Dueling Kansas City Prop C. Protests!!!

This afternoon will feature some rather interesting debate over Prop C. on the Plaza.

Via facebook and some other local Dems . . . Plaza protesters urging voters to say NO on Prop C. and STOP Missouri's rebuke of Obamacare will be taking center stage.

However, The Liberty Restoration Project will be leading a Counter Protest for a YES vote on Prop C. in order to APPROVE and backhanded slap aimed Obama's way.

Even more interestingly, the Libertarian-leaning LRP will be joined in counter protest by more traditional GOP opponents including another Northland group led by ladies who might as well be in Sarah Palin's fan club . . . Seriously.

So, it's nice to see this Thursday will be ruled by a few cool people like Tracy Ward from the LRP and many other cackling hens. At the very least, it'll be interesting to watch on TV.

Developing . . .


  1. Opt Out On Obama.

  2. Hey tea drinkers, did you know that states can't pass laws that contradict federal laws? If they do, the federal law takes priority.

    In fact, we fought a war over it.

  3. Prop C does not allow insurance companies to deny you benefits. You can participate in any plan you choose including the federally designed plan.

    C does not increase your premiums, in fact it lowers overall costs by
    allowing market forces to force them down. There is nothing like a
    ...monopoly to increase cost to the consumer.

    Prop C does protect your
    privacy, why does the IRS need to know your BMI (how fat you are)
    anyway? Wait until you get that call from the government reminding you
    to take your meds!

    Prop C does protect your right to determine what
    procedures you want and don’t want. Your right to choose herbs,
    vitamins, and other natural remedies as an option to drugs and surgery
    will be protected.Please read the amendment before voting.

    Fear can only survive in a vacuum of facts. Know the facts, before you decide. Please vote YES on Prop C.


  4. It would be interesting to see who actually pays the health care premiums for all of these phonies.

  5. That's Darla Jaye in the picture, right?

  6. Can you imagine "Sarah" on top and those hanging in your face?!


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