TKC Ethics Policy: After 25k Posts You D-Bags Just Don't Understand That I Don't Care About Dead Tree Media Traditions!!!

As of late I've noticed a few d-bags on this blog complaining about the content I've been gracious enough to provide for free in the forum that I keep mostly unmoderated in order to grant a great many malcontents the semblance of free speech that mostly doesn't exist in the real world.

These comments haven't registered much interest with me . . . However, I was recently called on my "ethics" or lack thereof by local media blog Bottomline Communications. John Landsberg runs Bottomline and he is the foremost authority on local media, a great writer/reporter and one of the most intelligent people I've ever had the pleasure to hear speak. So the comments that appear on his page are worth addressing one by one. Some of this I covered this weekend at Hearne's place but I think it's worth revisiting one last time.

1. TKC never has or will take money or any form of compensation from a politico.

2. TKC will not trade page rank for money or any form of compensation.

This is a blog about Kansas City politics and culture decorated with bikini models and my dumbass humor . . . But I wanted to get the most important topic out of the way first. Still, even with this subject there is some explanation due . . . A long time ago Nadia "Still A Chickenhead" Pflaum called me out for the great crime of attacking my mom's opponents in a minor league political race without disclosing the relationship to you bags. The controversy created a firestorm of 3 comments and about three posts picking up the story!!! What Nadia didn't disclose is that this story came about after she initiated a conversation with me and I offered to buy her a beer after I went to go pee. I still think one of these days we'll end up together after she's done dating the vast majority of the Kansas City hip-hop scene . . . I can wait, I'm very patient. Natch. Also, there wasn't any followup which reported that I ended up supporting Beth Gottstein after the primary and this blog propelled her to victory!!! I still count myself as one of her most loyal fans. So much for dead tree media analysis.

Now, on the subject of Jardine's . . . Bottomline draws a connection between posts that appear on my blog supporting the local Jazz place and sponsored content. One of my favorite commenters "Orphan of the Road" wanted to know about my comps as well. I'll give the total:

The menu is actually excellent at Jardine's and it shouldn't be so shocking to note that I have been given a few comps.

1st meal:

Marsala Chicken
Marinated chicken Brest topped with mushroom's, onions and Marsala sauce. Served with Garlic mashed potatoes and chef's choice vegetables. $15

Honestly, this might be one of the best meals I've had all year . . . I know, I know food tastes better when it's free but I'm pretty sure anybody who has had this item would agree that it's one of the best values for gourmet food in all of Kansas City.

2nd meal:

The Pasta Bolognese is also AMAZING!!! It's a new item that runs about $12 but it's worth every penny . . . Of course I didn't pay which, again, made it taste even better but I think it might be a good value, especially for the winter months.

Now . . . I did pay for the Grilled Lemon Pepper Salmon
8 oz grilled salmon filet seasoned with lemon and pepper. served with garlic mashed potatoes, Chef's choice of vegetables and choice of house salad or soup. $15

This is probably my favorite dish that Jardine's features and it was the first time I've ever had salmon that didn't come in a can. Again, EXCELLENT STUFF!!!

There were also a FEW beers that I might have had "on the arm" but nothing that would make headlines.

I think maybe the most important thing to "disclose" here is that Jardine's owner Beena Rajalekshimi makes EVERYONE who visits her place feel like a friend so I actually feel honored going out of my way in order to do whatever I can to promote her classy place on this dump of a blog. Similarly, just about everybody who has had the privilege to meet Beena has an intense loyalty and devotion to her. She really is one of those people who makes Kansas City great and her work in the local Jazz scene makes music history almost every weekend.

One last thing on this note, I've liked the music of Dave Stephens since I've been in college but I guess I should mention that he gave me a free CD to review a week ago. More on that later . . .

Bottomline also features an anonymous accusation from a commenter that I wrote sponsored content for Scarlett Garnet Jewelry and Kander Rigby Legal Services.

Wrong on both counts . . .

I met Garnet Griebel and she told me the interesting story of how she started Scarlett Garnet online with a partner she had yet to meet in real life. I thought it was interesting and a much better suggestion for local shopping than chain stores. She doesn't advertise here or at Hearne's site. Kander/Rigby aren't advertisers here or at Hearne's either.

So, as I "explain" myself I realize that I don't really care what most of you d-bags think anyway. In fact, I really do welcome most of you to stop reading this blog.

If a couple of dinners and a few beers that I've had at a restaurant/club that I like are the biggest accusation haters have on my blog . . . Then they've got nothing.

Still, I like putting everything out there if only to demonstrate that the backstory on my blog generates more interest than the top headlines on most local online efforts including the last two columns written by Mike Hendricks and Mary Sanchez.

And speaking of conflicts . . . I hear Derek Donovan at The Star is now writing FYI articles which is pretty unheard of for any readers rep . . . Like it or not, we all have our conflicts.

Finally for this post . . . I think what I'm doing with this post is demonstrating that OF COURSE I have motives and so does every other newsie in Kansas City. To think otherwise would be dangerous and naive. Fortunately, I don't put forth the pretense that my bloggy content should be the final stopping point for local information . . . I always encourage people to make their own conclusions. And honestly, when it comes to entertainment or dining options: I tend not to think any of that stuff is important enough to define as a "conflict of interest" given that this blog isn't primarily dedicated to entertainment or food. Also, you-dbags aren't paying me so I'll write about whatever I want and if you don't like it, again, PLEASE READ SOMETHING ELSE!!!


  1. good post Tony. Maybe a bit too wordy.

  2. yawwwwn another article ~by Tony, ~about Tony, ~for Tony...just like the little circle jerk you and HC have over at the other website. When you don't have real news or real reporting (LOL as if) to do, you write about each other or yourselves. Yawwwwn.

    I am surprised you haven't seized upon the racist little article (which side is racist? you be the judge...and you'll be wrong) over on KMBC.

  3. TKC is what it is...those of us who enjoy it are just happy to see you're getting fed somehow. :)

  4. That's how it starts first a free apple that some woman hands you. Then something else. Before long you are full blown (no pun intended) on the pad.

  5. Tony you should just do google ads.

  6. Yeah, Tony ... I'm worried that your reputation is getting tarnished.

  7. I'm glad to hear you actually leave your mother's basement and that you eat something besides Chinese carry-out and burritos. I had no idea your palate was so diverse.

  8. tony only eats good food when somebody else was paying. He really loves the snack cakes.

  9. Wow - that was the best advertorial yet. You have a great future as a paid shill.

  10. Orphan of the Road12/14/09, 1:02 PM

    I appreciate you coming forth on the comps. Nothing wrong IMHO of comps as long as it is disclosed.

    There was a music critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer who would come into the coffeehouse I worked to review shows by various artists. His review would be greatly influenced by whether or not one of the waitresses had sex with him. Time and time again he would trash the various performers because the ladies would not give it up to this d-bag. He became the head of a major record label most likely because he was paid to write good things. (his initials are JK if you wish to check him out)

    That's why I care about disclosure.

  11. Tony, Good on the comps!!!! Nothing wrong with some free dinner. By the way, what was given to you when you gave props to Hendricks??????) Just kidding. Screw everyone. Keep it real and write whatever you want.

    PS, you should write something for the D'Bronx, that's one place you need to get some free grub!!

  12. You should try posting about Bazookas or Carillas. When I post about Carilla's, I get a great discount on Butt plugs, anal beads, and nipple clamps.

  13. I find it interesting that BLC has never made a critical comment about ch. 5 running that lame 5 fridays spot for the P&L, or any other "live " spots on the nightly news that are clearly pitching something. Landsberg doesn't like Hearne, which is understandable, he does seem like a douche,so he never misses a chance to take a shot at anything he is connected to. What is the difference between plugging the P&L on the evening news, and pimping a business through a post?
    If you were going to Funks house under the cover of darkness for foot rubs and to get your aura scrubbed, then claiming Funk was a good mayor, I'd call shenanigans.
    A few free drinks and a couple of low priced dinners isn't exactly tainting troof and justus. Besides Landsberg thinks blogs are devoid of integrity and have no real validity in the media no matter what you write. So tell him to blow a goat, and go have some crappy micro brew and frozen fish on the house.

  14. Tony, this is just sour grapes. You actually got that little feeling up your leg when you sat on those panels with Landsberg and other professionals.
    In time your blog will fade because someone else will take your place soon.
    We all wonder how you pay the bills because your Mommy is not paying for those chimichangas or General Tso's chicken.
    You have considerable talent and have some good observations but your cynicism is killing you

  15. Good discussion of Media ethics Tony. I like your response to Bottom Line and I like his post. This kind of back and forth is missing in traditional media.

  16. Quit freaking out Tony.

    It was just an intelligence test from those losers at Bottomline and that Landsberg abortion.

    They threw out the hook and worm and you jumped on it like a chihuahua shilling for Taco Bell.

    To them it proves you're less than because you took the bait.

    Really. What's up with that?

    Their crap site, along with their crap reporting is listed 7 spots below Radioman in the Journalism Ethics poll this year. Why do you even respond to them. They're using your tried and true trolling tactics to beat you at your own game and you don't even know it.

    Ignore them, everyone else does.

  17. haha. I agree. I don't care where Tony gets his comps for entertainment but I like his assurance that he won't take political money. The first politician to give him cash and show up on a campaign finance report would be in trouble anyway.

  18. gotta believe that half these comments are from tony. and how did you earn the cash to pay for that one meal you did (claim to have) paid for? If this site doesn't bring in ads and you can';t stay on welfare forever...ah, just curious

  19. John Landsberg a good reporter? Why don't you ask him if Lauren Chapin is dead or not?

    That'll settle that issue pretty quickly.

    He's an accurate reporter the way McKay Stangler is insightful. In short: not very.

  20. Nobody give a fat shit. Post titty girls and forget the fake media gig and 'kickass tipsters'. Geeez. How ghey.

  21. don't care, more tits please.

  22. dat neat crotch


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