Obey the law at your own peril

Every now and then there's a story that demonstrates how little progress Kansas City has made . . . A recent tale of a driver being pulled over for swerving to avoid potholes certainly seems to demonstrate that local streets still suck.

Of course, there's more to this story and the driver did have expired tags but that fact doesn't make Kansas City streets any better on your suspension. Maybe if we had a Mayor that was dedicated to fixing this town's infrastrucutre and not just pushing a light rail pipe dream and defending his wife . . . We could do something about dangerous and expensive potholes. Instead, this town has settled for governance by press conference and epic stubborness from a guy who earned an advanced degree at a City College but somehow still thinks he's smarter than everyone else.


  1. Give me a break. Funk has earned Masters degrees from more than one state university. How many degrees does Tony hold? Tony's degrees are an ADD and an OCD.

  2. Funk didn't finish his degree at West Virginia.

    He has a doctorate in public administration and social work from UMKC.

  3. Wait until Mike Sharp starts to strip search women for traffic offenses of his choice.

  4. With Sharp that still might not stop him.

  5. the steel plates last longer than a filled pot hole


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