Alonzo Washington Calls Out The JoCo Wild Man And Defenders Of His Secrecy!!!

The Kansas City Anti-Crime Activist makes it plain and documents his efforts to stop local crime while noting the lack of detail offered or asked for in a recent and high profile missing person case.


  1. It's a medical issue not a publicity whore issue. Thus, Alonzo has no place in it.

  2. I respect Mr. Washington's good work in finding the missing. I'm a JoCo Whitey, and I agree with Washington that the public is owed mored than the smiley silence of the Schnackenbergs. Tell us WHY.

  3. . . .and to Anon 9:49 from JoCo Whitey: I'll ignore your slam of Mr. Washington for the moment but would like to know how YOU know the Schnackenberg matter is a "medical issue"? He was lucid enough to tell the park rangers he thought he had missed his daughter's wedding and asked about his family, had been able to evade detection and find ways to survive for weeks, and his sons said he was his old self almost immediately. If Anon has so much inside information, stop being smug and share it with the concerned public who joined in the search and poured out their hearts to the family. We live in a media age where a lucid adult who chooses to disappear without notice KNOWS IN ADVANCE that the story will go viral and an explanation should be forthcoming. Get off your high horse.

  4. Alonzo Washington is once again revealing himself as nothing but a narcissist who is totally self serving. He desperately wants FAME for doing something, anything! He doesn't solve nor fight crime. He just capitalizes on the misery of the black community. Disgusting!

    Alonzo, leave that poor man and his family alone. There may be good reason why they don't want to discuss what happened, at least not yet. The man may have developed some severe mental or physical illness which is really NONE of your damned business! If law enforcement doesn't believe what happened to be a hoax then you need to just shut up and quit embarrassing yourself.

  5. Dear Alonzo.

    I don't usually read you but you mentioned channel 4 so I clicked. I don't have a myspace account and am not about to get one. so I write here, knowing your ego will keep reading for comments about TKC's mentions.

    that wdaf girl on the desk looks so incredibly EEO! She may look black to you, but she looks green to me.

    Assignment Editors (before they were called "deskers") used to have awesome power in newsrooms. No more. They're receptionists now in markets this size.

    maybe not so in smaller markets, but here, they gatekeep like all receptionists do. Traffic cop photographers from one crime scene to another.

    Listen to scanners, make check calls. They could be rhesus monkeys in today's television world. Decision-making is much more centralized today. Exec producers and managing editors make ALL the decisions. Deskers are now just clerical help.

    Again Alonzo, it's not about color...but of course you will never understand that! People who have never worked in a TV newsroom can only guess the hierarchy!

    It would be good if there were more blacks especially in journalism. But don't whine about skin shade. Even blacks are partial to lighter, as opposed to more Afrikkan dark.

    Mexicans feel the same way. Light is right. Skin color isn't the only dis-qualifier--hispanic versus Indian. So is weight. Even gender.

    Quit whining, Alonzo. Play the cards you're dealt. Most of us do that, regardless of colour.


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