COMBAT and keeping the Latinos quiet

I don't want to go into much detail here but it seems that anybody who thought that Mike Sanders would bring in a new era of efficiency, integrity and cooperation at the County Courthouse was just plain wrong . . . Some e-mails sent my way along with a lot of public sentiment pretty much prove that it's business as usual for the County and make it clear nothing much has changed.

More specifically, Luis Cordova a new member of the COMBAT Resource Committee and one of the few Latino voices at the County is basically being told to keep his mouth shut . . . Which goes a long way toward proving that minority access at the County Courthouse is still as limited as ever unless you're one the of new Black friends that Mike Sanders has garnered in what seems to be (in the grand sense) just another game of musical chairs for differing sets of minority leaders working alongside County government.

Anyway, here is the juiciest bit of correspondence allegedly sent from Jim Nunnelly, an administrator of Jackson County's COMBAT anti-drug program who seems to be giving Cordova the standard line that's used when most politicos address local Latinos (i.e. "Wait over there quietly in the corner Pancho") or anybody else they want to blow off (no homo). Check it:
>>> Jim Nunnelly 4/24/2007 12:51 PM >>>
Luis, it is unreasonable to expect the committee to come forth with some viable recommendations, without some fundamental understanding of the programs that COMBAT funds. As they get comfortable, the issues you raise will be dealt with, but only at their discretion . . . Thus, there will be an opportunity for you to voice any programmatic concerns you may have, at some point. We will take whatever time necessary but remember that Dan Tarwater wanted a quicker turnaround. Moreover, it is essential that we provide them with just enough information to tackle the harder issues i.e. programmatic structure, evaluation, publicity, innovation, effectiveness, integration, and changing needs of the population . . . I will forward your concerns to Mike and make sure you are heard. However, please do not conclude anything at this is only the beginning steps. Thanks for your suggestions. Remember you were chosen to offer your views and you will be given an opportunity to do so.....
There are a lot of other issues brought into play by this e-mail . . . Most importantly, the Combat Resource Committee doesn't seem to have much autonomy at all if they're being told when to roll over, play fetch, when to speak and how long they must raise their hand before they're called upon . . . Put simply, if the members of the Resource Committee are going to be put in check they don't seem to be much of a check, balance or even a worthwhile endeavor for anyone taking part.

Secondly, talk to any Latino who works in politics and they'll most likely note that the condescending attitudes from their colleagues are some of the first obstacles they have to overcome. From both white and Black people in power . . . If a Latino wants to take part in the political process they better become accustomed to getting talked down to and ignored. Certainly, other than a few bright spots, I wouldn't count on Latinos getting anything other than the shaft (ew) from County Government in the near future given the attitudes of the current power brokers.


  1. Seems like your problem is with Jim Nunnelly. But that e-mail seems pretty tame, and reasonable. Are you stretching a bit here to find fault with Nunnelly who, by your own odd admission, is black?

  2. Only white people assume that all minorities are always on the same side. The African-American community is notorious for thwarting the progress of Latinos in Kansas City.

  3. All that email does is prove what a reasonable and decent person Jim Nunnelly is. Meanwhile, the Luis in this situation comes off like a baby.

  4. When did they start allowing Mexicans in the County in the first place?

  5. Is this the same Luis Cordova who has spoken out against the U.S. protecting our border and enforcing the immigration laws already on the books.

    The man clearly has no respect for the law of the land or the rules that govern our society. If so called Mexican-Americans don't like the way things are done here in this country and do nothing but complain then maybe it's time to go back to where they came from?

  6. Dude (Tony), you are beginning to come off like a transparent hack with an agenda. You criticise Sanders for a (very tame) e-mail that came from Jim Nunnelly (black) to some hispanic guy, but fail to mention that Nunnelly DOESN'T WORK FOR MIKE SANDERS! What's he got to do with that? What's your deal? Are you becoming the Louis Farakahn of the BLOG world? This race-baiting BS you are engaging in is kinda looking psychotic, or pathetic. Are you OK man?

  7. that's a relevant point, Charles. My experience, especially with 1st generation mexicans (not mexican-americans) is that they generally don't think much of black people.

    Go to any major mexican city, especially Mexico City, and tell me how many blacks you see. Out of the 30 million people in Mex City and surrounds, there are like 5.

  8. WHAT? Tony may not like black people? He may be a not-so-closeted rascist?! WHAT!? Tony is the Pancho Farakhan of KC.

  9. Mainstream that's not true. I am from Mexico City and I have seen a large number of people of all races and ethnicities.

  10. By right, after doing my research, Mr. Cordova to my knowledge has probably done more to protect our laws than anything you have ever done.

    He is a former long-time police officer and has made a career dedicated to keeping our youth away from drugs and violence. What have you done? That's what I thought.

  11. 11:11am. Nunnelly clearly pushes an agenda and anyone that denies the fact that the so called "African American" leaders within Kansas City are purposely not working with Latino leaders, is full of crap.

    Everyone knows that the "leaders" of the african-american community refuse to work with latino leaders because that means less money will be funneled to their political friends; not their community.

    Black issues are Latino issues; but these "leaders" do not give a shit about the black community let alone the latino community. Because of that our communities are currently in bad shape.

  12. Ask yourself this: How many latinos are in office or in governmental positions on a city or county level? How many bilingual employees?

    To my knowledge Mr. Cordova is the only latino let alone bilingual person on any county assigned committee; excluding legislative committees.

    How many bilingual employees currently staff COMBAT or the organizations that fall under COMBAT. How many COMBAT organizations currently serve the Latino community?

    How many latinos or bilingual employees do Claire McCaskill and other elected officials, both county, city and state have on staff?

    Anyone that knows anything about county or local government knows the answer to these questions.

  13. Adding onto the COMBAT organizations topic: What is the difference in funding between COMBAT funded organizations that serve the Latino community

  14. and those that serve the african-american community

  15. The minority communities, geographically and ethnically, of Jackson County receive well over 75% of all discretionary COMBAT funding. Futhermore, minorites ru nthe program. Period. If your logic is that money should be distributed on a per capita basis according to race, then the people that really ought to be bitching is the white community of eastern jackson county that raises almost 2/3 or 66% of the total COMBAT tax collected, but only gets around 20% of the discretionary funding. Hmmmmm. Sounds like you guys have no idea what in the hell you are talking about, and your communitues are getting a HUGE WINDFALL of tax dolars? People need to get over themselves and the convenient culture of victimization that they rationalize their lives with. You are not a victim of "the man keepin' you down." If your life sucks, look in the mirror for the answer.

  16. actually 9:20 im pretty sure that i know what the hell im talking about.

    latinos arent the only ones getting the shaft. Organizations receiving funding from COMBAT that assist the women in this community also are getting the shaft so that more money is funnelled to a certain group of people.

    It's not even a community vs. community thing because guess what? The African-American community sees a small portion of that money because the majority goes to salaries of certain people.

  17. 9:58: You are totally full of shit. Minority based operations are reaping the reward of COMBAT. You are either uninformed, or a liar.


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