Giving you the business

I've almost always been broke yet I still follow business news . . . Seems that it's been a mixed bag (nullus) for local folks who might have money to buy things:

'Black Friday' brings the green to KC-area retailers
- I'm sure that the Chinese kids forced to do slave labor in order to make the goods that everybody bought yesterday are somewhat proud.

KC-area house sales decrease
- Kansas City house sales fell 3 percent in October from the previous month and 5 percent from the year-earlier month to 2,686. One of two things happened here: Either houses have now become obsolete in lieu of condos OR Neighborhoods in KC have become so neglected that anybody with the kind of cash to move in has thought better of it.


  1. or, some of us are still collecting our down payments, since we are too "rich" to qualify for the kcdreamhome dealy and/or otherwise blew a ton of money during our pre-30s.

    as for those who do qualify for kc dream home program (basically a $20,000 down payment loan one doesn't have to pay back), i guess they either don't really have enough income to handle all the crap a house needs (higher utilities, more taxes, repairs, possibly higher monthly payments, etc.) or they don't want to live, as you kind-of said, in the urban core areas designated dream home zones.

    you have to stay in the house for at least ten years.


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