Kelli Croyle Divorce Watch: DAY ONE

I'm going to follow this story to the gates of HELL.

A quarterback as horrible as Brodie Croyle does not deserve to play in the NFL to have a wife as hot as Kelli.

Brodie stank up the field last night, threw one more interception and showed off his weak arm and weaker leadership skills against the Saints last night.

And obviously if the guy lied this much about his skills and abilities to the Chiefs then I'm sure he's not being honest with anybody.

Therefore I think Kelli deserves better.

There might even be a chance that she can stay in the basement of a blogger living with his mom!!! It would be a more honest existence that living a lie with a 3rd rate quarterback.

And that's what women are into right? Women always choose honesty over millionaire quarterbacks. Right?


  1. Did you notice that she's already got jobs on commercials before her "husband" even has the starting QB job locked up?

  2. The brief segment with her in Hard Knocks leads me to believe that she is mad bonkers! She's got crazy eyes and really isn't that hot.

  3. The brain is weaker than the arm or the leadership. And Mom has to stop cutting his hair at the kitchen table.

    Tony, you must save this poor girl -- it is the right thing to do. I mean Brodie throws hard but can't hit any target that he aims an appendage at. Can you imagine the bruises on this poor girl's legs and nether regions? It is not fair to her to live like that when she could live in the subterranean lair of a disgruntled Midwestern Latino.

    On a side note, I hope we do not see The Chiefs pushing Boiled Peanuts in order to make Brodie feel at home -- there is so much wrong about Alabama -- but the Southern delicacy know as Boiled Peanuts is just plain disgusting and the NAME is down right scary! Sounds like something the Nuns might do to us in Catholic School.

  4. There's nothing wrong with boiled peanuts.

  5. That looks like a younger and more boneable version of the Watson's Spa girl.

  6. You're a total douchebag. Why spend time on something like this. You're stupidity is only outshined by your obvious lack of social ability. What - another internet girlfriend dumped you. Poor baby.

    I'll be coming back to remind you of your sad life from time to time. Seriously, cancel a few of your monthly internet porn subscriptions and buy yourself some dignity.

  7. I'm with Brodie here, our new #2 QB.


    1) ditched him at the airport when returning from river falls, embarrassing him.

    2) waited until AFTER he was drafted to marry him. Marrying a Tide QB wasn't enough, not enough guaranteed money.

    3) when he went off to training camp, got jealous and paranoid that he was going to cheat on her (at training camp, whaaaaat?). Is he going to ride his bicycle into the undergrad coffee bar and try to trade up?

  8. Wait....the Watson's spa commercials aren't only shown in Nashville? WTF!!??!

  9. its just a matter of time before she runs off with a brotha on the team, lol

  10. I just don't dig silicone!

    What the ^#%@ is a boiled peanut anyway? We don't have that in SoCal.


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