Appleby killed her "in the heat of passion"

In opening statements, this morning, Benjamin Appleby's attorney admits his client killed Leawood teen Ali Kemp four years ago in what has to be the worst defense ever. You might remember (I do) that one of his previous attempts to get off the hook involved blaming nearby Mexican lawn care workers so you'll understand if I'm also a bit "enthusiastic" about whatever guilty sentence the guy gets.


  1. The lawyer sounds like he trying to set Appleby up, but more likely he is laying a basis for an appeal or an ineffecive assistance of counsel claim.

  2. I want to be the one who gets to put the IV in when they toast his ass.

  3. Legal Eagle:

    Are you high?! First, his attorney is named ANGELA, so quit assuming his attorney is a "he." Second, quit talking out your ass -watching Nancy Grace does not make you a lawyer. The defense's is OBVIOUSLY trying to convince the jury that he didn't meet criteria for first degree/capital murder. Ineffective counsel has NOTHING to do with it. (Why would his own attorney claim she is ineffective??!)

    Go back to watching Court TV in your underwear and leave the lawyerin' to those of us who are real attorneys.


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