TKC Breaking News!!! Troy Schulte House Cleaning!?! KCMO Finance Director Cut!!!

Just heard that Kansas City Finance Director Jeff Yates got the ax today . . . This blog had given him a hard time on some of his decisions and he rubbed the Northland Council folk the wrong way with his Texas-style and the phrase "put a rock on it." However, he was somebody who also had a lot of friends at City Hall and this seems to be one of the first manifestations of House-Cleaning by Acting City Manager Troy Schulte before he has a hold on his job permanently.


  1. Don't worry. Troy won't be around long either.

  2. Maybe he wasn't smart with the money

  3. wasn't he going to school to get his accounting degree?

  4. Interesting. At yesterday's meeting of city staff and the mayor, Yates was in the front row, looking all in love with the mayor

  5. Have a feeling that our next CFO will be from The Patriots.

  6. Maybe the next CFO will actually have an accounting degree and be a licensed CPA.


  8. Or a PHD in something... like the Funk A Dunk. A degree looks nice but isn't always going to get you the right person.

  9. One down, several department directors to go. cough snow removal.

  10. That was easy, he is a white male. Try something different and see who screams.

  11. This city needs to be gutted like a missouri river catfish.

  12. Good riddance.

  13. That is very good anon 3:47. Need that sense of humor at City Hall.

  14. maybe one of the 300 people in the ITD department can change that departments web page and take him off as director. Maybe they can plow snow as well.

  15. hey, be nice to the catfish! They are not the bottom suckers that these guys are!

  16. 5:15 ITD does not do content. Communications for the City does.

  17. Good one 5:17...

  18. Three attaboys for Troy. He's heading in the right direction.

  19. You know you put Jeff in drag and you get Deb Hermann.

    That Deb is one ugly and spiteful woman.

  20. 3:47 beats the hell out of adding another person from Denver to the staff.

  21. Prefers Democracy to This1/14/10, 7:15 PM

    Mr. Yates obviously did not make a financial offering and blood sacrefice at the Northland Grotto of Kim Carlos, Our Lady of Patronage and Slush Funds.

    Only Her power could have saved him.

  22. inafunkaboutthefunk1/14/10, 7:45 PM

    If Troy Schulte's performance in the Snow Removal Debacle and Safety Crisis is an indication of how he is going to perform as the City Manager, then maybe the best thing he could do is pretend he's curling and give himself the broom too.

    By the way, does Troy have anything to say about the funds that are going to be needed to fix the potholes created by leaving the ice down on the streets for an extra week or so? Whether he buries his head under the asphalt like the Feckless Buzzard Funkhouser, if the City doesn't jump on the pothole problem caused by what just happened, our streets are going to look like Dresden on February 16, 1945.

  23. Hey folks here is another steaming piece of City Hall-related info fresh out of Councilwoman Gottstein's most recent campaign finance report.

    On October 1, 2009, Beth Gottstein took $3000 from Local 42 of the Firefighters and then voted with the Firefighters' mayor to throw Cauthen out. The 3 Grand is the only monetary donation that Gottstein has received in more than a year.

    She then used the money to return two contributions in the amount each of $1,225 from David Fenley and Hannah Fenley on an unspecified date.

    Beth's campaign account now has the Grand Total $577.62, which is up from $27.62 at on September 30. Waiting to receive the contribution until October first allowed Gottstein to keep the transaction secret for three months.

    You know, if we had a newspaper in this town, it would carry stories about such bat-shit crazy things.

  24. Beth... now you need to go to the New Reform Temple to atone for this. Not very nice, Beth.

  25. She really might be wearing orange soon. That is terrible.

  26. 7:45. His plan to fix potholes is probably going to cut the public works department budget and not cut information technology department, the action center, human relations, human resourses, and the new housing department. Everyone knows the departments are far more important than basic services.

  27. 9:11, don't forget we can't cut the police departments take home cars for all the cops. We can live with pot holes, but take home police cars, I don't know about that.

  28. human resources is an embarrassment, human relations worse...time to "clean house " for the residents

  29. 7:45 why don't you compare the previous years budgets for the departments you list and see who took LARGE cuts to their budgets. Also look at the FTE counts for them, see who really laid off employees. After you look then you can make statments that have credit and validity, not stuff from your ass.

  30. Nobody else is reporting this. are you making this up?

  31. It's not made up, just not 100% factual. Jeff Yates resigned today. The news is scheduled to be released tomorrow. Despite Terry Riley running around telling everyone Yates was fired, Jeff actually completed a resignation letter and resigned. Nothing was forced or coerced. Just a man and his bag of rocks, packing in it and taking it on down the road.

  32. inafunkaboutthefunk1/14/10, 11:53 PM

    Let's be real Blogger Nation, who would want to work in that Madhouse? the Squid, Feckless Funk, The Putrid Cauthen (gone, forgotten but not yet paid off), Crazy Beth? Sharon Brooks? No need to name the rest of them, you all get the point. And can you imagine what's going on down there during an election year with budget cuts inevitable? And if it snows again?

    As Tony Botello, King of All Blogs would say... EEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!

  33. This is starting to sound like the chant of the ten plagues chanted at Passover.

    Beth, would you lead us:

    Fat Deb Hermann
    Sharon Brooks
    Feckless Funkee
    Terry Riley
    Cindy Circo
    Jan Marcason
    Jeff Roe
    Louie Wright

    Oops! I ran out of plagues :) There are many more left!

  34. 9:56 no one cares about cuts in previous years. lets talk about basic services. don't cut basic service departments in THIS years budget.


    Regrettably for Beth the campaign finance accusation appears to be accurate.


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