KCTV5: "Two teens have been charged in connection with the melee that occurred earlier this month on the Country Club Plaza."

Because somebody has to pay for all of this middle-class fear.


  1. A quarter fucking million cash bond for assault? What in the fuck are they smoking and why aren't they sharing?

  2. btw, what color are the people arrested????

  3. WTF are these people trying to make a point. Come to the Plaza get in trouble and we'll sky rocket your bond.

  4. There color doesnt matter,maybe we should have provided them something to do.These two sound like canidates for Urban Boy Scouts, Nite Hoops, Urban Rangers,kcpd youth sports, or a parks and recreation program.I think they would prefer to roam the streets. Whos fault is that.

  5. "Because somebody has to pay for all of this middle-class fear."

    Yes, how dare the justice system punish criminals!

    Liberals like you are amusing. Whenever the police do too little to stop crime, you complain. Then when they crack down on crime, you complain. I guess it's impossible to satisfy your kind.

  6. "Whos fault is that."

    "WHOSE" please.

    Not mine. Many MANY things are available that you named and these THUGS chose to break the law instead. CHOICES!!!

    Alex, I'll take "Parental and Personal Responsibilities for $2000".....

  7. Well put...10:35

  8. 9:49 I dont think the posters following your comments got your humor. Social issues are not easily remedied.

  9. Black dudes beat up another black kid, and Tony says it's whiteys problem. You're a big ol brown racist, skunk.

  10. 4:45, agree, black on black crime yet it's whitey's fault.

  11. Just ask's everyone over here in Johnson Counties fault...

  12. i'm white. i'm over 50. i live in prairie village. and god do i feel guilty. it's all. my. fault.

  13. 250K is right! They kicked him until he blacked out. Then pulled his pants down and underwear and took pictures....Sex offenders?? Lock them up in little cells on the plaza or better have them follow the horses and pick up after them, with you pants riding low!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Great send these teens to the Animal House in Jeff City.

    When they get out then KC really going to pay.

    Society gets the criminals it deserves.

  15. It's not the city's responsibility to find something for punks to do. It's called personal responsibility. The welfare system is the same bullshit... let's give blacks free money so they don't rob us. What a bunch of crap. You don't see kids from any other race demanding the city provide them with things to do to keep them off the streets. These kids need to get a job, study for their future. What a bunch of morons.

  16. And Tas, just to be clear, I'm a screamin' bloddy liberal of the leftist kind and I can tell you, I am decidedly not for the cops doing "too little" on this. This was crap. This was bullsh*t. They were down there (as was I) and they did what needed to be done.

    Now let's punish these guys--if they're truly guilty.

    Mo Rage


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