I'm interested in the upcoming campaign for the 3rd District because I think that Kansas City can't make any real progress without seriously addressing the problems of this part of our community.

More than any other candidate in this upcoming election Michael Fletcher has been making his presence felt in Kansas City. Remember that in less than a year Fletcher has not only addressed the Waldo Rapist Controversy but also he led a protest against P&L District Dress Code Discrimination and has already directly challenged incumbent Sharon Sanders Brooks. Like it or not, as of late, Fletcher has been at the forefront of Kansas City discussions over disparity that are the root cause of a great many 3rd District problems.

And it was because I knew that a great many leaders from Kansas City's African-American community would be attending Michael Fletcher's campaign kickoff event that I went to check it out for myself.

For a beautiful Friday afternoon there was a good turnout. The crowd topped at around 50 and there was a good mix of political denizens and community activists. Notice Kansas City Call reporter Eric Wesson on the right hand side of the previous photo.

I'm still reading the campaign literature. One of the main priorities is "local control" of the KCPD. Wesson noted that he thought that was more of a State issue and might not be a priority for 3rd District residents, I've heard Mr. Fletcher's thoughts on this issue and he makes an interesting argument despite the fact we haven't seen much progress on this front since the days of Pendergast when total local control of the Police Department was taken away. Nevertheless, what's clear to me is that Mr. Fletcher has organized his platform and thoughts for the 3rd District more effectively than anybody else so far. As the campaign develops I'm interested in what other candidates bring to the table.

Again, Fletcher has a vast array of political connections and friends. Here are just a couple of his supporters.

The highlight of my afternoon was a informative conversation with former Kansas City Council Lady Saundra McFadden-Weaver. She's an ardent supporter of Mr. Fletcher and she thinks his tenacity is exactly what the 3rd District needs.

"I'm not supporting him because he's my friend, I believe in what he wants to accomplish," McFadden-Weaver said. "We need someone to play the role of a pitbull to advocate for our community and right now we don't have that."

During the conversation with McFadden-Weaver I learned that she's not only continuing her faith-based work but she's also studying at Heritage College in the medical assistant program.

It's fitting that Mr. Fletcher has continued his public affiliation and friendship with Ms. McFadden Waver given that views on both public figures vary widely among Kansas City's diverse communities. While mainstream media watchers might only know about accusations of mortgage fraud against Ms. McFadden Weaver, more insightful thinkers have not only examined the difference between her case and so many other failed mortgages but also conducted important analysis of the disparity when it came to charges and legal drama.

Still, what was inspiring to me is that Ms. McFadden-Weaver was STILL committed to improving her community, carrying on her ministry and hope for the future. I challenge anybody to talk to her and not be inspired.

Finally, I think it was important that I was able to garner a few seconds of time in order to greet longtime Kansas City Eastside political operative Archie Welch. Make no mistake, the vast array of political connections of Mr. Welch make him one of the most sought after allies in all of Kansas City. His support of Mr. Fletcher has caused a great many political watchers to take note.

All things considered last night was an fascinating look at the issues, people and rhetoric that will comprise the 3rd District election. Without a doubt this will be one of the most hotly contested races in the metro and it just might be a fight for the future of Kansas City.


  1. I don't like Sharon either.

  2. You were more interested in Saundra. What does that say?

    But make no mistake Tony. We will be watching campaign finance reports to see if any money is paid to you from candidates and that information will find its way to the FTC.

    Count on it.

  3. Wow...get a load of Saundra's t-shirt. No ego involvement there! And what's Heritage College? Is it even accredited?

  4. who's the blond on the left? i need pics of her cootch.

  5. Its good to see Weaver and Fletcher share the same ideals and goals. Do they have the same Parole officer too?

  6. Hmm. Interesting to see Dow Richards, the guy in the red shirt with the black tie, supporting Fletcher.

  7. Fletcher's a racist piece of sh*t!!! Remember the video of him calling the cops that were called to his home on a disturbance "Jew boys" and "faggots" and other bigotted terms??? This guy is despicable!!!

  8. The highlight of my afternoon was a informative conversation with former Kansas City Council Lady Saundra McFadden-Weaver.

    I'll bet it was. It would have been for me.

    "Hey there, Little Miss Mortgage Fraud! What's it like being a convicted felon? Why bother staying involved in politics and getting behind a candidate WHEN YOU CAN'T FUCKING VOTE?"

  9. where can I find that video?

  10. Sadly black politicians are no different than whites. Everyone was there to gain some finanancial advantage. A few may have been there to settle some old score but no one was ther because they care about the city.

  11. Orphan of the Road3/6/10, 1:30 PM

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Face it, Kansas City is corrupt and content. So are the 'burbs. Politics is all about control of contracts anyway.

    When Sandra is the voice of reason in your blog, I want to ram a knitting needle through my brain!

    Same ol' same 'ol with out end amen

  12. rogues and fools3/6/10, 1:31 PM

    TKC! Thanks for the pics of my people.
    Hey, I got a parking ticket while at the event... know anyone that can take care of it?
    Michael Fletcher is the winner!

  13. Fletcher Vs. Sanders-Brooks - and McFadden-Weaver with her own glamour shot on her t-shirt. 1:30 - I'll need your knitting needle when you're done with it.

  14. Nobody complains when I wear that t-shirt.

  15. where can i get one?

  16. Fletcher is the ONLY candidate or "leader" who is out there fighting for people. He has my vote and support...I don't care what a bunch of sorry as brothers or goofy white dude's say?

  17. Shirt will be good target for the PO PO.

  18. Fletch is okay. But we'll get better.

  19. Is Fletcher even living in KC yet? Last I heard he started his ad campaign from out of town. How can he know the district when he has been out of touch these many years?

  20. Outlaw Signs3/6/10, 3:42 PM

    It does not appear that his printing is in compliance with Missouri Ethics Commission rules and state statute. At least the yard signs are lacking a "Paid for by" disclaimer as required by statute and the Ethics commission. It does not look like his other literature contains a disclaimer either, but that is not as clear.

    Of course, it also appears that he has gone non-union on his printing, but that is a matter of politics and not compliance.

  21. I guess the lawyer could not be expected to read the law.

  22. Merv the Perv3/6/10, 4:20 PM

    Fletcher? More like Felcher

  23. 10:10 AM - I would imagine a simple Sunshine Request to the KCPD would produce it. The video shows a very drunk Mr. Fletcher using all kinds of anti-semetic remarks in reference to the Officers who had been called to his residence to investigate a disturbance. If memory serves, it had something to do with his failing to pay the cab driver who drove him home from the bar that evening. I believe when the cab driver asked to be paid, Mr. Fletcher told him to f*ck off and sue him if he didn't like not being paid.

  24. Fletcher is a racist pig, but Sharon is a racist lazy pig. Not sure which is worse, but I don't want to root around with either one of them.
    Come on, 3rd district! Where are your quality people?? Find one and put them on the ballot! Find two and run that idiot Melba out of office as well.

  25. What's Fletcher's "crime reduction plan"? Is he going to quit drinking, taking cabs, stiffing the driver and assaulting cops with racial slurs? That would be a good start.

    But it doesn't matter... Jackson Co. elects felons to its legislature. This crook Fletcher will probably walk right into office. Pity the 3rd District, and pity Kansas City.

  26. What the hell is up with SM-W;s t-shirt? That is just plain wrong.

  27. Disgusting.
    Truly disgusting, in every way imaginable.

  28. Aahh the Fletcher Haters are out in force. Unfortunately for them, black people love Fletcher, especially the part about his kicking white lawyers and the cops ass for decades. While you white haters are making shit up about Fletcher--he went to trial and showed he paid the cab drive--Fletcher is out there fighting for black people. The good news for the fletcher camp--no white people live in the 3rd.

  29. thank you 5:44 one day the fletcher haters will understand that as much as they hate Fletcher the black community respects him and stands by him. So keep hating, Fletcher will ride it right into City Hall!

  30. the guy makes millions and millions of dollars,won't take contributions and now you want to go back to the cab shit, the same cab shit that he showed he paid, and so when some jew copy makes a racist comment to fletcher and he responds, fletcher is the bad guy. It is about time a black guy stopped taking shit from white people and, yes even a "jew."

  31. I don't know 3:42 but that small writing at the bottom of the yard sign sure looks like the size of a paid for line.

  32. Dow Richards? Head of the ER at Research Hospital? Wonder what is in it for him.

  33. 5:55 - wow - sounds like the white people are the least racist on this site! I say that because I'm white and all of the hate about Fletcher I've heard is from black people. Interesting isn't it? Now, how are 3rd district people going to fight this political race when you can't play the race card in-district??? Can't wait, because somehow that card is gonna be played!

  34. kiss kiss. niceynicey. nancy, nancy.
    If the Star,pitch or some blog (other than hearne's of course) had done such a blow job, tkc would have torn into them. but when tkc goes ass kissing this council candidate and sandra mcfadden-fucking weaver (did they give you free food or the promise of access) it's "journalism" or the modern equivalent of it (god save us).
    You, sir, (as Kieth O might say) are a worthl4ss turd.

  35. Fletcher is well liked in the 3rd and white people can't stand it. Love it.

  36. richards played rugby with fletch, dipshits. they are friends.

  37. 8:19 - got news for you - no one cares! You'll be lucky if 3rd dist. cares.

  38. and it's such a small world that i (and probably all of you) can tell just who is posting these comments. infact, it's pretty f*ing hilarious! hi, dow! hi, fletcher! hi, chuck! hi, maurice! hahahahahahaaaa. let's all just get to work fixing our city's problems, eh?

  39. One of the main priorities is "local control" of the KCPD.

    GOOD !!!!
    KCPD needs to report to the CITIZENS of KANSAS CITY NOT the STATE in Jefferson City.

  40. Fletcher has a white doctor as a friend who works at RMC, my God is he trying to improve health care in the 3rd...and he objects to a white guy chasing a black guy out of town like the wild west, and he's not taking money from lobbyist--he is a piece of shit.

  41. Local control of the police department is a state issue. There is nothing a 3rd district city council person can do about that. Well that idiot from the Call Wesson finally got something right. But you gotta wonder if it would be a good idea for the nigs if Kansas City honkies controlled the police.

  42. If Mr. Fletcher wants to be elected mayor then he needs to stay away from Sandra McFadden-Weaver as far as I am concerned.

  43. Hey 5:55--really, Jewish cops? Doubtful.

  44. Michael Fletcher is the man.
    We need local control of our Police Department.

  45. 6:20 AM Have you researched what "Local Control" of the Police Department. Please do so and you might change your mind on the issue.

  46. Every city in America has "local control" of their police departments except Kansas City and St. Louis. Fletcher is right on this and Wesson is, as usual, STUUPPPIIIDD.

  47. I gaurantee you that the police department wouldn't be harassing black men like they are now if we controlled the police department.

  48. Actually Wesson is right idiot or stupid or whatever. The Missouri House of Representatives would have to change the statute in order to turn control back over to the City. That means that he would have to convince 6 other Council members to pass a resolution and then find a State Rep and State Senator to push the Bill to get it on a ballot. They would vote down party lines and the white Republicans would kick ass as usual. Besides who would want this City Council controlling the police department anyway? It could not be done through the City council. In the Pendergast era the police were kicking black folks ass. In order for them to make it the police station in one piece they had to change the local control. It would be the same today regardless of who control them. Ever heard of the FOP. That would not change. It sort of sounds like Fletcher has it in for anyone who has ever been after him. Mainly judges and police officers. We all know his story of being kicked in the ass by the system.
    Jew Boy

  49. We need local control of our Police Department.
    CRIME in Kansas City is OUT of Control.
    KCPD reporting to the State and not to the citizens of Kansas City has done nothing. The Police department needs to report to the citizens it serves Not Jeff City.

  50. Absolutely.

    Having 'local control' of the KCMO Police Department would result in it being operated with all the brilliance, competence and vision as the KCMO School District.

    Any dog-ass can get a political endorsement from TKC as long as they 'ain't white'.

  51. Having 'local control' of the KCMO Police Department would result in it being operated with all the brilliance, competence and vision as the KCMO School District.....

    Really as compared to the State and it's "brilliance, competence and vision" and LACK of Funds to support people who are unemployed? Who have for years paid into the Now broke state system. So what's your comparison buddy?

    And just think of the raped women who are more that a pin on a crime map. Their years of suffering You want them to be a victim of a State Controlled Police?

  52. kcpd corwin is a typical bureaucratic the behind the times..
    local control. power to the local people.

  53. Mr. Fletcher will put an end to crime in Kansas City.

    State Control of the Kansas city Police does not work.

    Let's put Crime back into the hands of the Kansas City people.

  54. I'm not "African American" like Fletcher nor am I as 2:38 called himself a "Jew Boy", but I am a lawyer and I study history. For the jewish community to seemingly take such joy in the almost baseless attacks against Fletcher--which everyone who has actually looked into what he was said to have done, quoted some statement out of context--is ironic. Insular minorities are always the first to be crushed, what fletcher has been subjected to should scare the shit out of "jews" the "jewish community" and every other ethnic or religious minority. As an attorney it is clear that there is now legal precedent for the state to attack or punish any other "hated" and "despised" minority lawyer who a group of judges decide to punish. Sieg Hiel.

  55. Mr. Fletcher should have already ended crime in Kansas City for his campaign to be a shoo in. Kansas City is a wreck, yet so may folk are taking credit - for what?

  56. 7:23 are you sure you are a lawyer and you have studied history. You have trouble writing.

  57. 7:45 most people who are enjoying a fairly meaningless debate worry less about punctuation and more about ideas, thus i trust you will understand my reference to insular minority and over-sensitivity tends to lead to a conclusion of entitlement and a disposition which some perceive as winey.

  58. 8:28, it's spelled "whiney"

    Fletcher is a race-baiting jerk. But if he can beat the lazy race-baiting jerk, SSB, then more power to him.

  59. How many people does Fletcher have working this blog? Ha ha.Local control of the police department may be a good thing but who is going to be the overseerers? And how is it going to go. Flet is gonna go down to Jeff and say hey turn the Police over to me. Ha ha yeah right.

    \Signed Jew Boy III

  60. Astute Detective3/8/10, 8:29 AM

    Half of these comments need the "committee to elect..." notice on the bottom of them. Let's try a little to obscure who is writing them.

  61. Saundra was the focus of a recall movement while in office, too, let's not forget. The people in the 3rd district had their reasons, and it had nothing to do with the mortgage fraud she got convicted of.

  62. Is he racist? Isn't he married to a whitey?

  63. Sooo Micheal fletcher is the guy behind the power and light dress code rule, filing suit with p and l, claiming their racist? There are more black people than white at p and l.

    And now I hear this guy on the radio saying that if he is elected, that 33% of all government contracts will go to black business men and women only!

    I praise you, Micheal, for fighting for your culture and ethnicity... but because I am white, does that mean I should make sure that whites are given more than their share of government contracts just because of our skin color.... or should we allow the hardest workers to compete for jobs? When it's an important job, let's employ the most qualified man/woman... not someone who Micheal Fletcher finds suitable based on race.


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