A big legal move is underway and thanks to KICKASS TKC TIPSTERS this blog is the first to describe it.

Recently, readers of this blog had a discussion about the City Council aspirations of Michael Fletcher.

Now, in a move to end his suspension from practicing in Federal Court . . .


Here's the deal: Former Supreme Court judge, Ronnie White is the only African American judge in the history of the Missouri Supreme Court. Reportedly and as per the motion, White said that Fletcher was "being fucked" and that the court was "applying an arbitrary and unwritten rule" and they had "discriminated against black people for years."

Fletcher has now filed a motion with the Missouri Supreme Court wherein he discloses Ronnie White's admission and demands that the Chief Justice recuse himself.

Undoubtedly, this is an important development in the case of a controversial local attorney fighting to regain his ability to practice law at the federal level again.

Real talk: A great many friends of this blog have advised me to be careful when discussing the details of the Fletcher case. They know Fletcher mostly from details in reporting from The Kansas City Star. TKC featured an EXCLUSIVE interview with Fletcher and so far the details that I've reported about him have been factual but admittedly from a different perspective than the mainstream media. What's interesting to me about this case and story is how different people look at it depending on their background or perspective. Some folks see a powerful story of principal vs. discrimination while others see a big time lawyer who won "big judgments in race-related lawsuits" finally run aground after a string of victories . . . And others know only the most sensational details or, even worse, only hearsay.

Regardless of all the baggage that comes with this bit of news related to differing worldviews . . . THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THIS TKC BREAKING NEWS STORY IS IMPORTANT TO THE DISCUSSION OF RACE, POLITICS, JUSTICE AND LIFE IN KANSAS CITY!!!



  1. In Re: Disciplinary Matter of Michael Robert Fletcher, Appellant
    United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. - 424 F.3d 783

    "The Western District's holdings fall into three basic categories. First, the court ruled that Fletcher made misrepresentations to the court in violation of Mo. RPC 4-3.3(a)(1) (making a false statement of fact to the tribunal) and 4-8.4(c) (engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation); second, that Fletcher engaged in conduct with no substantial purpose other than to intimidate and harass third parties in violation of Mo. RPC 4-4.4 (respecting the rights of third persons); and third, that Fletcher engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in violation of Mo. RPC 4-8.4(d). The Western District summarized:


    For the reasons discussed above, we affirm the Western District's en banc order suspending Fletcher from the practice of law before that court for three years. "

  2. that's matter of fact. Fletcher better hope his buddy Ronnie continues to back him up. There is a lot on the line in this case.

  3. Ronnie White is a moron. So is anyone who supports Fletcher for anything.

  4. I am intimately familiar with this matter, and Tony's comments are factually inaccurate. Not just a little inaccurate, but wildly wrong. Regardless of the media source (newspapers, blogs, whatever), there needs to be at least a modicum of fact checking involved. At least on this story, there is none.

  5. anyone know where that picture was taken? my inner ka needs to know and my fat ass wants to eat there.

  6. I also know a bit about the case, boys. For you fellas that are citing the findings and claiming there is no factual evidence, do you want to bring up the point that two other attorneys were also subject of the initial complaint and signed the documents in question - Not Fletcher. The other attorneys Brendan Donelon and Dan Craig were given a reprimand. The black attorney has been suspended for how many years now and has never been given a hearing. Fletcher was rail roaded and anyone who knows about the case knows it. My guess is that you guys were on the losing side of some of the ass kickings Fletcher was handing out while he was practicing.

  7. Man this guy is a male Carol Coe.

  8. Hey 8:17 I mean former Attorney Michael Fletcher good points. The problem is that Ronnie White is no longer on the bench and the Missouri Courts re not going to do a thing until the federal courts release you bid. So your kick ass tipster is wrong. Fletcher cannot with the city council seat on this blog. We are white and don't live in that district. What a dipshit.

  9. SERIOUSLY TONY... about your fondness for ugly feet and mushroom clouds.

    Isn't there a version of The Boy who Cried Wolf in Spanish?

    Save the second coming of Christ type for big stories. As another reader told you, you've run it into the ground so it's completely lost its impact.

    Run it past your hero, Hearne. he'll tell you!

  10. 8:48, 8:17 here I am not Fletcher. I just know about the case. Plain and simple he won and he won big. He put big law firms to shame and the only way anyone could beat him was to pervert the justice system and get him disbarred. I don't think Fletcher thinks he can win the city council seat on this blog, but it sure does show how simple minded the people are who oppose him. Maybe you can go knock on doors in the Third Distict to support your candidate Sharon Sellout Brooks. Yeah, I know you are white and wouldn't dare go there.

  11. Everyone knows that it is the white attorneys that control Kansas City. Where do judges come from? The white attorney pool. Therefore, it shouldn't be that big a stretch to imagine that Fletcher could have been railroaded out by the white legal community because he was winning cases of injustice against the little guy at the expense of the corporate power structure. Just so you know, the white attorneys work against all little guys - white or ethnic. We are ALL to them. They are quite pleased when they stir up the white little guy to beat up a black attorney. So, those of you who are against Fletcher, how does it feel to be the power structure's whore?

  12. Way to go 9:43. Are you Fletcher too? Just because you might be on the guy's side doesn't mean you are him there Mr. 8:48. Who are you people so against Fletcher? Theresa Levings? Btw. she is attorney who was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to investigate Fletch and came up with allegation that he distorted deposition testimony? What the fuck do you think attorneys do? Let's ask how much it cost the legal system to hold this witch hunt against fletcher. My guess... $700,000 just to Levings. I bet she won't answer... Huh, 8:48? or I mean Teresa Levings.

  13. For once, Radioman speaks some common sense. Unfortunately, it's not so common here.

  14. this is great stuff... the anti-fletcher crowd seems to be at a loss for words and their insults only show their ignorance when faced with the facts.

  15. Good stuff Tony. I like this case and I wonder if big media is going to pick it up?

  16. ANYBODY would be better than Sharon. Nuff said.

  17. Sharon Sellout Brooks interesting choice of words Fletch. Word on the street is you and Archie Welch are putting together a ticket with you and Funkhouser. Tried to get Dr. Cleaver but he wouldn't bite. Lets see Funk costs the City half a mill bsed on proven discrimination you support that and want to be part of that.Funk has no blacks in his office. Humiliates Cauthen. Everything you do is money or race driven. You didnt run Clevers campaign Luther did. You are wrong for k.c.

  18. Fletcher seems to be a male version of Sanders-Brooks.

    Let us look at the facts:

    #1 - he appears to be corrupt - based upon facts and the findings of a federal court.

    #2 - He, like Sanders-Brooks, pulls the race card as a first instinctual response. Sanders point of reference begins with racism, as does Fletcher - demonstrated by the race-baiting by he and his defenders on this blog.

    Sharon Sanders Brooks = Fletcher = more of the same = race baiting + corruption.

    Why can't the 3rd district draw any quality candidates?

  19. 5:44, If you want to live a fantasy that Fletcher wrote those words, go ahead. Would you be more comfy if all black leaders were incompetent and inept and were too afraid to take on the issues of race, money and power? Apparently so since you are supporting Sharon "sell some black folks" Brooks. Yeah it is probably easier for you to support some broke "rollover my consituency" candidate that is just happy to have a job instead of being a leader. By the way, dumbass, what do you think the economic system of this country was founded on? Race and money. Yeah... YOU need someone who is incapable of standing up for their constituents and needs to snatch the crumbs falling off the fat cat's table. Heaven forbid we elect a black person with money and an advanced degree.

  20. putting aside the attacks on fletcher, isn't anyone concerned that a person could lose their law license or anything without being allowed to defend themselves. it just seems fucked up,maybe fletcher is a piece of shit, but doesn't our system require a trial or a hearing...if he didn't get one and all this happened to him--that is fucked up.

  21. So, Fletcher's campaign platform is going to be "Against the White Man's Oppression".

    Sanders Brooks is an insane, pschotic mess, and we're going to trade that for race politics with someone just as corrupt, who blames the white man for his troubles.


  22. 9:31 it sounds like the problem is that fltcher doesn't care about the "white man" which is what bothers you so much,hhmm a black guy goes out and makes millions of dollars fighting for black people and the white guys make up a reason to get rid of him. Sounds about right.

  23. I know Fletch, and what is this shit about him being corrupt? What are you basing this on? More drivel and baseless arguments. Because he is an aggressive attorney does not a corrupt politician make. Seriously, if you are going to call him corrupt what are you basing this on.

  24. 9:35 - that's typical Fletcher/Sanders-Brooks talk - Black guy fighting for blacks get's put down by the white man.


    A federal court finds that "First, the court ruled that Fletcher made misrepresentations to the court in violation of Mo. RPC 4-3.3(a)(1) (making a false statement of fact to the tribunal) and 4-8.4(c) (engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation); second, that Fletcher engaged in conduct with no substantial purpose other than to intimidate and harass third parties in violation of Mo. RPC 4-4.4 (respecting the rights of third persons); and third, that Fletcher engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in violation of Mo. RPC 4-8.4(d)."

    Which would most reasonable people believe?

    'nough said.

    Fletcher and his followers are nothing but trouble, and continue the too-long tradition of horrible, despicable third district leadership.

  25. 9:43, you fail to acknowledge the fact that Fletcher never filed the documents in question. Brendan Donelon was the signature card on it. What about the other attorneys??? I guess you want to continue to ignore the facts. Typical attorney talk from you. The court has still not even let the guy defend himself and handed out reprimands to the other guys. Get real, you d-bag!!!!

  26. TKC...can you answer the question: why doesn't this guy get a hearing, how is that possible?

  27. "Why can't the 3rd district draw any quality candidates?"

    That's a trick, that always happens and it's way of discounting the people who do run.

  28. A trick - maybe a trick on the voters in the third district. Let's see,

    Carol Coe - insane, pleading guilty to three misdemeanor counts of violating campaign finance laws and thus avoiding trial on 14 other counts.

    and then Macfadden Weaver - convicted of mortgage fraud...

    Then Sanders Brooks - a sell -out to Funkhouser and totally ineffective...

    and then, drum roll please...


    I think this is a pretty clear pattern. But, as the Fletcher defenders on this blog maintain, these were and are fine people maligned and put down by the racist white man, right?

  29. There was a hearing. And an appeal. The claim that there was no hearing or that he didn't have a chance to defend himself is wrong.

    As for the merits . . . the claim that he was innocent, railroaded, framed, or otherwise not responsible is also false. The courts' orders explain this . . . go read them.

  30. I'd like to know where to go online read them 12:14 - can you provide a link?

    It would be helpful to post highlights on this blog.

  31. The Court of Appeals opinion can be found by searching its website at

    Put in Fletcher's name in the party name box; there will be two cases, you want the one called In re Michael Fletcher.

    i am not sure if the lower court's decision is online.


    this is the direct link to the Eighth Circuit's opinion affirming the suspension.

  33. Theresa, I mean 12:41, answer the question! What about the other attorneys? why were they let off and not Fletcher?

  34. So the judge recuses himself from the case... then pursues a bar complaint and oversees the investigation of Fletcher... hmmm.

  35. He's being railroaded by a bunch of racists! But he's certainly not a racist himself, although he stiff's a cabbie a paltry fair (paltry for Fletcher) and then proceeds to call a cop responding to the incident a "Jew boy" over 20times.

  36. Regardless of race, I don't care for any of the usual suspects in KC politics and think that we are overdue for an overhaul in leadership at all levels from the Mayor to the school board. The voters will keep getting the same results(or lack thereof)as long as they keep electing the same useless and ineffective career politicians who think that they are civil service employees instead of public servants. Public office is not a government job. Too many of them have a sense of entitlement and have gotten too comfortable in their positions.

    Can you find one politician or community "leader" in this city who is not incompetent, corrupt and self-serving or who steers contracts to their cronies? Can we have some quality candidates who are not kin to or connected to anybody named Bland, Brooks or Curls? Why is Congressman Cleaver is the only effective Black politician to come out of Kansas City in the last three decades?

    This city has become a cesspool of incompetent community leaders, pimp preachers, bloodsucking developers, politicians on the take, worthless but well connected consultants with cushy contracts, lazy lobbyists, aloof outsider misfit of a mayor with an unprofessional, power-hungry spouse who meddles in city government affairs because she has obviously has no friends, no life or no business of her own, then there is the tax collector cops and judges, crackheads, methheads, child molestors, murders, petty theives and armed robbers running this city into the ground as well.

    I was furious at the way Michael Fletcher dismissed one of the victims who experienced discrimination at the Power and Light District only to turn around and rally the troops of the usual race hustlers and poverty pimps to hold a farce of a mach down in the district weeks later in attempts to exhalt himself politically. That is the only issue I have with the guy. Besides, that, they need to give him his law license back. Fletcher has not been convicted of any crimes and is no more aggressive than any other good trial attorney going against his adversaries in a courtroom. They just got their butts fed to them on a shish kabob and couldn't take it. The judges seemed bias against Fletcher from the start. It's been three years, reinstate the man already.

    I'd rather somebody with no political background who has not been tainted by the system elected to the city council than to see some of the incumbants serve out additional terms. It's time for change. We need new blood who can take the city to the next level.

  37. Fletcher is bad news. What a mess.

  38. 12:14 since you seem to know this case its obvious you are misstating what happened. Fletcher was NOT allowed to call witnesses--like the judges who accused him, he was not allowed to do ANY discovery like mandated under law...and the Missouri Supreme Court has denied him every request for a hearing--even though Missouri law requires a hearing.. Do you just disregard RonnieWhite stating the guy was "fucked" and the Ray Price, the chief judge, has "discriminated against" fletcher and other black people...Finally, 12:14 if you and the other lawyers are soooo right about Fletcher...why are you afraid to let him put on evidence? This was a fraud and so are you and your white lawyer buddies.

  39. Wow. I haven't heard so much race baiting ever - whitey is the root of all Fletcher's problems.

    Amazing. Hmmm, and Fletcher's running at-large?

    he may be able to convince a few people in district that he's the victim of the whitey-racists, but in the North, west side, and southwest corridor?

    Someone normal running against this obnoxious psycho will win easily.

  40. Fletch can you provide a link or copy of the statement where Ronnie White said you were fucked over? Because I know Ronnie White quite well and it doesnt sound like the type of language he would use. Further,I remember reading an article that made the same arguments about you being fucked around including the amount of money spent investigating you written by your boy Eric Wesson.He did note that you and he are real close. Then his wife revealed that you two were friends and tried to discredit the article. So if it is not you responding on this blog then it is him defending you.

  41. Yancy Dvis I usually gree with you but you are wrong about Fletcher on this one. He is riding with Funkhouser and that is not good for the black community.He threatened Kiki Curls after she caught him in a lie.

  42. Sharon Sanders Brooks has been riding with Funk, so what's the difference?

  43. Neither 6:54. The truth is the truth. Do you know how much money was spent on the investigation to find out Fletcher was an aggressive attorney? It does not have to be Fletcher or Wesson becuase it is pro-Fletcher. There are people behind Fletcher besides those two, dumbass.

  44. I can't wait for Fletcher's campaign to start. We're going to kick the living shit out of his campaign, and the wonderful thing is that Fletcher will be doing all the work - all he has to do is open his mouth.

    Oh, and all of his baggage helps a ton too. This guy is damaged goods.


  45. Fletcher must have broke off some bread to Wesson's downlow convicted felon ass because he had just wrote something negative about him weeks before criticizing the
    p&l march, the ministers and Michael Fletcher in The Call paper. Can't stand that self-important punk prison bitch Wesson or that loud mouth moron Fletcher.

  46. Interesting 8:25 you keep up with the self-impornr prison bitch's writing that you can't stand. Don't remember seeing him write anything about Fletcher in the P and L bullshit. I think he said it was ridiculous to have ministers marching for people to get into nightclubs when there are so many other issues going on in the Black community. I'm trying to figure out what a felony conviction has to do with anything? A lot of you white child molesting motherfuckers would have convictions if your neices and daughters told the truth. Oh I no because you bitches can hide behind this anonymous bullshit. Go Fletcher and Wesson!

    Phillip Jackson

  47. 8:15 "we're going to kick the living shit out ofhis campaign" ... now we all know you are involved with Sharon Sanders should at least have the courage to say that instead of hiding. Fletcher is going to kill you and your candidate which means she will have to get a job for the first time in 20 years...and he will do what made him a millionare--fight for our community.


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