Save The Kansas City Folgers Plant!!!

Forget The Global Recession or the pronouncements of multi-billion dollar corporations like Smucker . . . Facebook is gonna save the day.

To wit, Don't forget to join the fan page for: Please Don't Close The Kansas City Folgers Plant!!!

It'll probably have more of an impact than a drip like Mayor Funky announcing that he's taking meetings to prevent the closing.

Meanwhile . . . I hear there are far more effective leaders working to do something, anything to prevent the Folger's Plant from closing despite the fact that corporate overlords have declared their decision final.

Megan Fox Model Link: Breaking News!!! Attractive Women Drink Coffee Too!!!


  1. Folgers is gone they've already made a final decision.

  2. You just don't believe.

  3. the only way to save it is for someone, or a group, to buy it from smucker's and keep making coffee under a different name.

  4. When will you learn3/25/10, 11:37 AM

    I wonder if they have e-tax in New Orleans? Bet not.

  5. should kansas city boycott folger's coffee from now on? (and if so, what's comparable in taste/price? - serious question.)

  6. I wonder if the negative image Kansas City has in the business community is based on mayor funky's escapades?

  7. I think there are ways to save the plant even if Smucker's made the decision to move operations closer to their headquarters. The building itself should be saved and there coud be hope of another business being enticed in or turning the building into something else. Perhaps it could be converted to another type of use that could create jobs too.

    Maybe this is a little bit irreverent, but here's my odd take:

    There's got to be someone who has some ideas.

  8. Megan Fox has some of the worst implants I've seen since Posh Spice.


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