Hard to believe that so many people are in a fervor over a local vet smacking around a few mutts and yet few people seem to have any idea about the horrific number of civilian causalities in Iraq.
If you've followed this blog for any amount of time at all you know that I don't regard any violence against animals as a crime only a form of overenthusiastic tenderizing. Yet, I know the following line will tug at the heartstrings of some people who never had any human friends as children:
"He punched and he kicked dogs"
Thing is, you can't tell me that it's okay to stalk, hunt, surprise the hell out of and then kill one kind of animal at a record level and that it's somehow inhumane to manhandle a far more mangy, domesticated beast. Deers, dogs, door mice . . . There are all things that can be disposed of without much afterthought. However, I guess disposing of deer is actually good practice for combat and a training of some sort, it's just like killing Iraqis . . . They even have the same kind of horns, I've heard.
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