Notice that Jackson County legislator Theresa Garza is taking the high road when it comes to a major shakeup at the County:
"Jackson County Legislator Theresa Garza Ruiz shared her disappointment today with the newly-elected Jackson County Legislative Chairman’s decision to remove her as Chair of the Justice and Law Committee after serving in that capacity for three years. Chairman Rizzo appointed James Tindall as Chair without notifying Garza Ruiz of the change or asking her about committee assignments. Chairman Rizzo instead appointed Garza Ruiz to Chair the Health and Environment Committee and serve as a member of the Inter-Governmental Affairs and Land Use Committees."
Let's not forget that James Tindall has had troubles of his own and the irony of his appointment to a Justice & Law Committee is rather rich.

So, while Mike Sanders is moving up the ladder in terms of political power . . . Sadly, a great many things at the County have yet to change.


  1. Rizzo and Sanders, pictures of corruption.

  2. Replace a veteran with a felon. That's Jackson County for you.

  3. Committees change to give everyone a chance to effect and learn different parts of govenment, is what I understood sounds like she is a major crybaby.

  4. Theresa has a felon for a Mother hello. Ask her about Tigers records.

  5. Taking the highroad would not be bitching in this post , nice try TONY.

  6. She is Chairman of two committees and thats not good enough wow she should look around. And whatever Tindall did he was elected by the people so I am sure Theresa Miss High Road still works for the same voters that elected Tindall.

  7. Calvin's Day Off1/23/10, 4:25 PM

    major bullshit. Do you really know Tindall and what he is about?

    By thew ay, whoever said Theresa's mom is a felon is a fucking liar.

  8. Did someone hit a nerve. omg

  9. Theresa and her husband both on government payrolls we owe you nothing

  10. And let me get this right a veteran is a first term member I guess on Tonys it is. Theresa must be a only child the way she is crying wah wah wah

  11. Calvin's Day Off1/23/10, 4:42 PM

    Now that is a factual statement. But then again all the jackson county legislators are on the government teet.

  12. Well - ya gotta ask, what does / did Rizzo owe Tindall for the apopintment - or what will he owe him. We know Freedom backed him (Rizzo) in the last election. Additionally, Freedom (stupidly) backed "The Boy" Rizzo in 2008 in his 3rd failed 40th District seat run.
    Henry does nothing without a reason or some skins to his committee bank account. If its not apparent now, it will be soon and will be borne out in the campaign finance reports for Q1, 2010.
    Rest assured - someone got paid on this.

  13. Its so easy to yell and scream about your ego and a committee assignment but I think the we have alot more to worry about than this . As a Jackson County voter I am amazed that someone would be such a drama queen.

  14. Theresa could even win a committee seat in her own area as a County Legislator she should be worried about that not her ego . Sorry Theresa you taking your ball and going home.

  15. Its sounds like Theresa has some supporters that are ethnic haters .

  16. this isn't about whining, or who is a felon or who is on the take. This is about common courtesy. You usually know, before you show up for a committee meeting, that you have been removed from that committee. Henry is pissed because, a) Theresa is 'just a girl' and b) he has an opponent who is also 'just a girl'. Men just whine in a different way.

  17. She's a maverick!

  18. Rizzo is always on the take and now he has an opponent he can't buy out. Putting an ex-felon in charge of the criminal justice committee - priceless!

  19. Theresa is the best for integrity and her hard work for Jackson County!

  20. Almost as good as Beth.

  21. Didnt Victor Callahan push for legislation recently that would dis-avail felons from even holding elected positions? Didnt Rizzo take the matter to court because it directly effected him? Perhaps Rizzo and Tindall shared a cell at one time and swore a pact while engaged in a "Shawshank Redemption" moment.
    Theresa should not take her removal from this committee too seriously. We in Jackson County think that almost all of the county legislators are as crooked and corrupt as the Kansas City Council. Keep your chin up Theresa, we all see this for what it really is.

  22. This is definitely more about Rizzo and his debt to Freedom, Inc than whatever Theresa thinks or does.

    Likely the Justice and Law Committee will experience major changes that Garza would have rejected and probably for good reason. Putting her at ground zero on the Inter-governmental affairs committee will be a truer test of her stamina.

  23. I wonder what kind of machinations Rizzo's attorney is cooking up in the County Counselor's office. Now that the taxpayers are officially paying Bednar's income, who does he really work for?


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