Blogging To Minsky's Owner Dean Wescott

For whatever reason that I don't really care about, The Hip Suburban White Guy was never a fan of this blog. . . But I keep track of all things KC and his recent blog post concerning Minsky's Pizza and some curious and allegedly unauthorized charges from Minsky's is really interesting and one of many hazards of eating local.

Also, consumer complaints are always funny if only because they offer white guys to openly complain of injustice.


  1. Why in hell do people in this town eat at that shithole called Minskys? The pizza crust is exactly the same as good ol' Chef Boyardee in a box-complete with the nasty aftertaste and mealy texture. The sauce has little or no oregano in it and thus tastes like plain old canned tomato sauce. Nasty! I don't what happened to the place it used to be good in the 1990s.

  2. agree both counts.

  3. he was a big fan until kc keri oke came and went. what ever happened to that one

  4. A friend and I left Margarita's on the Boulevard the other week before even being seated. The bartender was yelling at some woman about a $39 tip that she claimed was put on her card by mistake. I don't know if she had a real beef or not, but that bartender had no business yelling at the customer.

  5. Margaritas..there's ANOTHER over-rated asshole factory with shit food. Everything tastes like lard.


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