
TKC Note: Just yesterday an ordinance supposedly dealing with "home safety" was stalled. Meanwhile, PUCK HAS THE INSIDE SCOOP on the many flaws with the measure that speak to Council Lady Cathy Jolly's bad judgment.

Check it:

Cathy Jolly Fights the Boogeyman

Puck can be a bit manic at times, so he completely understands the need to rush about and get things done. But City Ordinance 100346 and the speed it is being rammed through by Miss Cathy Jolly have even the Puck-ster puzzled over the perceived pressing need of its passage. Puck has found that when Council members try to rush an ordinance through without floating it past co-workers, they ordinance usually has a stench. When an ordinance that deals with building restrictions and should be placed through the Planning and Zoning Committee is wrenched into Miss Jolly’s seemingly pointless Neighborhoods and Public Safety Committee, Puck’s nose twitches even more at the aroma of deals being cooked and citizens being burned.

Cathy-Poo has decided that people in Kansas City need really strong doors to keep out the big bad boogey men that plague our town on occasion. When she’s not bouncing around City Hall (which admittedly isn’t often), she is demanding that new doors that are bigger and stronger than she is be installed in every new home. While the price of these rough and tough doors is not official, Puck’s pals are telling him the doors will add a minimum of $600 to the developer’s cost of a new home. By comparison, crowbars or “burglar sticks” cost just a few dollars and are reportedly just as effective.

Now here is the interesting twist, my twisted little readers. These doors are made in only ONE place in the entire U.S. of A. The SOLE SUPPLIER of these super-duper doors is a place called Edward Wayne, Inc., a security and investigations firm located in OVERLAND PARK, KS and owned my Friend of Cathy Ronald Olberding. If Little Miss Cathy is going to demand that every new house have Mr. Olberding’s door in them, you’d think she could at least have found a supplier in KCMO. And you would think Miss Bright Eyes might turn around and ask the Home Builder’s Association, who sort of know the business of home building, about these doors and determine if they are truly necessary and worth the added cost. But the hard-charging councilwoman, determined to change the world one gimmicky piece of legislation at a time, says damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead… she doesn’t need to talk to the HBA, or other council people (standard courtesy, unless you’re Cathy).

We all know that Cathy J. lets Steve Glorioso bend her ear and pull her marionette strings. And since Glorioso makes a killing off “helping” certain companies do business with the city (such as Trozzolo), the thought of him helping Edward Wayne, Inc. does not take a huge suspension of disbelief? Or does that other Jolly-phile, Phil Scaglia, have the inside track on this door debacle?

Cathy's behavior at her own Neighborhood and Public Safety meeting was troubling to Puck as well. Nearly all of Wednesday’s testimony came from Ron Olberding’s company! Cathy provided no fact sheet on the ordinance, no crime stats that show these doors reduce crime… basically her argument was empty. Even John Sharp, long a pal to the cutesy Cathy, was unhappy that only one company demo’d their project.

Puck has no plans to go breaking down doors any time soon. It hurts, and it might wreck his new manicure. But Puck knows this, dear readers, and wants you to remember it, too. Miss Happy-Go-Lucky Cathy does not make a move or open a door without Steve G. telling her what to do and when to do it. If she is pushing these new doors there is a reason besides her supposed concern for the safety of citizens. You can bet there is someone who is close to Cathy J. getting paid to push the business. Government for the citizens? Nah. If Cathy-kins wishes to indulge her new-found fascination with doors and such, let her get a job at Home Depot. She is certainly not doing a good job for the citizen’s of Kansas City.


Kansas City Council members want to reduce home burglaries, but are divided over how

Committee Wants To Make Homes Safer

KC Proposal to Require Home Builders to Build Better Doors

Kansas City leaders push to improve home security


  1. puck is talking a bad about your favorite Tony.

  2. Puck is a child. As usual just throws out BS, but no real facts or insights. So Tony lets him/her (it is likely a northland her)just rant. So Tony if you going to run this shallow stuff why not make the Punk use their real name. We know who you are. If not a real name then at least make her/him provide some information about an issue. Can Punk prove that Jolly and the door maker are friends? Can Punk provide facts that Scaglia or Glorioso have some tie to the ordinance? No, just his/her political rantings. Must be a tea party goon.

  3. smells fishy to me.

  4. get a new Police Chief.

  5. 7:40 you sound like Glorioso to me, where the truth has come a little too close for your liking.

    I watched part of the Neighborhoods meeting. It was embarrassing, practically an infomercial for the door company from OP. When committee members had questions, the staff didn't even get to answer them; it was the door company folks who tried to respond. The door company said they worked with the HBA, but the HBA rep said they had not even been consulted about this. Cathy clearly directed all questions to the single seller of the product she is pushing. Even John Sharp saw through this thinly-veiled attempt to give a "friend" some business.

    I don't care if Puck is a guy/girl, from North or South of the river or Tony himself. I appreciate knowing what is going on with this council and this blog and Puck's column seem to know better than anyplace else.

  6. This STINKS!! Someone please run against Jolly. She is worthless.

  7. I don't understand. The doors described in the ordinance sound like the doors you can get from any supplier in KC and have installed by anyone with a hammer and nails. I doubt there is a door manufacturer supplying the US market that doesn't meet any and all applicable building codes.

    Please elaborate. This seems like much ado about nothing.

  8. You suggest asking HBA about building code recommendations?!? There interest is in building homes as cheap as possible and selling homes for as much as possible. Building codes often get in the way of that business model. Look at the low quality construction of new homes and you will understand.

  9. But -- what's the rush? When someone tries to rush something like this through to passage before people can think about it, and when people who want to talk about it are scolded, that's the time to slow down and ask WTF?

  10. But she's so darn cute. How can we say no?

  11. I would run against Cathy Jolly, but I'd never raise enough funds to win. I'd run on the platform of changing the council meetings to the evenings so that the general public has a better opportunity to partake in what happens in their city. Cut spending, by reducing at the very least MY pay in working for the city. Doing as "I" think, not what other politicos tell me. No red light cameras, shotspotter, or other Orwellian devices. I'd NEVER win... :(

  12. A puck is a hard piece of black rubber that gets beaten savagely by big Canadian dudes, and sometimes russian and slovaks, after it has been frozen for a while.

  13. puck knows his stuff

  14. -ask the Home Builder’s Association, who sort of know the business of home building--

    Home Builders Association=McMansions made of styrofoam

  15. based on the definition of "puck" it sounds like radioman. of course, he gets beaten around by americans...well... everyone, in fact.

  16. What do you think of Russ Johnson's looks, John Sharp's looks, Bill Skaggs looks and Terry Riley's looks? Do you think they're hot? What do you think of their hairstyles? Do you think their asses are big?

  17. yes, no and not all.

  18. I don't lock my door - will this ordinance force me to? sheesh

  19. 11:40, I'd vote for you.

    This is a clear case of Jolly trying to ramrod through a dumb idea. It's not the first time. The question is "why" and the answer most likely is someone she knows will benefit. That's the way Jolly operates. She doesn't care a bit about her constituents. She cares about furthering her own agenda and career. If anyone cares at all about the 6th district, they'll recruit a couple of folks to run for Jolly and Sharp's seats. These two must go.

  20. Puck is very closely tied to Kim Carlos me thinks.

  21. As far as Cathy jolly goes I wish we could get rid of her. 10 years ago we had a nice little strip mall on Red Bridge road. Ms Jolly pushed to get somebody else in there. Not only was there a nice grocery store but a dollar store and a drug store. As the story was told by Ms Jolly she would try to get these things replaced in the neighborhood. Now we are overrun with the IHOP. Not only have they made their headquarters there but have proceded to take over almost every available space in the neighborhood. Many houses have been sold to them and they have centers on Grandview road and out in Grandview also. One of these days there is going to be a pass the koolaid party that these nuts are going to throw. Thanks Cathy!!!

  22. I don't see the Kim Carlos connection... what is it? I thought Kim and Jolly were pals.

  23. Has anyone even bothered to read the ordinance? Where does it say they have to use only one particular product? I could not find anywhere where it said you had to use Edward Wayne Industries Jamb Brace. Sounds like a lot of smoke and mirrors by a few home builders who don't seem to care about their customers safety or that of their families and will go to any lenght to shoot down an ordinance that has been proven to work in every other city that has adopted it. You need to get your facts right puck. By the way, I do recall reading in the past somewhere that the HBA supported this oridinance in all the other cities that adopted it. Why all of a sudden the change of heart. Maybe it could have something to do with Mr. Schluter, the home builder who testified at the committee meeting, being the President of the HBA in 2008. Sounds fishy to me!

  24. I agree,has anyone even bothered to read the ordinance? I also could not find anywhere where it said you had to use Edward Wayne Industries Jamb Brace. Sounds like a lot of smoke and mirrors by a few home builders who don't seem to care about their customers safety or that of their families, and will go to any lenghth to shoot down an ordinance that has been proven to work in every other city that has adopted it. You need to get your facts right puck. Drive forward council....you are on the right track with investing in home security measures that are proven effective and proven to decrease the risk of home break-ins. It is a reassurance to families and I applaud you in adopting this ordinance.


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