Today our local newspaper is celebrating all of the cheap looking glass buildings downtown along with the upcoming Sprint Center. I guess I can understand the excitement of this town's fish wrap given that the big investment will no doubt boost their property values as well, but the average KC citizen is getting nothing but tax increases out of this deal given that it's a long shot that the facility will ever host a decent team and there was little minority participation in the construction of the project.
Strangely, the gushing of today's latest Star article failed to note that the paper's own glass house was the victim of a lot of broken windows earlier this year.
Oh, and another thing that the Star failed to celebrate in this glowing article about the Sprint Center . . . Most of the glass for the building was manufactured in China.
When I lived in KC they wanted to build a new stadium for years. Voters kept saying no. So, when the dome stadium became the hippest thing going the City proposed a stadium with a state of the art rolling cover that would roll between the stadiums. Cool, everyone loved and voted for it. Once it passed the City discovered the impractical flaws in the design. So they had to go ahead without the dome. Darn, what a piece of bad luck.