A Kansas City hobo rebellion took place about a week ago and was unreported by any other local media outlet.
The evidence is covered up in police reports but there is info and evidence of a disturbance and a KCFD call to put out tire fires near the West Bottoms & Beardsley Road.
Do your own homework, TKC is just here to tell the story that has been silenced by MSM.
And now . . .
A brief word:
"There were at least a half dozen police cars and a lot of fire trucks down there last weekend. The smoke was pretty substantial and a few people lost their makeshift homes. Clients were frustrated that there was no warning or notice to vacate, just a sweep. They have been occupying the area for years so a lot of them felt a sense of permanence that was quickly stripped away. I think that's something that we need to talk about when authorities clear these areas. There are a lot of inhabitants who have mental health issues and respond negatively when uprooted at a moment's notice. There doesn't seem to be much consideration of that from the public or authorities."
The hills of the West Bottoms have been occupied by homeless camps for years now and a few months ago one of the denizens was murdered by way of a brutal pimp cane stabbing.
The situation is desperate in these secret KCMO villages and so the violence amid a police crack down was inevitable.
Brief aside, before you d-bags even get started nitpicking - This hobo/uprising/aftermath street closure is at the OPPOSITE end of the street where Beardsely road RAMPS are shut down for highway construction. Don't get it twisted, we're sure MSM is going to make up something entertaining but the fact is the hobo fight with police over a sweep is the talk of the town among advocates for this growing population. Go ask them!!!

But I digress . . .
This section of road has been overrun by local hobos and the food trucks that stop by every afternoon to feed them.
These photos were taken a few moments ago and notice that with nearly perfect weather there is not a single bit of construction underway . . . This should negate any "repaving" cover story and spark more questions.

After the minor arson and resistance to police, the road has been shut down and more passive homeless are being offered help at different locations.
For lack of a better term, this swath of land near downtown is serving as a demilitarized zone after the ruckus over hobo camp clearing.
And so, this brings us to the petty bourgeoisie talk of affordable housing currently underway at 12th & Oak.
Quickly . . .
The reality here is that constant City Hall subsidy of luxury living space has inordinately spiked real estate near downtown and given the disenfranchised nowhere to go.
A quick rundown . . .
- Services for the homeless are being driven out of the downtown area due to high rents.
- Surrounding cities are much tougher on hobos than KCMO and there is little access for their needs in nearby communities.
- Shanty towns and illicit living space is growing in popularity among local hobos who have come to KCMO in rising numbers.
To wit . . .
It's not just poetic justice but a testament to the outright greed of local developers and the politicos who enable them that people are fighting to live in shacks just a few blocks from luxury living space supported by taxpayer dollars in a town struggling to come to terms with a rising murder count, busted infrastructure and a myriad of other "big city" problems.
Developing . . .
TKC, the problem was with the food trucks feeding them. That was the enabling factor that keeps them living in shacks. We need to start talking about that rather than trying to defend homeless villages. They are dangerous and illegal. Needed to GO!
ReplyDelete^^^ +100
DeleteAre there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - Scrooge.
DeleteIt's not glamours but it needs to be done. the same thing was happening near the river market and police were finally forced to clear out the camps. it wasn't right to let them live there especially as it got colder, the hazard to the public is greater as well. Cars taking a detour from Beardsely could have hit one of them at night.
DeleteA sad situation to be sure but there are bigger problems than just Three light which cause this situation.
^^ Absolutely agree with 9:23. To blame it on Three light or any of the great developments we are building in KC is unfair and disingenuous.
ReplyDeleteKC needs density and living space with higher incomes as well. The money and jobs they create will help fund greater services and more access for all people in KC.
Blaming developers only serves to create division in our community.
What we need is more people coming forward and helping to build more quality affordable AND high end housing for all of KC to make our city BEST.
^^^ Speaking of mental health issues, I'm really hoping that Sly pays for your therapy.
Deletethe real problem is no affordable housing,back in the 70s there were hundreds of SROs that people lived in. in the 80s and 90s they were tore down and never replaced.
DeleteHow do we go about bringing those back? They must be illegal now, or else there'd be a ton of them.
DeleteDoes the library have more room? Maybe they can extend hours or lay out some cots to keep these "hobos" safe until they can afford a place at Three Light.
ReplyDeleteOh no! Moving the bums out? Oh no? Where's Sly? Oh no! Who the fuck cares? Let's pretend we care. Nobody cares. Clean the city up? Blame it on a lack of affordable housing. Do nothing? Blame the city for not doing anything about it.
ReplyDeleteJust to play devil's advocate here, the problem with the homeless isn't so bad. The fact that more of them are flocking to KC means that we're doing something right and word is getting around. Yeah, they have their share of problems but I agree with one part of the post totally - KC is a big city now and these are big city problems.
ReplyDeleteI'd really like to hear if you're so optimistic about big city life when one of them breaks in your car window or takes a shit on your doorstep!
DeleteBut sLIE and Go4kc said killa shitty didn’t have homeless people any more, wait, what? Just another lie spread by the James gang machine
ReplyDeleteGo4kc we citizens can’t get ahead with all the taxes you take from us to give to the wealthy, god man, we aren’t stupid
ReplyDelete^^^ Absolutely agree with @9:34 the ponzi schemes need to STOP!
ReplyDeleteI agree with 9:26.... Go4KC you are really out there! Developers who get no taxes for 25 yrs. and free infrastructure to charge huge rents is dividing our city and causing poverty! flipping IDIOT!
This explains a lot. I had to take my wife to a class in Westport Thursday thru Sunday. Sunday it looked like the bum train just pulled into town and threw all the bums out. Glad to know that my spidey sense hasn't gone all to hell.
ReplyDelete"Blaming developers only serves to create division in our community.
ReplyDeleteWhat we need is more people coming forward and helping to build more quality affordable AND high end housing for all of KC to make our city BEST."
Chris, we're not blaming developers. We are blaming our city government for giveaways to developers. Three Light is just the latest example--a free parking garage and a 25-year 100% tax abatement. Downtown is now allegedly viable. It's time to put tax incentives where they're needed.
When is KCMO going to start taking care of its citizens, fixing the infrastructure, reducing water bills, get tough on criminals, and start spending the taxpayers money on projects, wastewater system, that needs to be fixed and will help the taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteGiving the money to developers is a no win situation because they and the taxpayers money will be out of KCMO once their project is finished and the taxpayers will be left paying the bill.
If I recall correctly Go4KC posted that he/she was no longer commenting on TKC.
ReplyDeleteEvidently he/she is a closet reader of TKC and back posting.
If Go4KC works for Slie, as some claim, then this was just another lie from city hall and more of the same from city government.
If the food trucks are the problem along Beardsley Road just have the trucks meet the hobos in front of City Hall.
ReplyDeleteReally don't understand the negativity here. We are talking about government working with developers to create jobs, good jobs for people who are highly skilled and want to build our city up. I know that there are underprivileged in Kansas City and that is a sad fact of life that has been a problem for years and years. But now, we are in the middle of a historic time in Kansas City with growth that we have never experienced before. As I said, the new jobs and greater opportunity bring in in Revenue so that we can offer more services to the less fortunate. The economics of having a city with only low income housing simply do not work. We need to make KC attractive for a wide variety of people in order for all of us to succeed together!
ReplyDelete"The economics of having a city with only low income housing simply do not work."
ReplyDeleteHas anyone done, said, or stood near anything that would make you think we want ONLY low income housing?
If you want to know why we're a tad negative about all the tax giveaways (that we're paying for), please read the comment at 10:05.
The city council stymie's development in favor of low income housing. Nearly every (I would say every, but I can't be 100 percent certain) that every policy and piece of legislation set out make this city more affordable has had the opposite effect. See the recent moves they're making to add extra fees to landlords who will in turn pass this along to renters...with low income renters being the hardest hit. This city deserves less tax revenue, if anything because it is enabling a worse place for lower middle class to live. Tax breaks for new condos will have a much higher return than policies set to create a more affordable city for lower incomes because always produce the opposite affect. This is basic economics and has been seen to play out in cities with even more extreme policies, such as rent controlled apartments, have the highest rents in the country and the lowest inventory. What sounds like it works, rarely does but it sounds good so politicians can peddle it to voters and keep getting elected while perpetuating a cycle that sets everyone at a disadvantage.
ReplyDeleteMillions of dollars of profit for Baltimore Cordish is a poor priority for the taxpayers of Killa City.
ReplyDeleteThey were cleared out and transported to the closest Starbucks where they are welcome to spend the day.
ReplyDeletePut a Starbucks in the area they let ya hang for nothing.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the mainstream media did not cover this incident and Go4KC blowing mayor Slie’s horn speaks volumes. Is it possible that Slie does not want the hobos near the downtown loop as they will ruin the image of KCMO that Slie is trying to promote?
ReplyDeleteIs the Slie team handing out tax dollars to developers to try and create some pipe dream of his that will ultimately fail?
Taxpayers are getting it from every side like the new $1 cell phone tax to pay for the failed 911 system. Sure everybody believes that promise.
City government is demanding taxpayers bend over and spread them. Only this time they will use Vaseline with sand in it so it will not hurt so much.
When will Slie start getting as tough on crime as he did the hobos?
They do not build little houses or lower rent apartments, everyone must be rich!
ReplyDeleteLees summit section 8?
ReplyDeleteGo4kc said- “Really don't understand the negativity here.” yes, you clearly don’t understand that we are tired of paying for foo foo projects that don’t do anything for the citizens, your temporary employment for building this crap is exactly that, temporary.
ReplyDelete“But now, we are in the middle of a historic time in Kansas City with growth that we have never experienced before.” yes sir, we are in the middle of historic murders and tax giveaways if that’s what you mean, wake the hell up man, your supposed to be doing what we want not what sLIE’s burns and McDonald and mike Burke want.
The James gang! I like it, Pendergast looks like an angel compared to this group
ReplyDeleteGo4KC said,
ReplyDeleteWhat we need is more people coming forward and helping to build more quality affordable AND high end housing for all of KC to make our city BEST.
The city had that once and they let the thugs destroy it. If the build it again history will repeat itself no doubt.
Load them on Busses, drive them to Jefferson City, Make them get out in front of the Capitol, drive away.
ReplyDeleteI've got the solution. 3 Light gets the tax break they want, they set aside 10% of the units for indigent living spaces!!! Everyone wins, amiright?
ReplyDelete"quality affordable"
ReplyDelete3:37 guess you missed that part of the statement Dave was commenting on? KC has built housing in the past and yes it was torn up by those who lived there. Remember those high rises built for low income back in mid sixties I think it was. Well maybe you're so young and dumb you know nothing of them. Go4Kc is is nothing but a mouthpiece for Sly James. By the way is James your Daddy and that is why you hate Dave because he points out your Daddy's failings?
^^^^ HI Dave! Just like clockwork! You get insulted one one of your idiotic posts, and you come back anonymously to defend said idiotic post. You’re such a sad, pathetic, predictable moron
DeleteGo4Kc is Sly's gofer.
ReplyDeleteUse to be an old hobo many years ago hung around the Merriam area. Nobody knew for sure where he slept but he would do odd minor labor jobs for people then around Nov something like that he'd always get picked up a drunk in public charge or some minor thing and be taken out to the jail where he would spend the winter staying warm and fed. Local cops knew the gig and just went along with it. They called him Chief and he had a bad foot he always claimed was from a injury hopping a train once. Seemed like anytime you drove along Merriam Lane somewhere along the way you had a good chance of seeing him limping along. Then one day he was gone. He just disappeared forever.
ReplyDeleteBottom line is he liked how he lived and had no desire to ever live any other way. He was offered many a time work and could have afforded a room in one of several rooming houses around the area at the time but he didn't want that. These people some of them like that lifestyle and by running them out of camps they will just relocate out to another spot and set up camp again I'm willing to bet.
Hobos have been around in this town for over a 100 years and probably will still be around still a 100 years from now.
Yeah we've heard of him. He's your dad.
ReplyDelete^^Ha! That’s funny! It’s funny cause it’s true! LOL!
DeleteI spoke with a homeless man one time. I asked the man why he was homeless. He man advised me that if he wanted to be in Texas or California tommorrow he’d jump a train and ride on down. The man advised me he liked having no responsibility and being free to roam. The man also said that he would go to any city and eat at the mission. A mans free so far to go anywhere or do anything. This is only one man speaking for himself. I mostly stopped giving money at traffic lights. The organized professional places such as Catholic Charities or the City Union Mission are great places to donate money for the homeless help. Mental illness is a big factor in homelessness but so is bad luck, substance abuse, and underemployment. Every story is unique and special to a person out there in a dangerous world. I think and believe the greatest rule is to love your fellow human being and to do no harm, but self- defense is always an option quickly when all else has failed.
ReplyDeleteI propose a "Hobos for Homos" direct replacementr program where every LBGT is deported to Komodo Island and a Hobo is awarded with its possessions and place in society. At least the hobo would select the correct bathroom to sleep in.
ReplyDelete^^^^^Yes! And I propose mandatory euthanasia for anyone over 60. They serve no purpose after that age, they think they’re funny but they’re not!
ReplyDeleteWTF you talking about 6:33, prove what you say is true.
ReplyDeleteWhat I thought 6:33 you spineless pussy.
ReplyDeleteMark McDougald former firstrust mortgage ceo alleged scammer and several female employees audra Chandler mcmahon Samantha Acheson and tamera beggs aka tammy beggs where allegedly involved in setting up bogus fake mortgage loans and paperwork to sell to bigger banks and mortgage companies under mcdougalds direction .Mark Mcdougald allegedly ran mortgage fraud ring and ran proffessional title from same leawood ks office. This allegedly allowed fraud to go undetected. Lies would be told to borrowers that firstrust mortgage would provide financing for mortgage loans and stating loan is in underwriting. Unsuspecting borrowers provided info to get a loan and then loan would stall employees would lie that it was in underwriting alegedly. Thus allowing multiple loans on a single family home to be processed and money paid to mcdougalds company in fraudulent mortgage schemes allegedly. Allegedly Mark McDougald would have employees lie to borrowers and make up reason for not financing loan all the while allegedly cashing in on millions of dollars after firstrust mortgage received loan proceeds from larger banks thru sham coorespondent lending program... multiple loan applications with different dates and bogus good faith estimates on homes. allegedly ks and mo.recorder of deeds shows hardley any loans under firstrust mortgage. With the exception of his own home loans. Allegedly Mark and his mother patty s. were partners in business. After money was paid from bigger banks firstrust mortgage would ditch some borrowers leaving them in limbo after using their financial info to secure money loans that only benefited the alleged scammers. Tammy Beggs would allegedly hit up va loan portal input info fully aware borrowers would receive no financing from firstrust mortgage. Allegedly Thus a scheme to make loan more attractive to bigger banks. Firstrust mortgage has allegedly changed names and allegedly could be doing the same things. Baby voiced soft speaking Female employees such as loan officer audra chandler mcmahon is still doing loans. Treacherous as hell. Some folks will do anything for $$$
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit?