Groundbreaking, beloved and controversial hip-hop entertainer Talib Kweli recently canceled his upcoming show in Westport amid intense political culture war debate.
To wit . . .
The controversy started with a musical beef . . . Norwegian black metal vets TAAKE recently announced a North American tour that also included the Riot Room. Antifa forces across the nation and in Kansas City quickly challenged venues and performers to cancel any shows even remotely connected with the metal group that has consistently denied racism yet still performs songs with lyrics that many describe as vehemently anti-Muslim.
The allegations of Nazism primarily arise from the band’s one continuous member, Hoest, performing with a swastika painted on his chest in 2007.

Via social media, the Riot Room was hounded on the topic of the TAAKE show and thanks to TKC TIPSTERS here's a money quote that seems to typify the objections to the group.
"If you don't draw the line right at Nazis, you are what is commonly known as a f*cking apologist piece of shit. Be like Talib. Tell the Riot Room in kc "do not allow Taake to play there!" The last thing Midtown needs is for the Riot Room to be drawing Nazis into the area to attack women, lgbt, and black and brown people..."
Note: The Kansas City ANTIFA protest against the Riot Room is just ramping up with an upcoming phone bank campaign and increased pressure on upcoming acts.
Amid disappointment from fans upon news of the rap concert cancellation, Talib Kweli attempted to put the KC controversy in perspective via Twitter . . .

But the story doesn't end here . . .
The bigger picture is that crowd control in Westport has been a divisive topic as City Hall recently moved to help bar owners privatize streets.
Moreover . . .
This weekend an underground hip-hop show in Kansas City, Kansas was the scene of 8 people shot and one homicide.
For the past few years . . .
Westport biz community leadership has openly argued against hip-hop/rap while connecting the music and its fans with increasing entertainment district violence.
There's no word yet if the TAAKE Riot Room show will continue but the loss of a far more important and popular act like Talib Kweli has already disappointed music fans across the metro and once again offers a view of Westport as Kansas City's oldest party place that still struggles to safely entertain diverse crowds.
Developing . . .
Westport is a dead zone for entertainment nowadays. The hipster restaurants were supposed to save it but they really just chased all the more interesting people away.
ReplyDeleteNow it looks like most of the patrons are just scared.
Not even country music works in Westport. It's best as a meat market with lame as EDM for those who aren't fatties/foodies.
DeleteWouldn't blame both of the bands for canceling. KC is a far too fickle marketplace. Westport's days as a music venue are done.
DeleteThe Hurricane would've known how to tell EVERYONE to go to Hell and would've been a lot smarter with their bookings.
DeleteReality, the hippty hoppy shows attract a better class of women of the night. The kind of young lady who would got to a taake show is either a dude or has very low self esteem.
ReplyDeleteGosh, this is such a shame. A national treasure like Talib Kweli isn’t coming. Who the hell is Talib Kweli?
ReplyDeleteA question here, when was the last time you heard of a claiming to be Nazi raping and killing anyone?
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time you heard of a black person raping and killing someone?
Just what I thought, I rest my case!
^^^^You rest nothing, not even that flapping mouth of yours. I'm sorry you don't have any friends or family to talk to, but don't bother us with this drivel.
ReplyDeleteMuslims are dangerous.
ReplyDeleteThe former President, Barry Obama and his wife, just had Kehinde Wiley, paint the official Presidential Portrait.
ReplyDelete"In a 2012 piece on Wiley in New York Magazine, the very first paragraph described a painting in his studio that "stands out: a tall, elegant black woman in a long blue dress – the canvas is enormous, eight feet by ten feet – calmly staring down the viewer. In one hand, she holds a knife. In the other, a cleanly severed brunette female head. 'It's sort of a play on the "kill whitey" thing,' Wiley says."
Here is a picture of Barry Obama with his good friend, Louis Farrkhan, who prays every day in public for the deaths of all white people.
Meanwhile, every rap group on earth, spews hate and venom towards whites 24/7-365, but we are all supposed to be outraged about TAAKE?
Go fuck yourself antifa and all those willing, Progressive Democrats who encourage hate for whites and insist that the victims of Black violence drown themselves in White Guilt as opposed to seeking to cauterize their wounds in the fires of fuckin retribution.
We are all dead, in black on white hate crimes that no media outlet will talk about, even here in the city, where we were murdered at the behest and encouragement of the Main Stream Media, Hollywood, the 4th estate and the treasonous, lying filth that populated Washington DC in the last administration.
Turn it up!
As usual, "Antifa" has it backwards. Nazis wanted to kill Jews, not kill Muslims. For that very reason, many mideast Muslim nations admired the Nazis and structured their political instutions in imitation (Saddam's Baathists for example).
ReplyDeleteThe Nazis were socialists, not fascists. Mussolini was a fascist; Hitler was not.
Antifa is really Profa.
ReplyDelete10:45 You seem to be on here, does that mean you don't have any friends to listen to your drivel? 10:42 has an excellent point!
Antifa is a group who says they are anti fascists, but they fight FOR what they are AGAINST! HILARIOUS! They are the fascists ones. They want everyone to believe exactly the way the do!
Who hangs with fiends at 10:45 in the morning?
ReplyDelete11:20 Big Ups!! My Nubian Brutha!
ReplyDeleteJust got off of the phone with Barack and Michelle. Barack appreciates your ability to get off of message, attack the messenger and toss out Red Herrings for the lemmings. Michelle probably feels the same way, but Gayle King was sitting on her face and I couldn't make out what she was saying.
Come see me sometime in Chicago, where Gun Control Laws are keeping us safe and would work even better, if fewer white people had guns and you can hang off of my balls while I shit into my diapers.
Who’s Antifa! Even my spell check keeps changing it!
ReplyDeleteI can read comments without any help from 11:20.
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself.
No hip hop event should ever be cancelled. It’s a great opportunity for hood rats to shoot and kill other hood rats
ReplyDeleteExcellent point
DeleteWhite Germicide needs his Geritol
ReplyDelete11:20 is Geezer Hater/coprophilia boy/grunting diaper filler that's stepped up to a bit more of a jerk Joe Biden's:"mainstream African-American...who is... articulate...bright...clean".
ReplyDeleteJoe's ignorant. Why does he, and so many, say Barry is African American, when his THOROUGHLY DOCUMENTED and TOTALLY AUTHENTICATED birth certificate(s) prove he is MULATTO?!
ReplyDelete^^Mulatto is the very definition of African American.
ReplyDeleteI don't read Chuck's drivel.
Wrong, Gropey Gramps Biden!
DeleteIf TAAKE is singing anti-muslim songs, then even more power to them and I support them 100%. The filth that is invading western Europe will bring about the downfall of civilization as we know it. They have every right to be heard. Glad to hear that Norway has patriots fighting against the disease known as Islam. Savage inbred goatfukkers, all of them.
ReplyDelete1:03PM is a Russian bot. Do not engage.
ReplyDeleteLiar. You're buttboi B'lie'RON the racist "I will believe only an ALL black jury" WV hillbilly!
Delete^1:30 gets paid 5 cents per post from Soros
ReplyDeleteDaddy George wants to talk to you
ReplyDeleteI am яussian bot.
ReplyDeleteMan say "The last thing Midtown needs is for the Riot Room to be drawing Nazis into the area to attack women, lgbt, and black and brown people..." but man wrong, it first thing Mid Town need.
Trump great #maga
Trump great #maga
10:42 does bring up a good point.
ReplyDelete10:45 As seems to appear frequently hates those who ask and make good points likely because they are too stupid to have any original thoughts of their own.
^^You seem to make ZERO points. Are you old or retarded? But if you are retarded, would you even know you were>>>>?
ReplyDelete"My real mother was a Jew"--Nikolas Cruz. Dylon Klebold, Jared Lee Loughner, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Elliot Rodgers, (and we mustn't leave out the ladies, that would be sexist !) Amy fisher, and Amy Bishop--all Jews. Jews aren't White, Jews are Jews--ask a Rabbi. Fuck Antifa. Fuck anti-White communists !
ReplyDeletecall me a geezer but this all seems degenerate.
ReplyDelete"The last thing Midtown needs is for the Riot Room to be drawing Nazis into the area to attack women, lgbt, and black and brown people..."
ReplyDeleteThat's the first thing it needs.
Biden would have in 2016 but he was afraid to run.
ReplyDeleteHis no-drama, experienced approach would have been tje perfect antidote to the Trumpster.
He might not be afraid to run in 2020, but he may be perceived as over-the-hill. If he's alert, he'd still have a good chance.
Actually we do need way more Nazis in Kansas City. Set them loose in the hood.
ReplyDeletePlease let it be biden to run for president! that guarantees the Republicans a win!!!
ReplyDeleteLet me sit back and pour myself a big ole cup of who gives a fuck.
ReplyDeleteI've heard of this guy -- he used to play cornerback for the Jayhawks
Sorry, that was a different loser
DeleteAnifa is another word for Pinkos.
ReplyDeleteRap shows should be held at an east side location closer to the participants.
4:28 I have to agree with you on that on.
ReplyDeleteANTIFA is just as bad as Neo-Nazis.
ReplyDeleteSame stupid sheep-like follower mindset.
ANTIFA = Anti First Amendment
Meanwhile, in Maputo, Mozambique, a 50 ft. high pile of garbage has collapsed killing 17 "people".More Nazis, fewer Blacks = a better KCMO. #WakandaIsntReal
ReplyDeleteReally disappointed that Riot Room would host Nazis. They deserve to be shut down.
ReplyDeleteOf course the Riot Room did not book Nazis, only the uneducated and uninformed would actually believe that, although Communists would pretend to.
ReplyDeleteThey need to cancel TAAKE. End of story! Not worth the risk.
Delete^^your pussyhat shows thru the internet
DeleteWe promise you a Viking Funeral.
ReplyDeleteRiot Room Mgt is not a neutral party in this debate. Riots Room hikes prices on drinks when they book national Hip Hop acts. Riot Room fb page openly drops N Word so if there's a question that Mgt is racist then public opinion is YES! Now the hip hop community outside the metro area knows what's going on at Westport.
ReplyDeleteIt's called the Riot Room for a reason !!!
ReplyDeleteTAAK does not endorse Nazism. At least since 2007 when they were ran out of Germany after performing with swastika on his chest.
ReplyDelete"Riots Room hikes prices on drinks when they book national Hip Hop acts. "
ReplyDeleteThey do that for a lot of national acts - hippity hop or not.
The majority of people at Riot Room hip hop shows are white males.
A Nazi emblem is just like a safety pin in the nose or purple hair. Hey look at me !!!