Mark Funkhouser will be on KCUR's Up to Date program this Wednesday. Hear all of his good ideas now that he's finished hiding under his desk for nearly 30 years. Via Heidi.
Planners recommend denial of TIF for City Walk as the suburbs are getting tired of paying people for real estate development let's hope the trend takes hold in the City as well.
Donate a $10 Christmas toy and you'll get a free dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. You fat, generous bastard!.
Children's Mercy Hospital and the family of Jake Clough have reached a settlement in a year-old wrongful death lawsuit. His feeding tube had dislodged from his stomach and emptied into his abdomen.
The Star approves of the KCMO School District planning school consolidation, which is nice considering that most of their kids are educated in JoCo.
To donate the Toys to Krispy Kreme, just take the toy to any of the three Krispy Kreme Locations and they will give you your donuts.