Actually, the kids are pretty far from all right

Recently, it's been revealed that violent crimes by juveniles on the rise in and around Kansas City.

Unless we're calling this "practice" for locking up Black kids in the future than the following numbers are pretty depressing:
African-American children make up a disproportionate number of Jackson County children in detention, accounting for about 70 percent of those detained when they make up about 30 percent of the population.

This year's increase in violent juvenile crimes follows a similar jump in 2004, when the number reached 332, up from 244. Last year the number fell to 242. This year they are projected to hit 331.

The two leaps are the biggest yearly increases in violent Jackson County juvenile crime in the last decade.
And somehow I'm sure that the answer to this vexing situation is probably more luxury condos given that's the only thing that local elected officials in KC have proven successful in providing.


  1. And here I thought that it all had to do with parenting...

  2. lol @ anonymous. I'm lovin that shit.

    Tony, what's up?!? Man, I love your blog. Glad you are bringing pop culture and critical insights to the table. One.

  3. Sorry for being gone for so long - gawd I missed you sugar.
    (Tony scratches head, wondering wtf?)

    I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. I wanted to say hello to everyone on my blogroll, and wish them well, because this is Thanksgiving weekend, and I am grateful for my Internet friends!


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