Alonzo Washington Considers The News

Kansas City's anti-crime activist considers a recent story touted on the TV news that doesn't provide a lot of explanation.


  1. When you're Alonzo, you're a hammer and the whole world is a racist nail! This guy was found by chance by a park ranger for God's sake!
    And lots of questions remain to be answered.

  2. Who gives a shit what Alonzo says, or thinks. He's just as ignorant as the folks doing the murdering.

  3. Haters hate. Alonzo is a hater. Don't give a damn if he is purple. It isn't a miracle that he turned up, but whatever happened the dude probably has a mental illness or something. 'Zo sure would know about mental illnesses, unless they don't classify out of control self importance an illness anymore.

  4. Alonzo's just mad because he can't get paid for doing a candlight vigil for the dude.

    What do you call a guy who goes missing for three weeks in the hood?



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