I've always known Kansas City was a racist town.

Growing up my parents told me of their childhood in KC and how they were forced to sit at the back of segregated classrooms, dine at segregated eating establishments and swim on "colored day" at Fairyland park.

It's not widely noted but Latinos in Kansas City also suffered under this town's racist past depending on the shade of their skin. Lighter skinned people like myself usually came up with some kind of B.S. story about how they were Italian, Spanish or Lebanese while darker skinned folks (like my mom) were subject to the gamut of racial injustices this town had to offer from segregation to restrictive racial covenants pioneered by one of the architects of this city - J.C. Nichols.

The stories never surprised me, they were told with cold accuracy like some kind of warning, "That's what this City is capable of," my parents seemed to note as the recounted the details with wide-eyed clarity. "There are (many) people out there who still think this way."

Growing up, these warnings about the racist nature of Kansas City and its people were only confirmed time and again. Teachers hoping to stifle my writing ability, other parents and their derogatory questions about my racial makeup, administrators weary of my close knit friendships only with other (lower) middle-class Latinos . . . The role of race, perception and white people's bigotry has been a constant motif throughout my life from run-ins with suburban law enforcement to the parents of every white broad I've banged lady I've dated.

So please believe that I know every argument made in favor of racism and bigotry inside and out. I've heard it all before.

In the midst of this controversy over Frances Semler, the same tired, dishonest, illogical and misleading arguments are being rehashed in order to support the racism of the Minutemen and Semler's virulent rhetoric against immigrants both legal and undocumented.

First off, there is this stupid notion that Mayor Funkhouser stood by his "principles" while ignoring the Latino Leadership in Kansas City and disrespecting them at every turn. Not one person, not even Funkhouser, has identified exactly what principle to which the Mayor is referring. I'm guessing that they're talking about cronyism since it has been noted time and again that Funkhouser appointed Semler without vetting her and above other (more qualified) candidates who submitted to a process that the Mayor championed as part of his "reform." Or, does the "principle" Mayor Funkhouser upholds have something to do with a breach of his promises to the Latino Community when he went hat in hand begging for their support while claiming that anti-immigration rhetoric wouldn't be part of his Administration?

On the subject of the impact of NCLR's withdrawal of their convention in Kansas City, racists from across the metro are downplaying the seriousness of the move. This is a classic, bigoted ploy used to diminish the importance of any minority group in a given situation. This tactic attacks the very existence of a group and questions their validity as part of the community. One racist after the next has lied and claimed that NCLR is made up of illegals when, in fact, it is an AMERICAN advocacy organization which pushes for a cause just like the NRA or the VFW. In fact, many of the group's members also belong to those organizations. Additionally, so many folks who know little about the inner-workings of the KC's Latino Community mistakenly insist that that the NCLR was trying to impose their will on Kansas City, when in fact, it was a group of hundreds of LOCAL LATINOS who sought out the support of NCLR when their concerns about Semler were ignored by the Funkhouser Administration. For the record: This boycott was urged locally.

Finally, there is an unfortunate urge to silence the critics of the Funkhouser Administration along with an effort to see the concerns of Kansas City's Latino Community stifled. Let's not forget that Funkhouser's biggest cheerleaders have mistakenly believed that the criticisms of the Mayor would cease during the summer. Above all, this notion that the critics of any politician or political issue should be forced to remain quiet are inherently fascist, decidedly un-American and completely ignore the Freedom of Speech that citizens (like myself) enjoy. Time after time, proponents of Mayor Funkhouser have had their views published to tens of thousands via the Star but not one columnist has decidedly come out in favor of the local Latino leadership on this issue. Mary Sanchez rarely sets foot in the Latino Community and most folks in my neighborhood wouldn't recognize her and probably don't appreciate her milquetoast, overly apologetic columns. Meanwhile a thieving scumbag like Mike Hendricks is allowed to force the whole Star subscriber base to smell his farts as he gloats over what he perceives to be a victory by Mayor Funkhouser.

An important note about Hendricks which should be pointed out to those who suffer through his columns regarding Kansas City Proper: THE GUY LIVES IN JOHNSON COUNTY. Respectfully, I have to note that this piece of garbage wrapped in skin has no standing in this debate and Kansas City missing out of revenue won't affect his pocketbook one bit. Mike Hendricks is lobbying for a Mayor that he can't vote for . . . LIKE SO MANY VOICES IN THIS SEMLER DEBATE HE ARGUES HIS POSITION AND THEN LEAVES THE PEOPLE OF KC PROPER TO DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS ILL INFORMED OPINIONS. Hendricks notes that Semeler is opposed to illegal immigration and this is a half truth. Once again, it's important to note that her extremist view OPPOSES ALL IMMIGRATION.

And today the stream of anti-Latino, anti-immigrant rhetoric inspired by sour grapes feelings due to Kansas City losing a major convention will give light to one simple fact:


Currently, the Mayor is touting phony poll numbers which are debatable but EVERYONE is noting that Mayor Funkhouser has almost no support in the urban core.

His credibility in this part of the metro has vanished.

It wasn't his decision to stand by his "principles" which cost him so much political clout but the divisive and disrespectful manner which he went about supporting his stance. Like all bigots, he recruited sellouts to make his position seem more credible. He touted one token gesture after the next in lieu of coming to a real understanding. He offered one bribe after another and assumed that Latino leaders didn't have the same kind of "principles" which he has been arrogantly touting.

All of these bigoted and racist tactics have served only to alienate him from KC's Latino community which once supported Funkhouser by more than 60%.

Now, like it or not, Kansas City has lost a major national convention and THE MAYOR OF KANSAS CITY STANDS UNITED WITH AN EXTREMIST, NATIVIST GROUP KNOWN FOR UNSANCTIONED ARMED ACTION SOLELY AGAINST LATINOS AND HAS BEEN DESCRIBED BY THE PRESIDENT AS "VIGILANTES." Funkhouser can claim that he's a liberal till the end of time but rather than heed the outcry of a group which he begged for support during the election, he has garnered the support of a newfound, racist and bigoted constituency of Minutemen (heh) who have no political track record in Kansas City. His actions speak far louder than his words.

Incidentally . . . Just like the school yard, the response to any name calling is an effort to throw the same words right back. Unlike most people, I really don't care what folks might call me because I've long known that people get really offended when you make fun of and completely destroy their flimsy, silly and misguided political fantasies. However, unlike the Mayor or most supporters of reactionary thinking . . . I encourage people to speak and type what's on their mind in the great tradition of American Democracy. I have faith that when supporters of Funkhouser's Minuteman Administration have an open forum to express their view unencumbered, they will be revealed for what they truly are . . . Unapologetic, bigoted, reactionary and racist.

Finally, so many people long to get the last word on any given subject but it should be noted that interest in this controversy, the divisive atmosphere that it has created and the political reality in KC Proper all reveal one simple truth:

It's not over.


  1. what proof do you have that Semler is opposed to ALL immigration and not just ILLEGAL immigration?

  2. Remember, this is only a joke blog. He's just seeking reaction.

  3. "I think we need to take a look at overall policy and get a handle on it. Maybe even stop it for a while until we can count everybody."

  4. Good call Semler. LOLZ

    The pitch reported the same thing:


  5. Sour grapes? You sound a little desperate and not unlike a spoiled child who didnt get his way. Your accusations of racism might be taken less lightly if you were not such a racist and sexist d bag yourself. the minutemen are no more a racist group than La Raza, in fact they are less racist. Ill tell you something else that will come about from this whole debate. Your 15 minutes are just about up. You went from a mildly amusing blog to showing yourself to be a race baiting , lying, ego maniac. Game , Set, Match, 6.7 percent of kc population will not steam roll the mayor!!!!!!
    VIVA LA FUNK!!!!!!!

  6. What a fucking wetback you are Tony. WHy don't you go back to Mexico?

  7. Agreed. If you don't like it here so much.

  8. Truly Tony you are the worst scumbag in Kansas City.

  9. under your rules, you could not be appointed to a public position, nor could you run for office. Freedom of speech includes freedom of thought. The slope you are on is indeed slippery, at what point does PC thought infringe on the others rights to have and to form opinions of their own?

  10. You know what Pancho. You're real brave behind a computer but you can't do anything but complain. I feel sorry for you, the constant victim mentality is getting you nowhere fast. It's time to wise up, grow a pair and move out of your mother's basement.

    Complain all you want but KC's mayor took a stand and your people were left out in the cold.

    They shouldn't have backed themselves in a corner.

    And if you don't like Kansas City.

    You should leave.

  11. Don't try and debate this asshole.

    He's too much of a coward to show up in the comments under his own name.

  12. Until Mexico stops shooting on sight illegals who cross their southern border from Central America, I have no pity for Mexicans who cross our border illegally and get nothing fired at them except for little old ladies on unimportant parks boards.

  13. What a bunch of bullshit.


  15. go the fuck back to mexico if you hate it here so much.

  16. Warning. If you continue to post racist writing we will delete your account. Please discontinue your posts and retract this statement.

  17. Most of this is just straight up lies Tony. Get some honor, be a man and admit you were wrong and then stop posting nonsense.

  18. The conclusions that you jump to aren't appropriate Tony. I support Mayor Funkhouser on everything BUT this issue. That does not make me a racist. I realize that being Mayor is not an easy job and I'm willing to confine my disagreement to one aspect of his tenure rather than making blanket statements or sweeping indictments.

  19. Bravo Tony! This town is full of racists, bigots and half-wits. Including Mike Hendricks - what a load of crap he spews! As I read the article this morning I was wondering about the "majority support" of Funkhouser (El Greco). I bet the star counts the pros and cons on the comments and believes that there are really more than just a half dozen lunatic fringe posting the same rants over and over. I don't know ANYBODY in midtown that still supports him and my circle is fairly large.

  20. Funkhouser doesn't give in to blackmail. Good for him.

  21. If Kansas City is a racist town wouldn't it be better for you to find a much better environment to live in?
    We would want you to be in a happy perfect state where it is equal to all.
    Why would anyone live here if this was the Truth?

  22. Maybe because they're racist painty poo.

  23. Grow up Tony

  24. Move out Tony.

  25. How does this benefit Kansas City's Latino Community Tony? You've got to realize that you have done your community a great disservice.

  26. Tony is the smelly kid in grade school that enjoyed the attention from stinking up the classroom. After all, any attention is good attention.

  27. This? again?

  28. Your days as a blogger are numbered Tony! You are not a media outlet (creditable) and no one cares what you think. You are the biggest racist in this city and everyone knows it now!

  29. "So please believe that I know every argument made in favor of racism and bigotry inside and out. I've heard it all before." and made many arguments yourself. You are just as bigoted and racist as the people you attack. You're the f'ing Michael Moore of KC.

  30. Tony, I will ask again: what proof do you have that Semler is opposed to All immigration and not just ILLEGAL immigration?

  31. Go to sleep dirtbag.

  32. Tony, you and mommy have screwed the very community you pretend to represent. You have just stabbed all the Hispanic business owners in the heart by encouraging The Race to go elsewhere. Well done.

  33. Hey 10:50. Read this post and then go lick balls.


    BY the way tony your fan club is stupid.

  34. "Funkhouser even appointed a Hispanic to lead the board of which Semler is a member."

    I think this statement says it all.
    Obviously, Funkhouser must hate people with darker shades of skin than he.

    Please tell us what social injustices have you been subjected to because of your ethnicity.

  35. LaRaza says they are against illegal immigration, but in fact what they want is to make all the illegals legal through amnesty so there won't be any illegal immigration. Then they wonder why citizens are pissed.

    They wonder why citizens are fed up with paying the bills for education, medical and social services for illegals when citizens have to pay their own bills plus those of illegals. Do illegals pay the bills for citizens? I don't think so.

    Illegals say they work hard and deserve citizenship and services pronto. Well, citizens have worked hard too and most have paid for services their whole lives via their taxes. Being in this country a couple of years and paying sales taxes doesn't qualify as contributing to society.

    They wonder why people are so adamant about the English language. Well, cause it is our language and has been adapted by immigrant groups since the founding of this country. It's been the univerally accepted language for anyone who does business here. Also, citizens don't like having their kids held back in school cause the parents of immigrant children are reluctant to learn the language or actually demand that everything be bilingual or trilingual or more.

    They wonder why people are so concerned when illegals degrade the neighborhood by cramming multiple families into single family homes. Well, people don't want their neighborhood degraded by anyone, legal or not. It causes their property values to go down. It causes an unpleasant atmosphere. It's not culturally American.

    They wonder why citizens are so concerned about the rule of law in this country. Well, cause citizens have to abide by it or there are serious consequences. If we fail to pay our taxes or drive drunk, we have to go to jail...but illegals are more often than not, not held accountable for the same thing.

    I could go on and on. I will say this. It isn't entirely the illegals' fault. Our own government has caused this to happen by making sure the door to the country wasn't shut. Greedy employers have caused this to happen by hiring people they knew were illegal and even hiring them off the books, avoiding taxes, etc. These employers don't give a damn if an illegal gets hurt or taken in by ICE cause they'll just hire more of the unending supply. But, when the government tries to make changes, the illegals and the ACLU sue them and demonstrate in the street.

    There is a middle ground here where people can live peacefully together, but not under the circumstances described above. Until we have some rational policies in this country, we will indeed have racism in this country and it cuts both ways.

  36. You are the true racist Tony. You are promoting hate in Kansas City.

  37. Enough with the hate Tony. Try doing something constructive for a change.

  38. Snack cake party and Tony's house....I mean Tony's mom's house. Someone should tell her to lay off the snack cakes....she is looking a little wide.

  39. who the hell do you think you are kidding. your mom never had to sit in the back of the room or eat at a different table or go swimming with the blacks either did your dad. they arent that fucking old

  40. I'm starting a anti TKC blog site soon. Keep your eyes peeled....it should be interesting!

  41. besides where do the hispanics spent all there money. its sure as hell isnt the west side its crown center and the plaza. so how is that going to help the hispanics. most good mexican diners isnt located in the west side but away from, it

  42. The weak man plays the race card. What else you got in your deck? Gimme a fuckin break brownie.

  43. So much for the value of a UMKC degree. Jeez dude, you really are an embarrassment to your community and mine.

  44. Up to now, I've supported you and your blog but with your blatant hostility toward everyone who is non-minority, I suppose it's time for you to go fuck yourself!

  45. Unless your parents are in their early 80's, they never had to sit in the back of the bus or swim on the "colored" days. Did your mom also claim to be a waitress at the Last Supper? Quit dividing this city over a simple patronage appoitment that has no real decision making power.

  46. If this was a racist town former Mayor Cleaver would of never been Mayor.
    Former Mayor Barnes would of never been mayor.

    Everyone has much of a chance to be Mayor like anyone else.

    If Funkhouser never ran for Mayor it probably would of been Alvin Brooks.

    Everyone knew Funkhouser as the auditor who tells it like it is.

    So really you and La Race didn't get their way and now you are unhappy with the results.
    This is what little kids do when they don't get their way. They fuss, kick and stample around complaining how it isn't fair.

    If you talk about minorities, wouldn't the Minutemen be considered a minority group because they are small in numbers?

    If I were you I'd protest in front of City Hall. Oh maybe later it's too cold out today.
    You have the right to protest in front of City Hall. I'll wave to you as I drive by.

  47. I know this isn't the direction you were going, but how about if we try to get the Kansas City Racists to be the anchor tenant for the Sprint Center. We could have an all-white basketball team, and an all-black hockey team. That would be lots of fun, and they would probably out-perform the Royals.

  48. In Kansas City
    © 1909 T. Foster Rogers

    The wind blows the strongest
    In Kansas City;
    The winter days are longest
    In Kansas City;
    The parks are the greenest
    The business is the keenest
    And politics the meanest
    In Kansas City.

    The banker is the proudest
    In Kansas City;
    Money talks the loudest
    In Kansas City;
    Without it it’s unhandy
    With it you’re a dandy;
    For Money buys the candy
    In Kansas City.

    Some men squeeze the dollars
    In Kansas City,
    Until the Eagle hollers
    In Kansas City;
    For they know if they go broke
    They’ll be friendless, that’s no joke,
    And they’ll have their clothes to soak
    In Kansas City.

    The streets are the steepest
    In Kansas City;
    They are kept, though, the cleanest,
    In Kansas City;
    Opportunities are thickest
    And pickpockets the slickest
    But arrest are made the quickest
    In Kansas City.

    The girls are always sweetest
    In Kansas City;
    And dress themselves the neatest
    In Kansas City;
    They wear the tallest collars
    And know the worth of dollars
    So they smile on wealthy callers
    In Kansas City.

    The buildings are the tallest
    In Kansas City;
    And hotel rooms are smallest
    In Kansas City;
    Home fires burn the brightest
    Yet tons of coal are lightest
    And negroes are the whitest
    In Kansas City.

    Divorces are the fewest
    In Kansas City;
    For women are the truest
    In Kansas City;
    They’ve a twinkle in their eye
    That woos the passer-by
    Oh, let me live and die
    In Kansas City.

    (Ima cut that sixth paragraph out when I put it on my website)

  49. "interest in this controversy, the divisive atmosphere that it has created and the political reality in KC Proper all reveal one simple truth:"

    TKC is willing to exploit perceived racism for his own perceived aggrandizement.

  50. Inflamatory remarks and race baiting by the "HISPANIC LEADERS" are the reason The Race isnt coming to kansas city, if they ever were to begin with. It is a great disservice you people have done to all of KC. You cut of your nose to spite your face. All over a petty parks board position. Now its time to fall back and blame it on whitey. And try to drag the black community into the mix as well, thats the only way to make your voices heard, right? Unfortunately the black community is smart enough to realize when they are being pimped. So I guess its time for plan B. STFU time!!!

  51. Are you still on KMBZ? I quit listening once you got a segment and ruined the credibility of KC best news station.

    Oh, and yes, ALL Kansas Citians are indeed racists. Just like all blacks are criminals and all Hispanics are lazy.

    Wake up, hypocrite. Your logic is about as smart as the racists I condemn.

  52. Have you ever heard of the term Incitement Tony?

    You better get a grip Tony.

    What you say can and will be used against you.

  53. Tony if you hate Kansas City so much why don't you just LEAVE.


  54. Tony,
    An excellent post! Thank you for being brave and posting the truth.

    The ANTI websites are applauding the tactics of Herr Mayor.

    Look at the racist ANTI website Alipac.us. They have a whole thread congratulating the Mayor.

    You are a HERO Tony for speaking the truth.

    The Anonymous commentors who are leaving you hate messages are cowards. If they are truly honest about their beliefs, I challenge them to use their real names when they leave a comment. I doubt they will. Shame on them!!

  55. To the Cowardly Anonymous Commentors,

    Why aren´t you brave enough to use your real name when you leave such hateful comments?

    Oh, that´s right. You are a Coward!

  56. Anonymous,
    I also write a Blog.
    If you are brave enough to use your name, leave me a comment.


  57. Excellent column Tony.

    Thank you for being brave enough to write the truth.

  58. Tony you've succeeded in elevating hatred and racism to a whole new level with this immature diatribe.

    The crisis in morality that we are facing today is due to the lack of good role models for young people. Let's see. We have a president who lies to the public. We have the richest man in the world whose idea of success is to crush his rivals, dominate an industry, and has so much money that he hasn't a clue what to do with it (although he is now coming around). We have sports figures who hawk clothes and get paid more just for the use of their name and face than all the people in third world countries making those clothes. In ghettos, we have drug dealers as the most successful role models. And on the local blogs we have Tony.

  59. Hey this is just Tony's idea of comedy.

    Like he says TKC is a joke/humor blog. Do not read this page unless you have a sense of humor and a good looking mother.

  60. I can't believe what a scumbag you are.

  61. Childish and immature Tony.

    Try again, you're humor can be so much better than this.

  62. Try again Tony. Mike Hendricks wrote a great column this morning. Your work was sloppy by comparison.

    Try again Tony.

  63. Talent and experience... that's what you want in the driver's seat. It's not surprising that the comparisons come so easily between Funks masterful example of GRACE UNDER PRESSURE, and La Raza's bungling of this situation . And now we have reports that Tony's binge DRINKING again.

    Hahaha! Funny huh Tony!

  64. This is just disgusting that some blogger would be allowed to slander and entire City. Please people, stop commenting on this blog. Stop giving a known racist, misogynist and liar an open forum. Tony's Kansas City should be silenced and it's up to the people on the internet to do it by going somewhere else. Read a book, watch TV, play with your kids. Anything would be better than endorsing this garbage.

  65. Dee you ignorant slut. What difference does it make if someone leaves a name. In keeping with your logic you only used a fake name, or not your full name. STFU and stop swinging from TKCs nut basket.
    Artemus Gordon

  66. Dee quit begging for attention. one mexican attention whore is plenty.
    And to the retards who keep saying that TKC blog is just satire and humor. Its more like stupidity and horse shit. that said, hiding under the guise of humor while making inflammatory and slanderous remaks is the REAL COWARDICE.
    14 minutes 37 seconds and counting T bag.

    Joe Jones

  67. Anonymous, You are a coward. You are AFRAID to leave your name, coward.

    Anonymous 2, You are even more of a coward.

    Be Brave. Post your name.

    Oh, I forgot. Cowards are too fearful to post their names. They only write their views in Private. (Cowards!!)

  68. tony i agree with you about hendricks' column. I hope you are wrong and that the NAACP stands with La Razao. Our mayor is playing the worse type of racial politics there is and Kansas City will pay for it

  69. Tony,
    You are brave and honorable, especially since you are strong enough to not moderate the comments of these cowards.

    What these cowards forget is, we are the True Americans here. We believe in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and we know that America, our Country, is the welcoming land of the free and the home of the brave.

  70. Tony,
    You are brave and honorable,

    ROFLMAO good one!

    (TKC is a joke/humor blog. Do not read this page unless you have a sense of humor and a good looking mother.)

  71. Oh yes Brave Anonymous poster.

    Obviously, since you do not have a name, you obviously have no point of view.

  72. Tony I can understand why you can't find meaningful employment now.

  73. Dee are you Tony's mommy?

    Hiding behind a handle?

    ROFLMAO! Love the humor here.

  74. So Tony now that you've completely destroyed whatever credibility you had and probably your Moms career in the process you going to blame that on the "white folk" also?

  75. Brave Anonymous Mom,
    No. I am not Tony´s Mother.
    I am yours.
    I am greatly disappointed in you. Now go to bed!! No Soup for You!!

  76. Right Tony, I mean Dee.

    Working hard today I see. Especially on the Hendrix thread eh?


    Humor guy. It's all a joke right?

  77. I'm wondering about traffic and influence. Is Tony's blog really that popular is it just him posting anonymously and a few other nutcases.

    Sadly Tony is such a coward there is no way we'll ever know. Not that anybody really cares.

  78. I don't agree with this stupid blog.

    I do agree with a recall of Funkhouser.

  79. Bravo Tony. YOU have brought out the worst in Kansas City.

  80. I work with a bunch of Mexicans. For the most part they are good people and not as bitter and mean spirited as you.

    I did not read all of your writing but I did notice that you made personal insults to Mike Hendricks. The man is a true supporter of the patriot Minutemen.

    The Minutemen are protecting us all and they should be commended for their work.

    Mayor Funkhouser did the right thing by not agreeing to blackmail.

    I applaud him and I promise that I will never read your blog again.

    You are the true racist.

  81. Wow. I'm really shocked by all of the racism on display in this thread.

    I live in Midtown. I voted for Mayor Funkhouser because I thought he would make some changes. This isn't exactly what I had in mind.

    I support diversity. I'm not afraid of immigrants or African-Americans. The Mayor I voted for was going to unite Kansas City and work on infrastructure while standing against TIF for corporations.

    Mark Funkhouser hasn't really done much of anything but get bogged down in this debate. It's just as much his fault as anyone else. It takes two to tango :)

    I won't be voting for Funkhouser again.

  82. The Minuteman's Tale

    A civil rights group writes about a vigilante's storied past


    It started darkly, with a phone greeting just after Sept. 11: "Hi, this is Chris. ... Due to the horrific changes in our society in the last few days, I now must preface that I will accept offers of communication only from people who preface their message with the preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America. If you include that with your message, I look forward to communicating with you, and have a great day. Thanks. Bye."

    Welcome to the peculiar world of Chris Simcox, vigilante leader, right-wing dilettante and, according to one new report, a man rapidly skidding towards extremist delusion. In "Minuteman Leader Has Troubled Past," the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center portrays a confused and dangerous demagogue whose rapacity for conspiracy theories exploded as the Twin Towers imploded.

    In Southern Arizona, he's known as co-founder of the Minuteman Project and former owner of the Tombstone Tumbleweed newspaper. But according to the report, Simcox arrived here with a little baggage from his tumultuous Los Angeles past--one rich with wild-eyed rants, violent outbursts and an alleged molestation attempt.

    The SPLC was founded in 1971 to fight hate crime and racism. In Simcox, it apparently found shades of both. The center began investigating the vigilante chieftain "because he was making very bigoted statements about Hispanics, and he sounded a bit crazy," says Mark Potok, SPLC Intelligence Project director. "Simcox in many ways represents a lot of people in the vigilante movement."

    Contacted by the Tucson Weekly, Simcox in turn accuses the SPLC of "conducting a witch hunt."

    "I consider the Southern Poverty Law Center a hate group," he says. "Their goal is to slander and stereotype people."

    But what SPLC reporters Susy Buchanan and David Holthouse found was a former primary school teacher who left frightened ex-spouses, bizarre behavior and plenty of firepower in his wake. If Simcox was paranoid before Sept. 11, they write, he was raving in its aftermath. "His phone messages and conversations with relatives were growing increasingly bizarre. He talked endlessly about stockpiling firearms and apocalyptic premonitions. Los Angeles was doomed, he said. Then, on Sept. 30, he fled the city for good. 'I'm going on a great adventure,' he told his teenaged son. 'If I end up going to prison, you can always e-mail me.'"

    But old memories die hard. Take Deborah Crews, his first ex-wife, who accused Simcox of pedophilia in 1998. "He tried to molest our daughter when he was intoxicated," Crews told the SPLC. "When she ran out, he tried to say he was just giving her a leg massage and she got the wrong idea.

    "He's a drastic, chaotic, very dangerous guy," Crews added. "I'm surprised he hasn't shot anybody yet. I see him on TV and I have to turn if off, because it makes me sick to see him getting all this attention."

    Today, Simcox calls those molestation claims "a bunch of crap, considering that I just spent Christmas with my daughter, and she's pretty estranged from her mother as well."

    The scene was little better between Simcox and his second wife, Kim Dunbar. She filed for full custody of their son "because she feared that Simcox had suffered a mental breakdown and was dangerous," says the SPLC story.

    In sworn affidavits, Dunbar testified that Simcox would fly into sudden and violent rages during their marriage. "He once took a knife from the kitchen and threatened to kill himself," she said. "When he was angry, he broke furniture, car windows, he banged his head against the wall repeatedly and punched things."

    When their son was 4 years old, Dunbar said, Simcox slapped him with such force that the marks lasted for two days. And she reported grabbing her boy and jumping out the window another time, because Simcox was heaving furniture at them.

    Her husband always emerged morose from his outbursts: "He would stare at walls, mumbling to himself," she told the court. At one time, she reportedly tried to have him hospitalized, but he rejected all professional help. Finally, she said, "the only thing I could do was file for divorce."

    And after Sept. 11, she started filing emergency appeals. "I am convinced he has had some kind of mental lapse," she said, "and I am now, more than ever, afraid for my son to be in Chris' care." At the same time, says the SPLC report, Simcox would leave ranting phone messages about terrorist attacks, nuclear bombs targeting L.A. and the fact that their then-15-year-old son sorely needed a little good gun training.

    Soon Dunbar was awarded full custody.

    At that point, Simcox was drifting. He tried joining the U.S. Border Patrol, but was too old. So he struck out for the borderland, eventually rambling into Tombstone and a brief gunfight actor's gig. Then he reportedly raided his son's college fund to buy the Tumbleweed, according to the SPLC. And that's when the Simcox we've come to know started to emerge. Soon, he'd formed the Civil Homeland Defense Corps, a ragtag band of weekend warriors bent on turning back Southern Arizona's migrant hordes.

    Today, Simcox dismisses the entire SPLC report as culled "from one ugly divorce, and another with the court considering that me wanting to sign my son up for an NRA-sanctioned gun-safety course was inappropriate.

    "Other than the court records," he says, "90 percent of it is inaccurate and blatant lies. I could really care less--it has nothing to do with anything now."

    But the past may portend the future, says Potok. "This wasn't an attempt to pillory the guy with unpleasant things his ex-wives had to say about him. I think what is most important in this story is the idea that he is a chaotic individual, a person who is acting for reasons other than the reasons he says."

    Potok calls Simcox an unstable conspiracy theorist who draws extremists to his cause. "I don't mean to suggest that everyone in the Minutemen and other (vigilante) groups are Klansmen or off their rockers," Potok says. "But we have seen time and again that the leadership of this movement is shot through with people who are racists, very militaristic and seem somewhat divorced from reality.

    "Conspiracy theories run through these groups from top to bottom. Our overall concern is that the mixture of false conspiracy theories, a lot of weapons and a great deal of bigotry is really a tinderbox waiting to explode."


  84. "unapologetic, bigoted, reactionary and racist" -- rule by Gloria and her Vulcan Consort.

  85. When my dog gets this yippy I give him part of a valium. What is the proper dosage for a snack cake eatin' chihuahua?

  86. If you think Kansas City is a racist town, maybe you should spend a night in Jena.

  87. No joke, Jena is that REAL racist vibe that makes KC look nice by comparison.

  88. Tony, You are a mighty Latino warrior. Fighting for the many injustices brought to your community and battling the ever growing forces of racism. |pissing my pants ROFLMFAO| Your plight is right and true and you sacrifice so much in your valiant efforts to dissuade those nefarious white evil doers who are hell bent on destroying all that you have accomplished in regards to bridging the Latino community with the other races. You will forever be known as an inspiration for many millions of racially challenged, basement dwelling, porn addicts. In spite of your race, you are a valuable commodity for this city and our country Tony. Dare I say our world?

  89. Mijo,
    I´ve been reading these comments with much interest.

    One of your anonymous commentors said "I work with a bunch of Mexicans. For the most part they are good people and not as bitter and mean spirited as you."

    Does this goon not realize his very statement is one of the most racist of all comments? Bunch? You can have a bunch of bananas. A bunch of monkies. A bunch of cagada. However, Human Beings are not Bunches. Additionally, I would venture to say, the people he calls "Bunch of Mexicans" are most likely American Citizens. This racist calls Americans who are Hispanic "a bunch of Mexicans."

    He just doesn´t get it. Then he has the gall, the utter gall to say you are bitter. This guy is bitter and he is truly a racist. Shame on him!!

    Momma Dee

  90. Only reason, I found this crappy site, was through a link, that wants to shed the light on you, and show what a racist you are! I'm glad Laraza's not going to be here, you want to talk about racist. What does Laraza stand for the " Race" that implys that other races, are inferior. Who said we want Laraza here! Minutemen are true patriots, they watch the border and alert, the border patrol, they're not breaking any laws, they're just helping out. God bless the Usa, if you and your fellow mexicans, don't like it, and you all think were Racists, leave with Laraza!

  91. LMAO.... Tony, you have got to be the biggest, stinkiest, piece of crap wrapped in human skin. You crack me up. I am so glad the RACIST group LaRaza is not coming to KC. Now if we can only find a way to get your dumb Latino pathetic wetback ass out as well, we'll all be better off. LaRaza promotes illegal immigration, and sounds like you do to. You should be hung by your nuts for treason, you piece of dog feces. You have done nothing for this community. You are the epidimy of Basement Dwelling Porn Scum. You are so less than a man. Hell... Mexican woman are more manly than you are. And I should know.. I've banged my share of Mexican trash... scratch that... I mean dated my share of Latino Ladies... You're such a dork

  92. I'm just doing my part to help get you over the 100-comment mark...

  93. I'm the 100th commenter....haha

  94. 101 is better, cabrĂ³ncito!

    Why did you call la migra on me, jotito? I have been swimming for three days and nights just to get back here to write at you some more, pendejito.

    You are going to pay for this. ¡Juro que si!

    Tomorrow I am going to put bugs in your raisin bran, and spit in your milk. We'll see how you like that, para que aprendes, putito.

  95. 102 and counting, Sr. Painty

    Just want everyone to know that I am writing at you, not at Don Tony.

    ¡I like that hombre Tony. He has a face for radio, such a good looking caballero!

    Y tu, pedazo de caca, Painty. ¡Your face looks like it is still being sat on by your momma!

    That's probably why you are the way you are - a sad little man, viejo seco.

  96. Hate to respond anonymously, but this strikes me as the kind of environment where disagreement is going to be met with scorn and accusations, as opposed to attempts at understanding, and I don't really need those kinds of emails.

    I find the bile in this posting to be very distasteful, and the accusations of racism leveled at those who differ on a basic political opinion: i.e. whether membership in an anti-immigration organization (or anti-illegal, or however you wish to describe the Minutemen) should be considered reason enough, in a vacuum, to exclude a person from public service. The Latino leadership in this city appears to feel the correct answer is "yes, it should", and point to their 60% support of Funkhouser to bolster their stance that they are "owed" this favor.

    It is apparent that most of the white community disagrees, and feels that membership in this organization, however distasteful it might be to those of us with more enlightened views on immigration (including myself), does not disqualify one from public service BY ITSELF. No one is arguing that we should allow racist policies on the Parks board. In fact, the chairman of the Parks board is Latino, which seems like an obvious check against the risk of racist policies being the end result of appointment of a person of questionable racial tolerance. However, Frances Semler is an individual, not an organization. Is she personally racist? Has anyone demonstrated writings from her pen, or words from her lips showing that she is overtly racist? I have followed her story, and I have not seen any solid evidence to indicate that she is anything but a good-intentioned, but perhaps misguided, supporter of enforcement of immigration law.

    I personally welcome immigration, and feel that the influx of freshly minted Americans is the best possible thing for our nation. I feel we should allow as many immigrants into our nation as we can integrate into our economy and employ legally. I feel we should liberalize our immigration system to make it easier for all workers, particularly Latin workers, to come to this country and seek legal employment. I don't extend the same attitude toward illegal immigration, strictly as a matter of national order, and my attitude applies to Canadians just as it does to Mexicans. Does that make me a racist? Should I be kept out of public service? Or is it only those who organize who are subject to this ban?

  97. The only racism in this whole argument is coming from you & people like you.I love legal immigrants,those who are willing to go through the process,it takes a committment to become a citizen of the USA.My Great Grandfather made that committment & I'm glad he did.I am now a citizen of a nation I am proud of.I'm not mailing money home somewhere & hoping someday to return.This is my country & I want to stay here.

  98. I have to agree that, in these enlightened times, the one poster was insensitive in saying "I work with a bunch of Mexicans." I would have said, "I work with about two dozen persons of Mexican ancestry," and I would have then gone on to say what percentage I believe to have been born on US soil, and what percentage were "first generation Mexican Americans," giving them the benefit of the doubt as to citizenship status. But then I would have allowed myself to rant a bit about the US becoming North Mexico. We cannot support an unchecked influx of persons, from anywhere, all at once.

    Unbridled numbers of immigrants flooding the land do not make life better for themselves or the people already here. Good Sense and Moderation are needed.

  99. shut the fuck up

  100. hello, just i'd like to ask if its dangerous to live in KC?, 'cause i recieve an offer to work for the KC goverment , but i didn't know there was a lot of racial tension ,so dont wanna be beated for anyone , so im a Mexican legaly of course and am asking u how much violence has existed lately?


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