I'll have a blue X-mas without you

Jerry Agar is leaving Kansas City

There hasn't been a huge dance party among this many Mexicans, homosexuals, Black people, liberals, readers and agnostics since Lou Bega's Mambo Number 5 hit the rave circuit back in 1999.

UPDATE: Alonzo Washington shares his thoughts and experiences about the "local Hannity wannabe."


  1. Alonzo is a punk who hides behind Precious Doe.

  2. A-Dub is nothing but a Jesse Jackson wannabe. Publicity publicity publicity at the expense of what the real situation is. His pitiful cheerleading for the downtrodden black man isn't any better than people like Rush and Agar.

    White folks are losing rights almost every day, but don't get any publicity since they are the 'opressors'.

    It's about time that someone with the thoughtfulness of Bill Cosby steps up in the minority community here and delivers a spanking to the community, rather than a spanking of the monkey.


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