me everything like he does for you!

  32. elBryan, why don't you like Will Royster?

  33. More news than Northeast News7/30/10, 10:08 AM

    Let's talk about the non-role of Michael Bushnell of the Northeast News.

    Bushnell has been holding back all the obvious corruption behind the Rizzos. He won't print real news, and he won't investigate obvious facts.

    Bushnell is jealous of Will Royster, and he is afraid of Henry.

  34. Here's what Michael Bushnell of the Northeast News ignored when questioned about why he let John Rizzo lie to him in his interview with the paper:

    John Joseph (JJ) Rizzo Profile on Kansas City Star Midwest Democracy Project

    TMJJ located at 4206 Truman Rd.

    Henry 2002 financial disclosure

    KC Title Loans

    Property Records


    TMJJ Inc, KC Credit Motors and KC Title Loan all cited in court case Williams v. Kansas City Title Loan Inc.

    State of Missouri List of Pay Day Loan Companies (See page 16)

    PayDayFinder.com Listings

    Better Business Bureau tying KC Title Loan and KC Credit Motors together with Tony Rizzo

    Dan Tarwater (who used county letterhead to attack Royster's Campaign and CC'd JJ Rizzo) and Henry Rizzo Business Connection

  35. I thought it was always spelled Bushnelle

  36. El Bryan, you are silly stupid. Conservative democrat Royster voters will not turn around and vote for O'Toole. They are voting for Will because of his record of lobbying the local government to recognize us, not for his record to abolish government. Voters for Royster are not the same as voters for O'Toole, I PROMISE YOU.

  37. What a stupid ad. I agree with elBryan on the stupidity of this mailer. Rizzo just attacked the whole Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood and every historic home owner in Northeast. I would rather see a candidate in office with a historic home than one like Rizzo who has multiple homes courtesy of the Jackson County taxpayer. The Rizzos should have their own welfare category they've mooched so long.

  38. When Old Northeast couldn't show how they were spending their money the city council cut its funding. Henry Rizzo then used it as a funnel, told them not to worry about providing expenditure reports and then suddenly cut its funding too when he had to find a new funnel. If anyone is to blame for Old Northeast closing it is the Rizzo family and the people they put in to run it.

  39. Living in a gated community doesn't make him a Republican. It makes him a douchebag. No crime in douchebaggery.

  40. I want my car back JJ7/30/10, 12:42 PM

    I laugh at a Rizzo putting out a mailer calling someone else "Dangerous".

    I think "Dangerous" is putting into office the son of a former car thief, insurance scammer and present day predatory lender. Seriously, just kick the Rizzo family out already. We'll still pay their pension for life. We don't need to give them more.

  41. Repost of ElBryan's Post:

    elBryan said...

    It's both insulting and disturbing because it makes stupid assumptions, attacks people for having money, and referes to Republicans as "dangerous".

    If you look up the property tax receipts with Jackson County, you'll see that the Rizzo family has numerous properties that, if liquidated, would amount to a lot more than Royster's home, so the Rizzo's are no proletariats.

    Great post.

  42. Anyone else notice that J.J. Rizzo's mailers have spelling errors? Didn't he major in English? Perhaps his dad bought that degree too.

  43. 7:25; your grammar is terrible. I think you were trying to say that I have simple answers for complex issues. Um. What is more simple than assuming someone is a Dangerous Republican for living in a large, gated home? Cute to be contrartian? I'd be cute regardless of my politics.

    10:05; I don't DISLIKE Will Royster. In fact, I like both men. But I think Will Royster takes cheap shots and has thin skin. When Royster uses quotes from Ronnie DePasco and Henry Rizzo out of context and applies it as an endorsement, or when he trumps up his resume with a half-truth of serving as COMBAT Commissioner I don't think that's neccessary and it lacks integrity.

    11:54; In the rare event that Rizzo were victorious in the primary, you believe Royster voters who have been calling Rizzo a gay, corrupt, douchebag, mafioso would stay loyal to the Democrat party? Sean O'Toole also lives in a large, gated home, so using this mailers logic, Royster's voters would all transfer over to O'Toole.

  44. Johnson County = dominated by dangerous Republicans.

    Jackson County = utopia dominated by Democrats, pure as the driven snow.

    Johnson County = a nice place to live.

    Jackson County = hell hole.

  45. elBryan, do you know Will? I do, and I don't see how you could think he has "thin skin". A political election vs. combat? I think political attacks roll off of him like water off a duck.

  46. elBryan, I just posted at 4:44 and forgot to mention that Will didn't " trump up his resume with a half-truth of serving as COMBAT Commissioner". Read the Northeast News while you're working down there...Bushnell hates Will, so you can believe that Bushnell had all the proof that the appointment was legit, and complete, before he published it. Will actually WAS a full-blown Commissioner, as per County Charter. Mpre so, just the fact that he was appointed, was HUGH for Northeast. Too bad we lost our only rep on that board.

  47. I don't work at Northeast News; I'm a nonpaid contributor. And I was at the first candidate forum; Will Royster looked pretty agitated.

    I respect his military service but saying that because he's been shot at is proof that he can take an insult is like saying he's a Republican because he lives in a large, gated home.

  48. Little Johnny Joe7/30/10, 9:03 PM

    My dad paid for a poll in a district with 1000 votes, so I KNOW I'm going to win. That Will is getting on my nerves. I should have this thing in the bag so I can go back to playing my xbox!

    I also purchased some new rims for my dads truck. Maybe I'll get a neon light under the truck too.

  49. River Market Reader7/30/10, 11:32 PM

    Rizzo has to be freaking out. Driving through columbus park, it looks like he lost control of his own ground. That's not good. This Royster is taking it to him.

  50. If Royster is "taking it to him" I'm sure JJ is not complaining.

    Everyone knows he is a frequent in the backrooms of his uncles bars having one on one "meetings".

  51. Did someone say one on one meatins?

  52. Tony likes to exploit women (runs a soft porn slog)

    Henry likes to exploit women (sleeps around with them in return for giving them good paying county jobs)

    JJ likes to exploit women ("hires" a wife to make him look like a clean legitimate family guy)

  53. El Nino,

    What are you thoughts on how Bushnell won't stand up for his community and do real journalism or investigating or take a stand on what is good for Northeast?

    Do you feel he is a Rizzo-bot?

    Are you afraid to make a cartoon about Bushnell's pussy?

  54. 9:25, I can't speak for Bushnell, but I don't believe he's enamoured with either candidate; I'm assuming you think he's a Rizzo-bot because he hasn't run any hit pieces against him. I know it's frustrating, but when you become an adult you have to learn that not everyone sees the world the way you do.

    Perhaps you'd like to see a little more in-depth coverage of the District 40 race, but personally, I think I know more about both candidates' income, friends, family, and work history than I care to.

    It sounds like you have some funny ideas for cartoons, it's a shame you don't have any talent. I'd try to tackle that one for you, but The Government regulates the media, so I'm not sure that it's worth the fine. Vote for Sean O'Toole and maybe he'll figure out a way to get the FEC off my back.

  55. who is FEC, and i want to take turns with you ElByby and let him on my back too!

  56. Thanks Will for the Regan mailer in 85 per cent democratic district. YOU IDIOT.


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