Still a freaky Fat Tuesday in Kansas City!!!

Who cares that the hipster parade in Kansas City was canceled???!!!

There are still a great many reasons for folks with no understanding of the Catholic holiday to celebrate!!!

For instance, Kansas City punk band Ssion recently earned a very flattering review in the Village Voice. Apparently, they're "the next big thing" or at least the corporate structure of New Times media is doing a nice job of sending their friends up the ladder. It's even better that Ssion seems interesting and out of the ordinary in addition to the fact they're completely the ghey. Still, it's hard not to root for a local group except Puddle of Mudd, of course.

I listened to some of the music at the band's myspace page and it's not horrible, pretty interesting actually.

So cheer up on this gloomy Fat Tuesday Kansas City!!! The hipsters in this town are doing well and making us proud (I guess)!

TKC Music note: The Ssion tune "street jizz" made me reach for my anti-bacterial lotion and a pair of rubber gloves. The nasty sounding music is better than I initially reported upon further listening. NO HOMO!!!


  1. Well, they certainly have the tattoos covered.

  2. Dude, that's a pic of the cast from "LA Ink," not the band that Tony's talking about or anyone that lives in this town, for that matter.

  3. They're all dirty hipster to me so I think the curmudgeon is still correct.

  4. Dude, wear a rubber.

  5. The front girrrl is a total bitch. I got so tired or her and her fat friend stacey's shitty attitude that I quit going to Broadway Cafe altogether.

  6. man, i wanted to not like this band. i saw them perform and they really irritated me. but one night some of my neighbors were having a loud-ish dance party, and the music wafted up to my window. i thought, was is this? this is good! a few minutes later i realized it was street jizz and i was like, damn. but it was too late. i was already a fan.

  7. Must be Funky's fault.

  8. Street Jizz was totally written about Tony in Case Park.

  9. Went alittle crazy with the black magic marker.


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