"If you weren't a police officer then you were going to be killed."

We've had a few problems with police brutality in Kansas City, most notably a few years ago a local granny was tasered without as much as an apology in the aftermath BUT THANKFULLY folks in this town have never had to endure anything as bad as the trigger happy NYPD. In a recent post Dallas Penn takes apart a recent shooting and provides some interesting details regarding the story that you won't see on your evening news.
At the end of the evening the gentlemen all decided that they had enjoyed themselves enough without adding any extra curricular activities to the night's festivities. This however was unacceptable to the police who had already begun to tabulate their overtime paychecks and departmental promotions the minute these Black men walked into the club. Unwilling to allow these men to proceed home without arresting at least one of them a male officer harasses and provokes the groom-to-be outside of the establishment. The young man is inebriated, but not enough to accept the apparently homosexual challenge to fight that the officer presents. This is a popular tactic the police are trained to use when they decide that they would like to kill a Black male.
It's a pretty amazing post that you should probably read for yourself and if you think Dallas is overreacting, I'd still venture to guess that he is a bit more controlled than a group of people who would shoot at some guy 41 times for showing his wallet.


  1. it is a pretty good post, and I certainly don't think its overblown at all. People amazingly still seem to wonder why we don't particularly like the police.

    I've read all the accounts of this incident I could find, and once again the police remind everyone black not to trust them.

  2. That isn't what happned, those crazy black guys went to the club spent all night arguing with the off duty cops over why they can't smoke the crack in the club, and why it is ok to refer to all of the women in the club as "their bitches" including the waitstaff, and then when they were man enough to accept the challange of "stepping outside" then and only7 then did they notice that the bouncers were white off duty cops who they shouldn't have acted like animals to all night and they puffed up and started to shout things like "What? What you punk ass crakers gonna do now huh shoot us? Fuck ya'll..bitches!" And they are lucky they didn't get 42 slugs thrown at them....Or there is a chance that these are just three country assed rednecks who are pissed off that their wives all left them for some Mandingo cock?...That is probably more believable than the truth, I mean my story...

  3. What the hell is wrong with people these days? If you smell like a thug, act like a thug, then you're going to be treated like a thug. These cats brought it upon themselves by their BEHAVIOR. I believe that it was a mutli-racial cop force that reacted to these crazy niggers.
    Yeah I said niggers, just like people will talk about idiot whites as red-necks.


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