TKC Free State Social Reviews

I still want to give a big thanks to all the good folks associated with The Free State Social.

I thought I'd round up some of the reviews regarding yours truly from Twitter. Check it:

The First Review of from Alexis.

Not everybody liked TKC on the panel.

Finally, I got around to meeting some of the Kansas City Social Media Club peeps like Jeff and they were all very cool.

Awesome . . . It's cool that Corin liked this part of the panel talk.

A peek behind the curtain possibly.

Best of Jess picked this up as well.

Thanks to Naomi for this bloggy background tweet.

Wendy witnessed my favorite part of the discussion.

Finally, A great many thanks to Patchchord who was damn interesting to talk to for the first time!!!


  1. So is Alonzo teaching you lessons on how to promote yourself?

    I hope neither of you break your arms, patting yourselves on the back!

  2. nobody wants to listen to radio.

  3. Oh well...

    Keep up the good work, Tony.

  4. It's funny to see a few of those elitist $300 a plate hipsters kissing your ass.

    As for this bullshit about "I play a character on my blog" do you think the people who are being smeared, insulted and personally attacked by you give a fuck if you've rationalized this pathetic slimy rag as you "playing a character." Give me a fucking break. I'm sure all the people who are looking for jobs and know that smears from this rag come up first on a Google search think it's fine, because you were "just playing a character."

    I'm sure the women who have been called "skanks", "tarts", "bitches" and "fatties" on this blog and had it falsely reported that they were "fucking" someone that they were not think it's all okay, because you were "just playing a character."

    I'm sure the people who have been libeled by having you link to false Casenet reports about someone else with a similar name, for which you never apologized or corrected the post, think it's all okay that future employers might Google their names and think they were guilty of some kind of crime that in fact was someone else. Because you were "just playing a character."

    I'm sure you think it's really funny, right? If it's so fucking hilarious, then why don't you share some of the love with your own family and friends. After all, you're just playing a character? Why don't you do a post about your mom being a fatty! That would be hilarious, because you're just playing a character.

    Why not post something about your girlfriend being a skanky bitch and falsely report that she's actually fucking someone even uglier than you. C'mon - all your other victims are supposed to be so cool with it, because you're "just playing a character" so I'm sure your girlfriend would like to be included. I'm sure she'd love to have the first page that comes up about her in a Google search be about how she's a skanky slut who's fucking so-and-so, right? It might help in her next job search when her potential employer Googles her. It might also help her meet a nice man after she dumps your sorry ass because, face it, we all know people Google people.

    Yep - it's funny how the people you like don't end up on this "joke blog" getting smeared and insulted by "just a character." It's too bad you don't want to share your lovely sense of humor with them.

  5. TonyisaFattie5/1/10, 9:32 AM

    Let me help you a bit with what Tony actually means when he says he is "just playing a character." I've met him and spoken with his supposed real self, so I think I can offer some insight.

    Here is what Tony means:

    "In real life, I am a somewhat sleazy, socially underveleoped, shifty eyed pervy type who is painfully insecure on one hand but also thinks women are pretty much worthless, and I know that's not socially acceptable, but I have a hard time fully concealing it. I laugh kind of like Beavis (or is it Butthead?) and I am so contemptuous of women that I use the word 'broad' in normal conversation. I hate having to constrain my real personality and true hate for women in real life to fit within what is socially acceptable in society. I love my blog because I am free to let my true self out, and be as big of a misogynistic racist asshole as I really am, but that if I acted that way in the real world would get the shit kicked out of me, and drinks thrown in my face, in about five minutes. In real life, I sneakily look at women's boobs instead of their faces. On my blog, I post pics of naked women all day long and say the things about women that I'd like to say in real life, but would get me punched or worse in real life."

  6. Female who has talked to the "real" Tony5/1/10, 1:17 PM

    There is nothing sneaky about the way Tony looks at women's boobs instead of their faces.

    It's rather obvious.

  7. Have you met him? He's a total lily-livered coward in person. He's doesn't have the cojones to openly stare at a woman's boobs b/c he knows 80 percent of the 'broads' in Jackson County could kick his fucking ass.

  8. It's all a brilliant act, huh? A "character study." Hmmm... I don't buy it.

    Brings to mind Vonnegut's quote, "Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be"

    And you, sir, are a royal asshole

  9. Yeah, and Tom Cruise is really a Jet Fighter Pilot.

    Jack Nicholson was really the joker.

    And Kathy Bates is really The Unsinkable Molly Brown.

    You know nothing of Vonnegut's work.

    And you're a fucking idiot.

  10. Gully McGullerson5/1/10, 9:35 PM

    wow, check out alexis's twitter. The self-proclaimed "mama-praneur" likes Tony's insights. Yeeesh. These social media climber dames are so lame. One big clueless circle jerk over there at that expensive-ass media conference.

  11. Those were paid acting roles, you dipshit. Different names, one-off character studies.

    They weren't pretending to be batman, fighter pilots day-in, day-out under their real name. TKC has constructed a persona and he takes full credit when something goes right and writes it off like a joke when he's proven wrong. Your comparison to profession actors is completely inept and shows what a child you are.

  12. Gully McGullerson: I have a crush on you. 100 percent correct, as usual. No self-respecting woman with half a brain would kiss Tony's ass.

  13. 9:35 - I'd be surprised if you can read above a 3rd grade level since you seem to be incapable of anything other than strictly literal interpretations. Stick to Dick & Jane.

  14. TKC rewlz!!!!11!

    But "free state"? What a joke.

    Kansas is about as police state as it gets.

    feckin marrons

    p.s. radioman you suck hairy nutz

  15. See Jane Run5/2/10, 1:24 AM

    more like dick and dick... lotsa dicks over here on tkc. guess all the women got scared off by the soft porn and joke insinuations about rape! tkc is SUCH a character! (it's true, I read it on twitter... he plays a sombrero-wearing racist in real life but at social media functions he smooth talks mom bloggers and elitist social media hipsters!)


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