In the case of two alleged instances of rape at O'Dowd's in Zona Rosa I think the only thing anyone can say for certain is that liquor was involved. Other than that I never believe anything that people say when they account for their time directly following a night of drinking.
So-called "date rape" is such a tricky subject because I wouldn't want to make fun a victim of a crime but I also believe the term "date rape" is nothing more than feminist propaganda. There is rape and there is consensual sex. It's hard for me to see a middle ground that necessitates the need for another term.
Anyway, for the most part I rarely take claims of date rape seriously because there is almost never any evidence of it. Commit a murder, there's a body. Jump out of the bushes and rape someone, there's DNA. But in the case of date rape there are always two sides of the story that both sound as trite as a made for school special. And don't pull the CSI crap out of your filthy underpants. Vaginal tearing (natch) is standard for any drunken sexcapade you might incur. Bruises? I believe some folks call them love marks. And almost anything short of a black eye might also be interpreted as a really good time. And I'm being generous about the black eye; you'd be amazed what a bedpost can do.
So, rather than speculate any further on what constitutes date rape I'll simply concede to that hot piece of ass Andrea Dworkin and admit that pretty much all heterosexual sex is tantamount to rape . . . But only if the opposition notes that women are probably better off in burkas.