The TKC Thursday Afternoon Link Sitdown

Local Kansas City Mainstream links for the afternoon:


  1. Kansas City police plan to fan across the city over the next two months asking drivers to show they have valid licenses.

    "ID papers please".

    courtesy of the GESTAPO.

  2. Good. I hope they arrest Tony for wasting air that someone else could be breathing.

  3. TO:
    4/29/2010 7:10

    Go someplace else , the best part of you ran down the crack of your mothers ass.

  4. A safe driver4/29/10, 9:41 PM

    The red light tickets did not remain anywhere near constant. Overall they were down 58% the Chief quoted 31st/SWT as remaining constant. He neglected to mention what percent of tickets issues are for actually running a red light or making a right turn on red without coming to a complete stop. That is the most common ticket given by the majority of these cameras. Ticketing for rolling right turns on red does not increase safety. I'd like to see accident rates posted for each of those intersections over the last year.

  5. Roadblocks to check for papers??!!#$+*()&_#$*_&_$@#$"($%#!!&*P(*^(*#$*&

  6. Stopping poor people is a waste of time. They don't have insurance, chances are the car isn't licensed and they probably have outstanding traffice tickets. Now what do you do? They jails are full, they have no money and they probably have a kid or two in the car. You can't jail them, you can't get money from them and you can't make them be responsible. Might as well leave em alone and go after criminals.

  7. If you believe that frickin liar Corwin then you are way dumb.


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