I haven't regularly watched Inside the NFL since I was in grade school but I decided last night would be a good time to start since rumors were circulating that Larry Johnson would be offered yet another platform for him to make a fool of himself. Certainly, he did not disappoint.
The most banal insight by LJ was his assertion that it was Herman Edward's Blackness and NOT the fact that Priest Holmes had his spine shoved up his ass that led to Johnson's ascendancy. Here's the money quote in a series of softball questions from ex-jock (read: functional illiterate) Cris Carter:
"I think so. I could relate to Herman. I couldn't do that with the other coaches I had because they had not done it. You know, they haven't put those pads or they haven't been in the situation as a young black athlete and know what we had to go through."First of all, I'll let it slide that Johnson's logic overlooks the fact that he ran well enough in college under Joe Paterno (the whitest of white men) to earn a place in the pros. Instead, I'd like to point out that if the softball interview of Johnson was truly supposed to be a tale of a young man overcoming obstacles to achieve success then they might have mentioned that he has seemingly kicked his penchant for beating the shit out of white women in public for the moment.
Thing is, I didn't think that you could play that "It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand" when 90% of your fan base are white people from Johnson County (one of the richest suburbs in the country). I would say that they are, in fact, paying his salary BUT that wouldn't be completely true considering that broke ass and much more brown Jackson County chumps are the people contributing to Johnson's rushing records, touchdowns, instances of domestic violence and his most recent propagation of the notion that Blacks and whites can't work together.
I was amazed and angered by Johnson's comments that a white person is unable to understand how it feels to be a young black athlete and admitting that he did not listen or attempt to be a good player for two years, the fact that Dick V. was white had nothing to do with it, I would not matter who the coach was, it all depended on the health of Priest Holmes. If I were a white player on K.C. I would be demanding an apology before I would open another hole for him to run through. Let the WHITE BOYS miss a block and see how far Johnson can run. Where is the NFL when these type of statements are made by a Black player, I can only imagine what would happen if a White player had made the same racial comments. There have been many GREAT atheletes coach by both white and black and it will continue. I believe it was Joe Paterno who helped Johnson get through college and prepared him for the NFL.