Kansas City Playlist: Mayor Q Talks Gun Crackdown Amid Police Defund

Tonight we witness a mixed bag (nullus) or at least a peek at the future. 


Here at TKC we try to stay away from conspiracy talk but the big picture doesn't look good for the plebs who advocate smaller government and liberty. 

In the midst of a lawsuit over police funding . . .  Mayor Q & his predecessor cozy up to officials higher on the law enforcement food chain in hopes of providing public "safety" in the midst of of a historic homicide spike.

Here's the word . . .

"I appreciated the time of our law enforcement partners from DEA, ATF, and the US Marshals Service who discussed the challenges we face from fentanyl in our communities and modified firearms being used in homicides around the country. Cooperation is key to safer communities."

Collabs are great . . . But, sadly, we notice very little partnership on the local level as our leadership places a priority on protecting their fiefdoms. 

Accordingly . . .

Tonight we dedicate our TKC playlist to the last days of American gun ownership.

Every musical episode in United States should start with the phrase: "Play some Skynyrd!!!" And so we oblige with one of our favorites from their catalog.

Another old school classic dedicated to hardware . . . There are some pretty decent hooks in this tune, overshadowed by tough talk & lame gangsta poses . . . Still worth a listen . . . And if you hang around TKC long enough you'll hear us lament that we're "headed up the river with a boat and no paddle" as tribute to wasted youth and 90s MTV programming.

An underrated Brit classic gets right to the point of pop culture fear & loathing . . .

Possibly the best song ever written about a firearm and a great old school clip that we think our fellow music historians will enjoy . . .

Final note . . . A melodramatic tune on gunplay, lost love and old memories . . . Perfect for a Saturday night.

As always, thanks for reading this week and have a safe & fun Saturday night.
