More judges, less diversity and I guess the current level of corruption is fine

This is the funniest news I could find this morning: A local judge is trying to provide some ethical and financial advice to the KC City Council.

You know it, I know it and it's a safe bet that everyone in town knows that there is no way either one of these institutions knows anything about leadership in the areas of finance or ethics.

To wit, the presiding Jackson County Circuit Court judge on Monday said city officials have not provided enough judges or staff for a growing Municipal Court caseload.

The Star quotes Judge J.D. Williamson reminding everyone that the court's budget this year is about $6.5 million, while court fines bring in about $17 million to city coffers. He said money should be available from that additional court revenue to alleviate the staffing problems.

However, his REAL PROBLEM is that the KC Council recently rejected a panel of three finalists for a vacant city judgeship. The finalists were all white and I think that everyone knows that that the only people who complain more than minorities about discrimination are, in fact, white people.
The City Council voted 7-6 this month to reject the panel because it included no racial minorities and to send the matter back to the nominating commission.
Therefore the judge is making a stink and trying to garner more funds, political leverage and clout by making this pronouncement while further embarrassing the uber PC KC Council whose only interest in funds relates to those that are going directly in their pocket.

Meanwhile, mainly po'folk from this town are providing those funds that the council and the judges are so desperate to squander utilize.


  1. One aspect of the rejected all-caucasian panel that hasn't attracted much attention is that one of the panelists was the wife of an appellate judge. Nothing like sucking up to the ones who can reverse you!


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