Kansas City d-bags should NEVER think that elected office in this Cowtown is about serving the public. City council members get lots of perks, including free suite tickets to events at Sprint Center. Usually, these tickets are used for council member's family or friends/supporters personal use. However, somebody with tickets assigned to 6th District Councilman John Sharp has come up with a new twist on an old perk… SELL THEM ON CRAIGSLIST!!!
Apparently, The Live Nation/Ticketmaster merger didn't slow down folks with access to John Sharp's tickets. Here two permanent copies of one of several Craigslist ads (along with the live link) that show Councilman Sharp's tickets for sale:
TKC Sprint Center Hank Williams Jr. Tix Permacopy -- Craigslist link
TKC Sprint Center Pearl Jame Tix Permacopy -- Craigslist link
How do we know the tickets are Sharp's? Easy. Here's how it works: Tickets are delivered to Council chambers. A council person or their aide must sign out for tickets and numbers are assigned to the council member. While most aides handle this with ease, John Sharp NEVER allows his aide to handle tickets. He takes care of all ticket matters personally. And now we know why.
KICKASS TKC TIPSTERS even contacted one of the listed sellers from Craigslist and confirmed the tickets had NO PRICE printed on them, further PROOF that they are comped seats. Additionally, Suite A5 is the CITY COUNCIL SUITE. The parking pass mentioned is one that is given for free to all council members. And tickets #27 and #28 were signed out to Sharp.
The guy on the phone told the tipsters that the tickets were his "friend's" and the $380 price was negotiable. While the tipsters were tempted to bite on the Pearl Jam tix, it's a good thing they didn't, as a memo from Oscar McGaskey of Convention and Entertainment Facilities states that selling these tickets is illegal and anyone purchasing them will be denied entry at Sprint Center.
Knowing Sharp as we do, he'll have a litany of excuses how his tickets got posted for sale . . . Maybe he donated them to some poor soul who needed the money; he was robbed of three sets of tickets and somehow they all ended up on Craigslist; a dog ate them… the possibilities for garbage slung by Sharp are limitless. Come to think of it, the Council dude should address this issue because it's illegal activity on the dime of Kansas City Taxpayers and this blog along with RATHER AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS brought up the subject first. Natch.
Still, the fact remains . . .
Word around City Hall is that Sharp insists on having control of his tickets. Apparently, this is a guy who is SUCH a control freak, he won't let the City Hall cleaning crews touch his office. He even sets his trash can outside his door each morning to avoid anyone from entering his domain! Reportedly, from the look of his office, Sharp just might be a candidate for the Hoarders TV show.
According to McGaskey's memo, the person responsible for these tickets being sold has committed an illegal act. John Sharp is responsible for his tickets. Roy Greenway . . . What up with that?
nice work dude.
ReplyDeleteGood job, Tony! The Star might report this in July...
ReplyDeleteT, you did it again. We all bow to you and your Awesome TCK Tipsters. The RDM Tipsters are trying to find the missing Mixed Plate taken when Ollie Gates' granddaughter got carjacked across the street from his Mecca.
ReplyDeleteThere were underage drunks fighting and puking in the City box last time I went (2 crappy Nickelback shows ago) who were blowing their cigarette smoke on a pregnant lady. When the cops came (an hour later) the load mouth A-holes said that they were there on Sharp's tickets. Maybe from eBay?
ReplyDeleteroy wont do a dam thing because its a council person but if it was a lowly employee roy and crew would be on it in a second. goes to show you who controls who in the city
ReplyDeleteIf this is not a simple picture on why our City Council sucks, I don't know what is. On the other hand, I'm trying to get a mental picture of Sharp at a Pearl Jam concert. That I would pay for.
ReplyDeleteYup, that's a good one!
ReplyDeleteI once (Naively)told a City Councilman how I thought that their pay was too measely for the amount of time they supposedly devoted to City Government. My logic to him was that it might cut down the corruption. He just shrugged it off without comment. Now, I know why. They could be paid zilch and they would still make a bundle by taking advantage of the illegal perks, contractor kickbacks, and other shady deals that really go on behind the scenes. Yes, this involves you, JE Dunn and H&R Block. You want to know who will be future inmates at your local prison? Go to the next City Council Meeting. You want a mental picture to think about? How about Sharp being someone's bitch bride behind bars?
ReplyDeleteCity Council folks get a nice paycheck along with bennies. Sharp is stealing to make a few extra bucks. Lord knows he isn't spending the dough on personal grooming or charm school lessons. This guy should be investigated by Greenway immediately. Of course, Greenway won't lift a finger. The only hope is that votes in the 6th will be disgusted by this scalping behavior and vote that ugly old (and now thieving) curmudgeon out of office! We've overdosed on John Sharp. He has proven himself unworthy time and time again. For the man who screams about transparency and corruption, this little bit of ticket news is ironic.
ReplyDeleteHe should be tossed out of office because of this.
Maybe Beth will sponsor a new law to ban freebees for councilmembers?
ReplyDeleteThe ball is now in your court Beth.
We need a NEW mayor, city counsel, and police chief.
ReplyDelete"Nice work"? It seems like Tony's "tipster" (aka disgruntled government employee with a grudge against John Sharp) did all the work. Looks like Tony just dutifully transcribed what this "tipster" told him. I'm sure he didn't even double check anything this "tipster" told him (like a journalist would) & just took the person's word for it. Yeah, great "work," Tony.
ReplyDeleteGood Job Tony it just shows how corrupt and greedy our city government.
ReplyDeleteThis is why we need to repeal the earnings tax. The only way to stop this is to quit funding these crooks.
ReplyDeleteYou put it out here.... alas it is on a jokey blog.
Sad to see a handsome man go wrong.
ReplyDeleteSo, Tony, all this is based on "an anonymous tipster said." Where's the proof? For example, you just say "Tickets 27 and 28 were signed out to Sharp." How do you "know" this? Did you do an open records request? Did you actually do any work on this "story" other than transcribing what "tipster" told you? If so, what work did you do? Which facts did you verify and how did you verify them? Did you make any phone calls? Interview anyone? Request any records? Let me guess: no, no and no. Yet all the sheeple come here and say, "Great work, Tony." Work, my ass.
ReplyDeleteMr. Let's-Get-The-Procedures-Right fucked up big time. No longer will the council defer to this crazy loon during a Legislative session for clarification on RULES during a floor debate or the passage of an ordinance. Sharp clearly picks and chooses the rules that best serve HIS needs. He is now suspect.
ReplyDeletePS ANON 8:35 AM, you owe me a key board. Spewed my morning juice! Thank God I was not using my NetBook.
Hello, you fucking idiots. There is no proof here that any of this is true. Guess that won't stop you from just automatically believing it because Tony's "tipster" said. Wipe the drool from your chins now.
ReplyDeleteGOOD WORK TKC! and Great work from your tipsters for getting the ball rolling. No sitting on hands here, maybe just faces.
ReplyDeleteTime for citizens to start making those pesky requests using the Freedom of Information Act now that we know what to ask.
Tony should be making those requests f=before he publishes his drivel to verify if it's true or not.
ReplyDeleteThe local news affiliates will be in City Hall today, crawling up you know who's ass.
ReplyDeleteNOT BAD FOR A JOKE BLOG, hermano!
I guess this means the end of Council Sprint Center Freebies.
By the way, thanks to the Sharp staff for TRYING to quell the storm. Sorry, baby, it ain't working. Your guy was running the council with his notes in hand, now he is just holding his limp dick.
ah hell! No free tickets? I was hoping for a set of .... well never mind who I hoped to see for free. But Damn, Sharp! Get it together. You are making some money now. You are not stuck delivering the newspaper anymore. Just how much money do you need?
ReplyDeleteIf Tony was a real investigative repoerter he would fact check... he would ask for... he would get correct informa... Shit, I can't spin this.
ReplyDeleteFuck you. This may very well be true, but it's sickening to see Tony being "congratulated" for doing "work" when he's nothing but a transcriptionist for bitter government workers with axes to grind.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I want to know how he "knows" number 27 and 28 were assigned to John Sharp?
Tony, you are a worthless piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteCheck on Beth--she once said she would refuse the council pay raise. I bet she didn't.
ReplyDeleteBreaking! Tony's "readers" fucking hate his slimy guts. See the comments in the thread TKC@Free State Social.
ReplyDeleteBreaking! Tony's "readers" fucking hate his slimy guts. See the comments in the thread TKC@Free State Social.
ReplyDeleteBreaking! Tony's "readers" fucking hate his slimy guts. See the comments in the thread TKC@Free State Social.
ReplyDeleteBreaking! Tony's "readers" fucking hate his slimy guts. See the comments in the thread TKC@Free State Social.
ReplyDeleteBreaking! Tony's "readers" fucking hate his slimy guts. See the comments in the thread TKC@Free State Social.
ReplyDeleteTony, You are a lazy scumfuck. For real reporters, their articles BEGIN with a tip from a tipster, who they know full well may or may not be a crackpot. They then do something called reporting, which involves something called work. (Lean out your window and ask a real Mexican what that is, since you clearly don't know.) Your "articles" (um smears) END with a tip from a tipster, which you dutifully transcribe like a little secretary. Lazy scum.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Somebody is swinging from Sharp's nutz...why defend that POS
ReplyDeleteNot defending Sharp. Defending integrity.
ReplyDeleteHey Tony,
ReplyDeleteWhile you go into a tizzy over a few hundred dollars worth of tickets, I have a tipster that tells me you're getting a free ride on the backs of people who actually pay taxes in Jackson County by shirking out on your duty to pay property taxes like everyone else has to. What's with the only paying $30 a year in property taxes on a $150,000 house? (Look it up by doing an online search for Tony's mommy's name on Jackson County website online tax search function.)
So, basically Tony is screwing Jackson County out of thousands of dollars a year, with his lazy ass being subsidized so he doesn't have to work & has all day to spew hate on here. Nice gig if you can get it.
Hey Tony, how do I get out of paying my fair share of taxes. Please enlighten us!
The proof here is ironclad and right there in the post. But I'm guessing local media will bury this and in fact some of them are the TKC haters you see above. It may be up to 6th district people to keep this story alive. Go to Southern Community Coalition, Center Planning and Development Council, and Second Friday meetings with video cam and ask questions.
ReplyDelete10:37 - you're retarded and the reason why transcriptionists of hate like Tony think they can replace real reporters. Where is the proof that those tickets for sale on Craigslist are tickets 27 & 27 and that tickets 27 & 28 were assigned to Sharp. I want a link to a document, please. Oh, wait. There is none.
ReplyDeleteThe only "proof" in the "article" is that some tickets were sold on Craigslist. There is no proof those were Sharp's tickets, except if Tony sez it is mus' be tru. DOH!
ReplyDeleteInteresting comments here... somebody doesn't like Tony down there at shitty hall!
ReplyDeleteLets pause for a moment. Ya know, Tony's awesome tipsters may or may not be anonymous to HIM! He's just unnamed to YOU!
But ya have to admit, this is one hell of a great story! And ya know that's whats bein talked about by bureaucrats all over town!
Yeah, it is a great story that TOny and his mom, who aspires to be in city government, are total freeloaders stealing thousands of dollars a year from the taxpayers!
ReplyDeleteMaybe the mother-son super duo can make some money writing an e-book on how to get out of paying your taxes. That's one I'd like to read. Since I've always been a law-abiding taxpayer and not someone who exploits every loophole to see how I can get a free ride, I'm not up on how exactly one goes about doing that.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Tony's house is made of glass! Tax-free glass.
How does a dude who literally pays NO taxes get off with bitching and whining every day about how other people's tax dollars are spent?
ReplyDeleteGreat ad hominem argument -- can't refute the accusation, so you attack the accuser.
ReplyDeleteThis is a recognized logical fallacy and demonstrates the desperation of Sharp (or his supporters).
I wonder if the po'folk Tony claims to be so down with get to take advantage of this $30 a year property tax deal? Or do they actually have to work their asses off and pay taxes while privileged pretend "Mexicans" like Tony and his mom get to enjoy all the perks while they bitch and moan so loudly about the downtrodden. (What, the people who actually have to work harder to pay for your FREE RIDE?)
ReplyDeleteThat's the thing everyone forgets ... there is NO free ride. For everyone who gets by without paying their fair share, everyone else has to make up the difference.
ReplyDeleteSo, all of you commenters who live in Jackson County, I hope you enjoy paying extra for Tony and his mom. At least with the people who pull out food stamps at the grocery, at least you know they need it. It's extra insulting when people who can afford to send their kid to private school then support his ass at age 40 take advantage of the taxpayers.
Assuming the claim about Tony is true . . . how does it make what he said about Sharp and his tickets less true? or acceptable behavior for a city council member?
ReplyDeleteStop changing the subject!!!!
Assuming it's true? Dude, the evidence is cut and pasted above, straight from the Jackson County online tax records search. Are you really so inept that you can't take two seconds to go over and do a tax search and you have to write "assuming it's true."
ReplyDeleteHow does it relate to Sharp? Have you heard the saying about glass houses?
Glass houses have nothing to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI pay taxes. The info about Sharp makes me angry. Should my anger subside because Tony revealed it?
Answer: no.
Therefore . . . stop talking about Tony and actually defend Sharp (if you can).
WTF?! This is terrible! We need to get people like Tony's mom in city government so we can stop having people do funny things with our tax dollars! Oh. Um. Yeah.
ReplyDeleteWhen someone provides actual evidence, a document, showing that Sharp actually was assigned the ticket numbers that correspond to the tickets that were sold on Craigslist, then it's time to defend or attack Sharp. And if that's the case, I certainly won't defend him because it's unacceptable. It's just that no one has provided evidence to show that to be true yet. So I guess the story is ... DEVELOPING!
ReplyDeleteBut as a law-abiding Jackson County taxpayer who actually pays a hefty amount of property taxes every year, it also pisses me off that my money is subsidizing this hate rag. I hate freeloaders. But freeloaders who live in glass houses and throw rocks all day long, when that really chaps my ass.
11:39, you don't have to read it or comment on it. Sounds like you do like to subsidize it. People bitch about TKC - but they read and comment - what's up with that?
ReplyDeleteYeah, what's up with that. Tony is like that obnoxious jerk in elementary school who picked on anyone weaker and all the adults were like, "Just ignore him. He just wants attention." Too bad as adults we can't seem to do the adult thing and ignore him, huh? Sigh.
ReplyDeleteHell yeah. How do I get one of those $30/yr tax deals? For all his talk about how gentrified and horrible the hipsters have made the Westside, it appears he and his mom are sucking at the Gov't teet as hard as cordish.
ReplyDeleteThat said, Sharp is an arrogant c*ocksucker. i hope this spurs an investigation and punishmnt if warranted.
vote them all out
ReplyDeleteFunny. I don't see Tony's name anywhere.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with those interviews today Sharp.
Smile for the cameras.
Nice job TKC Tipsters!
Mah, Sharp'll just blame whatever constituent he gave the tickets to and will wriggle out of it that way.
ReplyDeleteTony & Co. have no one to blame for their shady housing deal.
Where is Tony's name on any house? I searched and I can't find it?
ReplyDeleteWill the news give TKC Tipsters credit for showing Sharp's ticket mess.
ReplyDeleteTony you need a PR agent.
Call me!
His name might not be on the house, but you can find his ass in the basement, living in this taxpayer-subsidized house. I wonder if the taxpayer subsidy is what allows Tony to live in this house rent free. Makes the mortgage a lot lower if you don't have to pay thousands a year in property tax.
ReplyDeleteHell, if I didn't have to pay property taxes, I might be able to subsidize a blogger too. Does anyone want to tell me how to get this deal, so I can hire a blogger to attack the people I hate all day long?
Tony's name isn't on the house just like Bart Stupak's name isn't on the C-Street House.
ReplyDeleteBut Tony actually lives in those apartments on Summit John, if you ever came down to the West Side you'd know that.
ReplyDeleteSorry you are so upset. Wish you would pay this much attention to your tickets.
Who is Bart Stupak?
ReplyDeleteSo, is this thing about the Sharp tickets true? Has any legit media done a story or interviewed Sharp yet? I'll be watching the actual news to see if this is true or just more nasty, politically motivated gossip using Tony as a tool. (No homo.)
ReplyDeleteYou GOT Sharp on this one Tony. I hope you thanked your tipsters.
ReplyDeleteGood job.
I hope you sucked your tipsters
ReplyDeleteWill TV get it or The Star. I know Tony bothers a lot of people on TV and begs them for scoops.
ReplyDeleteAre you getting full on leftovers Tony?
Even fanboys get their day in the sun dude.
Enjoy it.
I don't like Tony or his mom.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't think I would vote for Sharp or any of the Council.
How much is a U-Haul?
Is John Sharp the son of that Three Stooges Curly-wannabe Joe Besser?
ReplyDeletePay your taxes . . . free loader.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Pay up.
ReplyDelete"What's up with THAT?" I'm saying the same thing about your shady tax evasion.
ReplyDeleteGood job TKC.
ReplyDeleteAs for property taxes, the property owner pays the taxes. The property owner.
Because you seem to be pretty lame I'll go slow
T h e_ p r o p e r t y_ o w n e r.
Calling out a property owner on reduced taxes in a tax abated area is trying to shift the focus. It's called deflection. Nobody forced Sharp to put these tickets up for sale. My guess is Councilman John Sharp fucked up. Really, really fucked up. He just did a classic fuck up. Screaming about TKC's bedroom is pure bullshit. It does not swerve the accusation away from JOHN Sharp's fuck up.
Who is doing damage control here? Gloria Squitiro? Making a bad deal EVEN worse. Step away from the keyboard, Sharpsters, step away so you do not continue the onslaught. There is nothing you can do to stop an investigation.
Nice attempt at damage control, Tony (oops, I mean Everybody Hates Gloria).
ReplyDeleteI love the way you phrase it ... "reduced taxes in an abated area." As if it's just some special deal magically handed out, and not Tony's mom seeking and getting a special deal for herself. "An abated area..." okee dokee.
Let's look and see if the neighbors also have this spacial "abated area" (read: artsy hipster neighborhood) deal magically bestowed on them. C'mon, children, pull a chair up to the computer and let's see if the neighbors also pay $30:
Property Account SummaryWhere are my tax dollars going?
Parcel Number 29-340-19-05-00-0-00-000 Property Address 1625 JEFFERSON ST , KANSAS CITY, MO 64108
General Information
Property Description KING & BOUTON'S ADD LOT 62 BLK 3
Last Sale Price 80,000.00
Last Sale Date 11/16/2004
Last Sale Document Number 2004K0077256
Property Category Land and Improvements
Status Active, Host Other Property, Locally Assessed
Tax Code Area 001
Property Characteristics
Property Class 1010
Role Percent Name Address
Property Values
Value Type Tax Year
2009 Tax Year
2008 Tax Year
2007 Tax Year
2006 Tax Year
Market Value Total 67,296 70,100 70,100 60,000 60,000
Taxable Value Total 12,786 13,319 13,319 11,400 11,400
Assessed Value Total 12,786 13,319 13,319 11,400 11,400
No Charges are currently due.
No Charge Amounts are currently due for this property. If you believe this is incorrect, please contact the Taxpayer Services Unit at (816) 881 - 3232.
Distribution of Current Taxes
District Amount
Date Receipt No. Amount Applied Amount Due Tendered Change
12/09/2009 00:00 5944067 1,015.88 1,015.88 1,015.88 0.00
12/11/2008 00:00 5426736 1,053.12 1,053.12 1,053.12 0.00
12/12/2007 00:00 4843056 1,048.06 1,048.06 1,048.06 0.00
12/08/2006 00:00 4298715 906.03 906.03 906.03 0.00
11/17/2005 00:00 3683757 905.89 905.89 905.89 0.00
Nope! Looks like the neighbors in this "abated area" pay normal amounts of property taxes - like $1,000 or more each year, not $30.
So, nice try! You LOSE! BUH BYE! Thanks for playing!
I know that Tony, by blogging under his own name, is a "public figure" but the address of his residence should have been redacted. I don't think it is common knowledge.
ReplyDeleteAs for the ticket stuff with John Not-So-Sharp, he already lost my vote during the MAST mess. New motto: Flip the Sixth!!!
I'm not sure 1:37, since the info is public record available online. But of course, Tony is free to redact his address and his neighbor's address if he so chooses. He could just "slip" and redact the whole damn thread. Har har.
ReplyDeleteInteresting what's going on here...
ReplyDeleteon one hand you have a lot of TKC detractors (like those handing out the rather brilliant smack-downs of tony in the free state media thread)
on the other you've got people giving begrudging kudos to Tony for digging up (or at least sharing) some really interesting info like this
I think it just goes to show that Tony is really capable of some interesting stuff and could probably do without being such a dick to everyone. The main problem with throwing stones and racial accusations around is that they come back to bite you... (glass houses, etc).
If he stopped acting like such a smug hateful asshole, I bet he would find a lot of support, because heaven knows people are looking to cheer for something other than corporate media
"If he stopped acting like such a smug hateful asshole, I bet he would find a lot of support, because heaven knows people are looking to cheer for something other than corporate media"
ReplyDeleteI think you might be right. And I'd guess that Tony is afraid if he stopped acting like such a smug hateful asshole his readership would drop off to almost noting. And the sad thing is, if he thought that, there's a good chance he's be right.
Yes, there are people looking for an alternative to the corporate media, but I fear there are many more people who just like to watch train wrecks.
The big "Procedure" guy is wearing no clothes (Apologies for the mental movie that started in your heads).
ReplyDeleteDump Sharp, the Scalper!
All this fuss over some tickets? Tickets that are IN the council suite, meaning you would have to sit with the creeps to see the show. If John Sharp put these tickets on Craigslist he has broken an ethic's violation. I do find it hard to see John Sharp being that stupid. I look forward to hearing the true nature of this case. Of course, the chain of custody will be very important as will the IP address used to post on Craigslist. There is always something to trip up a person.
ReplyDeleteShould this sad affair turn out to be true, I am sure there will hefty fines.
What a mess! John Sharp's AFL-CIO Union job should be secure if these charges are verified. I mean, they wouldn't fire him for being unethical would they? We pay union dues to keep good jobs in play.
Mr. John Sharp, did you place these tickets on Craigslist?
Hey, but no one has asked about what's really important here. Does anyone involved in this debacle have a big ass? Will they be shaking it? Are they a fatty? A tart?
ReplyDeletemy momma told me to be VERY CAREFUL when dealing with people on Craigslist. I saw the news stories, I heard about the set ups. I know that there are some very sick people advertising, then knocking you on the head when you show up to buy or sell. She told me about scams and such.
ReplyDeleteMy momma was right. Happy Mother's Day!
It's funny, all these attacks on Tony when the culprit here is John Sharp and his illegal activity of selling comped tickets. I remember when the cops in KCMO busted a youngster in his 20's for scalping and the kid hanged himself in jail. I'm not suggesting John take such a drastic step, but removing himself from office might be appropriate.
ReplyDeleteThe proof that the tickets sold were Sharp's is in the paperwork at City Hall. If you haven't seen it (or know someone who has), then file a Sunshine Request for it. You can then quit trying to dodge the real issue that Sharp is scalping tickets he gets for free on Craig's List, and not just once either. It might be believable if it happened once, but a minimum of three times? Sharp got busted, we are all laughing, and 6th district needs to remember this.
John, if you were a real man, you'd step down. Immediately.
Oh, no 1:59 - your mamma was wrong. Everything u see on Cregslist is 100 persent fer REELZ!
ReplyDeleteLOL - I just thought of something funny. I'll bet Tony's "tipster" got ahold of the tickets and posted them on Craigslist himself, then immediately called Tony to dish about the indiscretion.
That would be one way to make your politicL enemy look bad.
Thankfully, if John Sharp has to face the Kansas City Ethics Commission, Kay Winterowd was seated after she gave funkhouser $1000.00. Lord knows funkhouser needs as many "friends" as he can bully. See the scope of this nasty little dust up?
ReplyDelete2:01 - are you dense? It's not our job to file an effing Sunshine request - it's the responsibility of the person making the accusation. That would be Lazy Tony.
ReplyDeleteThere's no proof HERE. Saying the proof is at city hall is just retarded. Get it, lazy ass Tony, and print it here if you're going to accuse.
Also, where is the proof Sharp was the one doing the scalping? Many of these council people give these tickets to constituents. How do you know it wasn't a duplicitous constituent?
Okay Sherlock, just how the fuck would a person KNOW that those numbers belong to John Sharp? And the coincidence is really out there. Hey watch it, your crack pipe is shattering!
ReplyDeleteAnon: 2:09, did you even READ the post? The Council have to sign for the tickets and the numbers are recorded. No coincidence... just corruption.
ReplyDeleteI choose to believe the post, and the post said the seller was called and it all checked out. For all you naysayers commenting here, I never knew John Sharp could type so fast!
Council members would know to whom they gave the tickets. But not to worry, I am sure John Sharp will introduce a resolution asking the council to forego such perks for the remainder of their current term.
ReplyDelete2:09 - you're the person who seems to be on crack. This is a prime example of a "story" that raises more questions than it answers and wasn't ready to see the light of day. Tony's lucky he's never had to work for an actual editor who had standards.
ReplyDeleteA reporter who was held to standards would have to back up any "facts" they state (like #27 and #28 were assigned to John Sharp) by ... listen carefully now ... citing. their. source. It's reeaaalllllllyyy simple. Do you ever watch the TV news and see the reporter say something like, "according to documents KMBC TV has obtained from city hall ..." and then, lo and behold, a shot of the document flashes on the screen! It's breathtaking.
anon 2:04
ReplyDeleteyou are nuts and not helping poor John Sharp. A random buyer figured out to whom the tickets were originally issued? I think anon 2:09 is right and you are HIGH!
Great, then. I want to see a photocopy of the sheet where Sharp signed for the tickets, that shows what the numbers of those tickets are, and they'd better correspond to the numbers of the craigslist tickets.
ReplyDeleteTo say, some annony person called the seller and it all checked out ... oh my god. I am laughing so hard my sides hurt. You are such a gullible rube. Hiccup. Tony sez his annony tipsters cousin's grandma's boyfriend called the seller, and it all checked out! People like you are how urban legends circulate the planet over. Sigh.
Okay, back to the luckless Councilman John Sharp.
ReplyDeleteCouncilman Sharp did you sell your tickets?
"the numbers were recorded" doesn't cut it. Show me the photocopy, please. Oh, wait. You're too lazy. This is obviously the biggest story of your "career" Tony and you're too lazy to take the bus to city hall and get a flipping photocopy? Really. It's the little things. People would just be creaming themselves impressed if you lifted a pinky finger to go a tiny step further than just transcribing what some annonny "tipster" tells you.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is council tickets are assigned with the same numbers for every event. If Sharp get 27 & 28, they are always his number. There is a history here. Mary Williams Neal had the same problem when her son scalped tickets. The buyer waited until after he enjoyed the concert from the comfort of the suite and then cried about how much he paid for tickets marked with a $0 value.
ReplyDelete3:02 ... very interesting. Thanks for the info. If JS really is scalping these tickets himself, that's utterly pathetic. I assumed it was some deadbeat constituent who begged him for tickets.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way ... why isn't my neighborhood a "tax abated zone"? I can tell you it's a lot more worthy of being a tax abated zone than Tony's hipster hood. Bluebird Bistro? Fervere Bread? Tax-free livin'? Oh, how Tony suffers!
It's true! Tony probably sits in the BlueBird with his laptop munching on Fervere bread as he blogs indignantly about hipsters, white people and the raw deal the "po'folk" get.
ReplyDeleteGo Tony Go..... I applaud your blog. Good job at exposing KC crooks.
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight: Tony lives in the basement of his mom's house. He pays no rent. She pays no taxes. He is a free-loader.
ReplyDeleteTony doesn't have a job. He doesn't pay earnings taxes. He is a free-loader.
How does Tony pay for his trips to the titty bar? I think we need to put an IRS investigator on Tony's ass. He is a free-loader.
Wow 2:19... you are really exercised over this scalping gig. Campaign for Sharp much? Or maybe you are just one of his "sweeties"?
ReplyDeleteI am amazed that people on these comments want "proof" when they are so quick to judge other instances that lack substantial proof. I think to label three Craigslist ads, one letter from Oscar McGaskey and the fact that Sharp is acting crazy at the Hall today as a coincidence is truly desperate and pathetic... hmmm... I think I just described John Sharp!
ReplyDeleteKudos to the Hall employees who stood up for what's right and brought this to the attention of the people in charge. Bummer for the person who buys these tickets and then gets denied access to the suite at the Sprint Center. If/when that happens, Sharp had better hide. Someone is going to want their $380 back.
I think what they're "exercised" about is accusations without proof when it would seemingly be very easy to get the proof.
ReplyDelete3:33 you dumby he doesn't eat at Blue bird and blog about hipsters. He gets FREE MEALS at Jardine's with privileged white people who would be called hipsters if they weren't over the hill and loaded
ReplyDeleteand yet he continues to paint himself as the "common man". gimme a break!
So now "acting crazy" is proof that someone is a criminal? Wow - I think this blog has really jumped the shark.
ReplyDelete3:47 - exactly. Tony has been well taught how to game the system so you don't have to work.
ReplyDeleteSo who pays for Freeloader Tony's free meals at Jardine's?
ReplyDeleteNobody elected Tony. He is a MINOR blogger.
ReplyDeleteThe voters did elect John Sharp, it is there mistake
3:39... no, acting crazy about something doesn't prove you're a criminal, but it does demonstrate that perhaps someone hit upon a big truth.
ReplyDeleteThere sure are a lot of John Sharp apologists on this blog. Where were they when he destroyed MAST?
ReplyDeleteWhat's a little ticket scalping from such a swell guy?! You all are mean! JOHN ROCKS.
ReplyDeleteNew 6th District Campain - Where are my tickets John?
ReplyDeleteSo you naughty little anonny insiders: did anyone ask John about the tickets today? What did he say?
ReplyDeleteOr did no one have the bawls to ask?
ReplyDeleteHe flipped out and started writing blog comments on TKC all day.
ReplyDeleteLOL 4:39
ReplyDeleteIt is after business hours, have the union guys gone home? Please say yes. This crazy blog has gotten their panties all in a twist!
ReplyDeleteMy dear Councilman John Sharp, where are your tickets?
Maybe he gave them to a young person who doesn't have a wholesome activity to go to. Maybe the City hasn't provided them enough money & fun, so they had to try to buy their own. If I were John Sharp and they were not my tickets, I would sure be denying it by now. It's strangely silent on his part.
ReplyDeleteJohn "Stub Hub" Sharp was just quoted on the news (congrats to the TV news for reading TKC) and said that he guessed he would just "throw his tickets away from now on."
ReplyDeleteSounds like a guilty man to me. He's lying through his teeth. If he would just be a man and own it, I would despise him less.
Isn't it odd... John Sharp is the only councilperson who refuses to let a cleaning crew into his office. He hoards every piece of paper and paperclip. Yet, he can't account for three pairs (minimum) of tickets? He has no recollection of what happened to them...
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is stupid enough to believe this, I've got a bridge to sell. If people in the 6th district are stupid enough to believe this, then maybe I should run for office.
Sharp already sold a bridge to people in the sixth district. It's where Minor Park used to be.
ReplyDelete@7:03 PM ... and where a 200 foot wide deforested swath lies, might be mistaken for a strip mine.
ReplyDeleteAll of that damage just so trucks have an alternate to the highway.
Thanks, John.
- soon to be former south KC resident
It's a hard choice...make a good decision with your tickets or throw them away. He's a waste. There are plenty of staffers at City Hall who would love to see a show and not sell them on craigslist. That is the great representative that he is. You know he was just making some money on the side. 13 other offices at City Hall are able to give tickets away without them ending up on craigslist. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteThis is totally LAME - Tony, you loser, you try to act like you broke this big story when the city discovered yesterday that this was going on and sent out a memo to all council members and the mayor. So, your favorite "tipster" Bethy G forwarded you this. Ooooohhhh -- SO impressive.
ReplyDeleteAlso, John Sharp denied your lies, and none of the legit media have presented any proof it was Sharp, such as this alleged #27 and #28 thing. Nice.
Mahoney reported that he asked Sharp directly - and Sharp said he didn't know who had the tickets but did admit that they were assigned to him.
ReplyDeleteSharp concedes the sign up sheet says the tickets were allocated to him.
that's the blog of KMBC reporter Micheal Mahoney.
How could two sets of tickets wind up being sold by the same vendor? The chain of custody from Sharp to vendor must be pretty short. Likely it's Sharp himself or the person he gave the tickets to.
ReplyDeleteAnon 8:11... wake up and read the news. Then quit supporting/defending a loser like Sharp. He's a mean-spirited twit. I used to think he was reasonably intelligent, but the guy is too stupid to scalp tickets without getting caught.
ReplyDeleteTony, good job! Nice of the mainstream media to recognize the story you broke.
mean-spirited twit? you mean tony?
ReplyDelete"Affordable, Quality Homes For Sale
ReplyDeleteWestside Housing Organization develops energy efficient, high quality, affordable homes for sale within its targeted service areas. Most are single-family homes that are either a complete rehab of an existing home or new construction.
In this uncertain housing environment, Westside Housing Organization is a non-profit community development corporation that you can trust. For 35 years, we have continued to build on our capacity as an innovative, capable and productive housing rehabilitation and development agency. We are proud to say that we have helped more than 100 families become homeowners."
"Westside Housing Organization is proud to utilize the Kansas City Dream Home Program through the City of Kansas City, Missouri to offer downpayment and closing assistance to qualified buyers purchasing homes in the city limits of Kansas City, Missouri."
I didn't see Tony's name on the property tax records, but I remember seeing his mom's pix and quote in a Westside Housing brochure about how WHO had helped her get her new home after her divorce.
So there, BOZO and friends!
Really. I can't get over how much "ticket scalping" Sharp would look like BOZO if he had the wig!!!
yep the tickets were scalped and I missed a great show. Thought they were ligit tickets. Didn't see the bullshit politics that the tickets imposed, would have been nice to catch this blog a day ago! Well at least we went questioned or arrested! Just sent on our merry way. Well thanks for nothing but that's life as a middleclass civilian.
ReplyDelete9:11... I would go and ask John Sharp for your money back! He's the one who owes it to you.
ReplyDeleteAnon 9:11... looks like John Sharp owes you a few hundred bucks. I would call his council office and demand payment, because he is the reason you got screwed.