The Liberty Restoration Project Talks With 6th District Council Dude John Sharp

The good folks at The Liberty Restoration Project have recently posted a great one-on-one interview with City Council veteran John Sharp. Here are some of the passages that were especially interesting to me:

On the KCPD:

"The councilman stated that he did think this system (The Shotspotter) was too expensive, a waste of money, and the money should be used in deploying more cops onto the streets."

Regarding Red Light Cameras and Liberty:

"One might find it amusing that Kansas City’s City Council may believe that Arizona’s Immigration Bill steps all over due process and will then pass a resolution letting Arizona know just how they feel about that, but you try to discuss due process with the red light cameras and the response you get is crickets. The councilman believes that the red light cameras are providing safer streets, they are needed, and even if the city makes no profit from the cameras, they will stay up."

Sharp E-Tax Endorsement:

"The councilman did state that he is in favor of the e-tax and does not want to see it repealed."

Urban Farming Frame of Reference:

"One item that we did agree with the councilman on was Urban Farming. He stated that the reason we’re being stalled in our fight for legalizing freedom is because of elitism running rogue in some people of the council."

The write-up of the entire interview at the Liberty Restoration Project website is a MUST READ and the crew was exceptionally grateful to the Council dude for giving his time so freely to the upstart organization.


  1. If "the councilman" believes ShotSpotter should be scrapped in lieu of more cops on the street, then why don't he and his colleagues support additional funding for KCPD to do just that?

  2. I have a hard time understanding why you support the LRP folks, Tony. They are very anti-Hispanic. Maybe you need to learn more about them.

  3. Tony, the only thing that is remotely funny about this post (or remotely anything) is that people call John Not-So-Sharp "Spot" and the Shotspotter sounds like something Sharp would buy as a beauty treatment.

  4. Sharp once again trying to play some naive newcomers. Sharp's principle is: what is good for sharp.

  5. Sharp once again trying to play some naive newcomers. Sharp's principle is: what is good for sharp.

  6. John Sharp is a lying, crooked piece of shit who is a disgrace to the city and especially to his constituents of the 5th district for whom he does nothing!

  7. Uh, Anonymous 4:46... he is in the 6th District, where he does nothing. I'm sure if he "represented" the 5th district, he would also do poorly. About your other comments... I wholeheartedly agree.

  8. Yes, sorry I meant the 6th district. No offense to the fine council members representing the 5th, Cindy and Terry.

  9. Tony, what the hell did we ever do to you? Why do you continue to try to scare us away by posting Sharp's image? Please, no more cyber torture.

  10. I would like to see some proof that the LRP folks are anti-hispanic. It's easy to say that from behind a monitor and keyboard but what proof do you have?


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