Like it or not, we're now in Kansas City Mayoral Election Season.

Thanks to AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS we now have the first important issue to raise with a Mayoral Candidate.

Allow me to explain:

Let's not forget that Mayoral Candidate Jim Rowland is Executive Director of The Sports Authority.

Mike White is a lawyer for the Sports Authority.

Recently, The Sports Authority approved a pay increase for White who is one of the pricier attorneys in Kansas City.

Also very recently, Mike White's Wife Alice can been seen making a $3,000 donation to Jim Rowand's Mayoral Campaign.


Finally and even more conveniently, White was given a hefty raise for his Sports Authority work. However, that increase was 4 years ago according to Sports Authority insiders.

Rowland's critics question the donation and the motivation for the hefty cash endorsement.

Real talk, it looks like payback.

Now, since I'm all about fairness and giving a wink, nod, slap and tickle to "journalism" then a word from the other side would make this story complete.

When confronted with this information here's what Rowland's people had to say:

"Jim Rowland is an employee of the Jackson County Sports Authority and Mike White is the attorney for the Authority. Therefore Jim does not have a vote on matters concerning contracts and the retention of attorneys.

As for Alice White's contribution I would imagine it is in recognition of the fantastic job Jim has done managing the largest public works project in the modern history of Kansas City---on budget, on time with no controversy.

Politics just like life is about relationships. For example, it should not surprise anyone that Mark Funkhouser and Deb Hermann, who have run our city into the ground during the last 4 years will accept financial contributions from developers, development attorneys and others for whose projects they have voted."

That's some harsh pushback on this story but I have to note that the Sports Authority affiliation and potential conflicts are a big deal to a great many political insiders who aren't just critics of Rowland.

What's even more interesting to me is that as supporters and detractors of different Mayoral candidates take aim at one another . . . They inadvertently reveal who they see as their stiffest competition.

And, most important of all, the campaign is now in full swing.

Developing . . .


  1. Same old situation.

  2. Wait until they start digging around in the money thrown to Dana Laiben.

  3. Someone Wake up Jimmy K6/10/10, 8:42 AM

    Isn't there supposed to be a County Prosecutor who investigates wrong-doing?

  4. There's a saying...."If you have 4 quarts of dirty oil and you add one quart of clean oil you will get five quarts of dirty oil." Wake up voters!! Refuse to elect back to office any former office holder or anyone running for re-election. They have had their chance. Rowland is but one example of a former office holder who wants to have another seat at the table. It's because of the actions,inactions or corruption by former public officials that we find ourselves in the current mess. Let's start fresh with new people and then hold them accountable. We must change the current ineffective political culture in city hall that has evolved over decades of arrogance, greed and abuse by our elected officials.

  5. Thank you, Sly James, for your input.

  6. Seriously, how can anyone trust a person who willingly goes by the name "Sly"?

  7. Jim Rowland is a viable candidate. I like his smarmy personality, his way of trying to appear smarter than anyone in the world. I like the way he tries to act like a deep thinking Jesuit WITHOUT actually doing any deep thinking or doing the heavy lifting of learning.
    In the world of Pat Gray and Steve Glorioso Rowland is a viable candidates to them. He will pay their hefty fees. In their lean times that is all that matters. Look At their other city hall candidates. Suckers down the line.

    PS: Sylvester "Sly" James.
    See how easy that is Mr. James? Then you ease out of the "Sly" part if you really wanted to be mayor.

  8. toadstool_watcher6/10/10, 10:15 AM

    "Funk wins" the idiot-bastard-with-a-beastly-ugly-jacked-up-wife-award. Congrats funkenstein! squit will be by your office later for your weekly beat down.

  9. Snooooooooze.

  10. Honestly, Tony... KCMO Mayor stories just are pretty boring. Its not even the biggest jurisdiction in the metro area.

    BE BIGGER THAN THE KCMO POLITICAL JURISDICTION! Type LESS about it and generate FEWER STORIES about it. The KC Metropolitan are is vastly BIGGER than KCMO city!

    Stop trashing Johnson county. Most of us live there by CHOICE! Most movers and shakers couldn't care LESS about KCMO URBAN! It's dying! We long gone! Wake up, Tony! Expand your interests to Western JXCO, JOCO and even WYCO!

    KCMO/JXCO just isn't the main city anymore!

  11. then go read a JOCO blog, radioman.

  12. PS. Just to make this clear. Kansas City Missouri residents (mostly south of 63rd, certainly west of Troost) aren't NEARLY as important in metro politics as they THINK they are any longer!

    Today's Kansas City has moved to KANSAS, fer sure! Don't think so? Well enjoy your denial for as long as you can. Good luck on selling your house for the price you hope to get for it!

  13. Anon 9:23 am -- surely you wouldn't want to miss opportunity to have Beth as Mayor?

  14. Representative Hughes for Mayor. The only choice for moving this City forward. The rest are a joke. Either they are elitist like "slippery sly" or has beens like Rowland or Burke or the two others "Hermann Funkenstein" that have run our fair city into the ground. Wake Up! it is time for a new era with young energetic minds. Go Jonus!

  15. Those that live south of 63rd and west of Troost are certainly more interesting. They willingly choose to not live in beige, look-a-like boxes and not get all their food and drink at Applebee’s, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Buffalo Wild Wings. Radioman, without KCMO, there is no metro area. Always has been that way and always will be.

  16. Hughes is the worst snake of all candidates wait till they look at his record . If he was their 30 percent of the time it was alot.

  17. Radioman lives his whole life on this blog. Wonder what he talks about to his friends, if he has any left. He spends all of his time and energy here. Sad.

  18. "Those that live south of 63rd and west of Troost are certainly more interesting. They willingly choose to not live in beige, look-a-like boxes and not get all their food and drink at Applebee’s, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Buffalo Wild Wings. Radioman, without KCMO, there is no metro area. Always has been that way and always will be."

    I lived in KC urban core for 13 years before getting fed up with the blight, apathy, wasted tax dollars, and lousy city/county services. I moved to JoCo 2 years ago - don't live in a beige house and still buy/eat local just like I always did. Your sweeping generalizations make you look ignorant.

  19. Radioman, you might be bored with KCMO mayor posts, but others are not and they shouldn't be... it's going to be the biggest election around here in a long time.

    Hermann has hardly run this city into the ground... she's the one who has been balancing the budget for the last three years. Someone defending Rowland needs to pay better attention.

  20. Jim looks sad, like a cartoon character. Maybe Deputy Dog or Huckleberry Hound.

  21. So who are Rowland's "people"... Steve Glorioso? From the cattiness of the comment, it sure sounds like him. He dishes it out, but he can't take it.

  22. Jim Rowland is our next Mayor. Remember this post. -I Told You So

  23. Where do you live. Not in KC.

  24. Here is the deal. This is just a first glimpse at Rowland. He is all about backroom deals. IF he is Mayor Kansas City should just give itself over to The Chiefs and Royals.

  25. Fuck Rowland before he fucks you!

  26. Glorioso is transparent in his comments. He might as well have let you attribute them to him. Rowland is not our next mayor... he'll be lucky to get out of the primary. The way Glorioso attacked Deb Hermann in his quote shows the candidate they're really nervous about her candidacy.

  27. I'm with the Hughes folks on this one. I like him as a house representative and as a candidate. Rowland is a nice guy but Kansas City, like other cities, needs a young fresh minded Mayor.

  28. No, Rowland is NOT a nice guy. And Hughes is a nice guy, but doesn't have a clue about anything.

    Hermann is the only candidate worth a damn.


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